Magistrantūros programos studenčių įspūdžiais po Erasmus+ praktikos Kipre

Oleksandra Puzanova ir Elvina Podolian

European Union Law

2021 m. Kipras (Erasmus+ praktika)

„We’ve never been to Erasmus+ Traineeship Programme before, and prior to arrival we didn’t know what to expect.

But once we got there, we understood that it truly will be a great journey. We found people at the office super friendly and helpful. In addition to that, the various practices and trainings organised by our department provided great opportunities for us to know everything about lawer’s career. We have made some really close friends there, with whom we keep in contact till now.

We also had an opportunity to discover culture and people – it was so precious, opened our eyes and made us respect and understand things from different perspectives.”
