Main research field(s) / Pagrindinė (-s) mokslo kryptis (-ys)

Managment. Aviation.

Research output / Mokslo produkcija

Journal Articles / Straipsniai žurnaluose

  1. Gratton, G.B., Williams, P.D., Padhra, A. and Rapsomanikis, S. (2022), ‘Reviewing the impacts of climate change on air transport operations’, The Aeronautical Journal, 126 (1295), 209-221.
  2. G Gratton, G., Padhra, A., Rapsomanikis, S. and Williams, P.D. (2020) ‘The impacts of climate change on Greek airports’, Climatic Change, 160(2), 219-231.
  3. Padhra, A. (2018) ‘Emissions from auxiliary power units and ground power units during intraday aircraft turnarounds at European airports’, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 63, 433-444.
  4. Wood, C.R., Lacser, A., Barlow, J.F., Padhra, A. et al. (2010) ‘Turbulent flow at 190 m height above London during 2006–2008: a climatology and the applicability of similarity theory’, Boundary-Layer Meteorology,137(1), 77-96.

Book Chapters / Knygų skyriai

  1. Challenges and Opportunities for Aviation Stakeholders in a Post-Pandemic World (2023) Book Chapter 5, Anil Padhra, Salim Kurnaz. Aviation and Climate Change: Becoming a Climate-Neutral Industry (pages 84-108). DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6835-7
  2. Padhra, A. (2022), ‘Tourism in India and the Impact of Weather and Climate’, Indian Tourism: Diaspora
    Perspectives, Emerald Publishing, ISBN: 9781802629385.

Reports / Ataskaitos

  1. Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (2020), ‘Outcomes of the 2020 Survey on the Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Aviation’, UN World Meteorological Organisation, Geneva, pp46

Presentations at the conferences / Konferencijose skaityti pranešimai

  1. Technical Committee Member – 4 th International Aviation Management Conference 2022, Dubai, UA

Membership in editorial boards of scientific journals  / Narystės mokslinių žurnalų redakcinėse kolegijose

Journal Roles
Reviewer for the following journals:

  1. Aerospace (MDPI)
  2. Sustainability (MDPI)
  3. The Aeronautical Journal (Royal Aeronautical Society/Cambridge University Press)
  4. Environmental Research Letters (IOP – Institute of Physics)
  5.  Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer

Science populiarisation activities / Mokslo populiarinimo veikla

Teaching and research expertise are in Aviation Operations, Air Transport Economics, Aircraft Performance and the Environment.