Date: 8th,9th,10th of October 17.30-19.45
Price: 300 EUR (for KSU students and alumni 150 EUR)
Duration: 9 academic hours
Place: Dariaus ir Girėno g. 21, Vilnius
Lecturer: Dr. Konstantinos Kalligiannis
Organizator: Kazimiero Simonavičiaus universitetas
Certificates: After successfully finishing courses participants will receive KSU and K.K. Aviation company‘s certificates

Purpose – to give a comprehensive and holistic overview about all essential areas of an airport by focusing on the airport’s key elements, functions, business and legal frameworks. Courses participants will obtain a wider picture about the interrelationships between the key stakeholders involved in making air transport an efficient, secure and safe form of transportation.  The courses gives an in-depth overview of the fundamental elements of airport system and infrastructure, operations and management.  Moreover, it presents the social and economic impacts of an airport and the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility at modern airports.

Main topics:

– Social and Economic Impact of Airports;

– The Airport System;

– Competition and Cooperation between Airports;

– Airport Airline Relationship;

– International Aviation Organizations (ICAO, IATA, ACI, EASA, FAA);

– User Requirements for the different Airport Sub areas (Airspace, Airfield, Terminals, Landside);

– Airport Revenues & Cost Structures;

– Airport Ownership Patterns;

– Airport privatization & Managing airport privatization (Tender Documentation, Concession Agreements);

– Trends, prospects, opportunities, limitations and challenges for the industry;

– Core industry principles: safety, security, efficiency, customer orientation;

– Corporate Social responsibility;

– Sustainability and Growth;

-Current and Future Human Resource Needs (Skills & Capabilities);

– Future of Airport Industry

Target group: Airport workers, personnel working in aviation industry

Results of the courses:

– Contemporary airport economic and managerial knowledge, which is closely related to the practical issues of airport business;

– Knowledge for critical evaluation of the airport opportunities and the limits of the management theories application in the airport industry;

– Knowledge on specific airport features of the management process in a cross-cultural and global aviation environment;

– Knowledge on the key concepts of talent management and techniques of stimulating and developing the human capital as it is necessary in a modern airport and/or aviation organization;

– The ability to realize Corporate Social Responsibility model in aviation industry organizations.

Dr. Konstantinos Kalligiannis

has a strong aviation focused background both in terms of his academic qualifications (both Master’s & PhD degrees specialized in aviation) as well as in terms of his professional career (international aviation consulting) as well as in academia (teaching aviation courses in several countries) and in providing airport professional training courses for several leading international airports.

In terms of his Academic Qualifications, Konstantinos holds a PhD in Airline Branding from Cranfield University, an MSc in Airport Planning and Management from Loughborough University, an MSc in Air Transport from Cranfield University and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Luton University

In terms of his Airport Professional Training Career, Konstantinos is providing a wide range of airport training courses for Abu Dhabi International Airport’s Gulf Center for Aviation Studies.


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