Main research field(s) / Pagrindinė (-s) mokslo kryptis (-ys)

Futures studies, foresight research, innovation management, energy economics, energy policy, climate change, management, security policy research, planning sciences, digital futures, cyber-security, disruptive business models, VUCA foresight tools, change management tools, Big Data foresight analysis, Integrated data lake analyses.

Research output / Mokslo produkcija

  1. Corporate knowledge management, foresight tools,primary economically affecting disruptive technologies, corporate technological foresight challenges 2008–2016, and the most important technology trends for year 2017. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Lauraeus, Theresa. ISBN: 9783319626970 ; eISBN: 9783319626987 ; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62698-7_21. Knowledge Management in Organizations. 12th International Conference, KMO 2017, Beijing, China, August 21-24, 2017, Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS). Springer : Cham, 2017. 731, p. 239-253.
  2. A Critical Reassessment: The European Cloud University Platform and New Challenges of the Quartet Helix Collaboration in the European University System. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Stenvall, Jari. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISSN: 1822-8402 ; eISSN: 2335-8831 ; DOI: 10.5755/j01.eis.0.16.31353. European Integration Studies. Kaunas University of Technology. 2022, 16, p. 9-23.
  3. Open coopetition: when multiple players and rivals team up. Roth, Stefan ; Leydesdorff, Loet ; Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Sales, Augusto. ISSN: 0275-6668 ; DOI: 10.1108/JBS-11-2018-0192. Journal of Business Strategy. Emerald Publishing Limited. 2019, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print, p. 1-8.
  4. Identifying entrepreneurial discovery processes with weak and strong technology signals: a text mining approach. Bzhalava, Levan ; Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Hassan, Sohaib S. DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.14499.1. Open Research Europe 2022. 2022, 2:26, p. 1-11.
  5. Multiplying the Division of Labour: Functional Differentiation of the Next Key Variables in Management Research. Roth, Steffen ; Sales, Augusto ; Kaivo-Oja, Jari. eISSN: 1099-1743. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2017, 34, 2, p. 195-207.
  6. Futures of Robotics. Human Work in Digital Transformation. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Roth, Steffen ; Westerlund, Leo. ISSN: 0267-5730 ; eISSN: 1741-5276 ; DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2017.083074. International journal of technology management. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. 2017, 73, 4, p. 176-205.
  7. Data-based Startup Profile Analysis in the European Smart Specialization Strategy: A Text Mining Approach. Bzhalava, Levan ; Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Hassan, Sohaib S. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISSN: 1822-8402 ; eISSN: 2335-8831 ; DOI: 10.5755/j01.eis.0.12.21869. European Integration Studies. Kaunas : Kaunas University of Technology. 2018, 12, p. 118-128.
  8. Enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 and their global forerunners: An empirical study of the Web of Science database. Knudsen, Mikkel Stein ; Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Lauraeus, Theresa. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISBN: 9783030214500 ; eISBN: 9783030214517 ; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-21451-7_1. KMO2019 Conference. July 15-18, 2019 KMO 2019, 14th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organisations. Theme: The synergistic role of knowledge management in organisations, University of Salamanca, Zamora, Spain. Zamora, Spain : Springer Science, 2019. p. 3-13.
  9. Smart Specialization Strategy and its Operationalization in the Regional Policy: Case Finland. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Vähäsantanen, Saku ; Haukioja, Teemu ; Karppinen, Ari. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISSN: 2029-7491 ; eISSN: 2029-6169 ; DOI: 10.3846/bme.2017.362. Business, management and education. Vilnius : Technika. 2017, 15, 1, p. 28-41.
  10. Proliferation of Digital Twins: Towards new horizons of Digital Twin-technology. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Stein Knudsen, Mikkel ; Lauraeus, Theresa. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISBN: 9786050312492. Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems. Sakarya University, 2019. p. 464-473.
  11. Picking the ICT technology winners – longitudinal analysis of 21st century technologies based on the Gartner hype cycle 2008–2017: trends, tendencies, and weak signals. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Lauraéus, Theresa ; Stein Knudsen, Mikkel. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. eISSN: 1741-9212 ; DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2020.113065.  International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology. Ženeva. 2020, 15, 3, p. 216-264.
  12. Future Avenues of Digital Transformation: Next Steps? Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Knudsen, Mikkel Stein ; Lauraéus, Theresa. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISBN: 9781032137414 ; eISBN: 9781003230854 ; DOI: 10.4324/9781003230854. Public Innovation and Digital Transformation. Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group., 2022. 7, 1, p. 165-184.
  13. Higher Education Tuition Fee Systems In The Oecd Framework And The Comparative Analysis Of Key Economic Trends. Haukioja, Teemu ; Karppinen, Ari ; Kaivo-oja, Jari. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISBN: 9789984242422. EMERGING TRENDS IN ECONOMICS, CULTURE AND HUMANITIES (etECH2021). Riga, 2021. p. 39-40.
  14. Covid -19 Pandemic Data And Social Inclusion Policy In The European Union: Critical Trade-Offs And Trends. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Aho, Samuli ; Lauraéus, Theresa. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISBN: 9789984242422. EMERGING TRENDS IN ECONOMICS, CULTURE AND HUMANITIES (etECH2021). Riga, 2021. p. 58-59.
  15. Harnessing big data for a multifunctional theory of the firm. Roth, Steffen ; Schwede, Peter ; Valentinov, Vladislav ; Pérez-Valls, Miguel ; Kaivo-oja, Jari. ISSN: 0263-2373 ; DOI: 10.1016/j.emj.2019.07.004. European Management Journal. Glasgow : Elsevier. 2019, 38, 1, p. 54-61.
  16. Digital Twins approach and future knowledge management challenges: Where we shall need system integration, synergy analyses and synergy measurements? Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Kuusi, Osmo ; Knudsen, Mikkel Stein ; Lauraeus, Theresa. ISBN: 9783030214500 ; eISBN: 9783030214517 ; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-21451-7_23. KMO2019 Conference. July 15-18, 2019 KMO 2019, 14th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organisations. Theme: The synergistic role of knowledge management in organisations, University of Salamanca, Zamora, Spain. Zamora, Spain : Springer, Cham, 2019. p. 271-281.
  17. Was that capitalism? A future-oriented big data analysis of the English language area in the 19th and 20th century. Roth, Stefan ; Valentinov, Vladislav ; Augustinaitis, Arūnas ; Mkrtichyan, Artur ; Kaivo-oja, Jari. ISSN: 0016-3287 ; eISSN: 1873-6378 ; DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2017.12.009. Futures. Elsevier. 2018, 98, p. 41-48.
  18. Big data insights into social macro trends (1800–2000): A replication study. Roth, Steffen ; Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Schwede, Peter ; Valentinov, Vladislav ; Žažar, Krešimir. ISSN: 0040-1625 ; eISSN: 1873-5509 ; DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119759. Technological forecasting and social change. : Elsevier Inc. 2019, 149, 119759, p. 1-8.
  19. Future Knowledge Management Challenges: Digital Twins Approach and Synergy Measurements. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Stein Knudsen, Mikkel ; Lauraeus, Theresa ; Kuusi, Osmo. ISSN: 2328-2185 ; DOI: 10.17265/2328-2185/2020.02.001. Management Studies. David Publishing Company. 2020, 8, 2, p. 99-109.
  20. Google Big Data Trend Index Analysis of Industry 4.0 Technologies: Technology and Key Concept Trends of Global Landscape in 2004–2021 : 16th International Conference, KMO 2022, Hagen, Germany, July 11–14, 2022, Proceedings. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Lauraëus, Theresa ; Knudsen, Mikkel Stein ; Santonen, Teemu. ISBN: 9783031079191 ; eISBN: 9783031079207 ; ISSN: 1865-0929 ; eISSN: 1865-0937 ; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-07920-7. Communications in Computer and Information Science: Knowledge Management in Organisations – 16th International Conference, KMO 2022, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2022. 1593 CCIS, p. 193-206.
  21. Market Structure Analysis with Herfindahl-Hirchman Index and Lauraéus-Kaivo-Oja Indices in the Global Cobotics Markets. Lauraéus, Theresa ; Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Knudsen, Mikkel S. ; Kuokkanen, Kimmo. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. eISSN: 2256-0173 ; DOI: 10.2478/jec-2021-0006. Economics and Culture. Walter de Gruyter GmbH. 2021, 18, 1, p. 70-81.
  22. Mapping the Wave of Industry Digitalization by Co-Word Analysis: An Exploration of Four Disruptive Industries. Bzhalava, Levan ; Hassan, Sohaib S. ; Kaivo-Oja, Jari ; Köping Olsson, Bengt ; Imran, Javed. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISSN: 0219-8770 ; eISSN: 1793-6950 ; DOI: 10.1142/S0219877022500018. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. World Scientific Pub Co Pte Ltd. 2022, 19, 02, ARTN 2250001, p. 899-919.
  23. Evaluation of the implementation of smart specialisation strategy in Lithuanian industry. Augustinaitis, Arūnas ; Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Lauraeus, Theresa ; Kiškienė, Austė ; Bzhalava, Levan ; Roth, Steffen. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISSN: 1611-1699 ; eISSN: 2029-4433 ; DOI: 10.3846/jbem.2022.18295. Journal of Business Economics and Management. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 2022, 23, 6, p. 1299-1314.
  24. Market Structure In The Field Of Global Cobotics Markets And Business: Herfindahl-Hirchman Index And Lauraeus-Kaivo-Oja Index For Novel Industrial Market Analysis. Lauraéus, Theresa ; Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Stein Knudsen, Mikkel ; Kuokkanen, Kimmo. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISBN: 9789984242422. EMERGING TRENDS IN ECONOMICS, CULTURE AND HUMANITIES (etECH2021). Riga, 2021. p. 55-56.
  25. Trends Forecast Of Market Structures In The Field Of Global Cobotics Markets And Business: Novel Forecast Trend Data Analytics With Various Data Sources. Lauraéus, Theresa ; Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Stein Knudsen, Mikkel ; Kuokkanen, Kimmo. Laisvai prieinamas internete / Open access. ISBN: 9789984242422. EMERGING TRENDS IN ECONOMICS, CULTURE AND HUMANITIES (etECH2021). Riga, 2021. p. 57-58.
  26. Futures of a Distributed Memory. A Global Brain Wave Measurement (1800-2000). Roth, Steffen ; Carlton, Clark ; Trofimov, Nikolay ; Mkrtchyan, Artur ; Heidingsfelder, Markus ; Appignanesi, Laura ; Perez Valls, Miguel ; Kaivo-Oja, Jari ; Berkel, Jan. ISSN: 0040-1625 ; eISSN: 1873-5509. Technological forecasting and social change. Elsevier. 2017, 118, May, p. 307-323.

Presentations at the conferences / Konferencijose skaityti pranešimai

  1. Google Big Data Trend Index Analysis of Industry 4.0 Technologies: Technology and Key Concept Trends of Global Landscape in 2004–2021 : 16th International Conference, KMO 2022, Hagen, Germany, July 11–14, 2022. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Lauraëus, Theresa ; Knudsen, Mikkel Stein ; Santonen, Teemu.
  2. Market Structure In The Field Of Global Cobotics Markets And Business: Herfindahl-Hirchman Index And Lauraeus-Kaivo-Oja Index For Novel Industrial Market Analysis. Lauraéus, Theresa ; Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Stein Knudsen, Mikkel ; Kuokkanen, Kimmo. EMERGING TRENDS IN ECONOMICS, CULTURE AND HUMANITIES (etECH2021). Riga, 2021.
  3. Covid -19 Pandemic Data And Social Inclusion Policy In The European Union: Critical Trade-Offs And Trends. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Aho, Samuli ; Lauraéus, Theresa. ISBN: 9789984242422. EMERGING TRENDS IN ECONOMICS, CULTURE AND HUMANITIES (etECH2021). Riga, 2021.
  4. Higher Education Tuition Fee Systems In The Oecd Framework And The Comparative Analysis Of Key Economic Trends. Haukioja, Teemu ; Karppinen, Ari ; Kaivo-oja, Jari.  ISBN: 9789984242422. EMERGING TRENDS IN ECONOMICS, CULTURE AND HUMANITIES (etECH2021). Riga, 2021.
  5. Collaborative Robots Between Industry 4.0 And the Platform Economy: Where Next for Cobots? Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Stein Knudsen, Mikkel ISBN: 9786050312492. 10th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems. 2019.
  6. Enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 and their global forerunners: An empirical study of the Web of Science database. Knudsen, Mikkel Stein ; Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Lauraeus, Theresa. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-21451-7_1. KMO2019 Conference. July 15-18, 2019 KMO 2019, 14th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organisations. Theme: The synergistic role of knowledge management in organisations, University of Salamanca, Zamora, Spain.
  7. Proliferation of Digital Twins: Towards new horizons of Digital Twin-technology. Kaivo-oja, Jari ; Stein Knudsen, Mikkel ; Lauraeus, Theresa.  10th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems. Sakarya University, 2019.


Participation in working groups or commissions formed by governmental and municipal institutions and organizations, business entities / Dalyvavimas valstybės valdymo institucijų, valstybės ir savivaldybių įstaigų ir organizacijų, verslo subjektų sudarytose darbo grupėse ar komisijose

Expert member, Cyber Security Group of Finnish Defense Forces, 2018-2022,

Expert of Finnish the Future Competence Panel (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2018-2019)

Senior scientific adviser of the Smart100 Business (the national EAKR Program, years 2020-2021)


Consultations, expert services provided for public institutions and business sector

Over the years Kaivo-oja has lectured e.g. for the European Science Foundation (ESF) and the Russian Academy of Science (RAS). In 2012, he was an advisor to the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) in the Middle East and Black Sea region. In the years 2011–2014, he does academic cooperation in the CHEC project funded by the Academy of Finland with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASS). He has been implementing energy and environmental development country projects in Tanzania and Laos. Kaivo-oja is a member of the Mekong research group at the University of Turku. Docent Jari Kaivo-oja has worked as an Evaluator for the European Union’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND in 2016, (ECO-SOC Panel Unit A4) and Evaluator in numerous security and energy projects (e.g. European Renewable Energy Platform) in expert panels. In the years 2017-2020, he was a researcher in the RISCAPE EU project (European Research Infrastructures in the International Landscape) regarding the European Union’s energy research infrastructures.

Jari Kaivo-oj as a researcher in charge of the Strategic Research Council (STN) project Manufacturing 4.0 – and its technological, economic, educational and social policy strategy (Manufacturing MFG 4.0). MFG 4.0 is a three-year multidisciplinary research project funded by the Strategic Research Advisory Board (STN) of the Academy of Finland in the years 2018-2020, the purpose of which is to study and clarify the future of the manufacturing industry in Finland.


Membership in editorial boards of scientific journals / Narystės mokslinių žurnalų redakcinėse kolegijose 

Reviewer in 16journals. Distinguished Reviewer of Technological Forecasting and Social Changeand.

Editor in European Journal of Futures Research

Editor in European Integration Studies

Editor in Journal Engineering Letters


Membership in international working groups, associations, participation in international expert groups, etc. / Narystės tarptautinėse darbo grupėse, asociacijose, dalyvavimų tarptautinėse ekspertų grupėse ir pan. 

  1. Researcher, EL-TRAN, Transition to a Resource Efficient and Climate Neutral Electricity System, Academy of Finland, June 2015-today
  2. Researcher, RISCAPE, European Research Infrastructures in the International Landscape, Horizon 2020, 2017-2020
  3. Researcher, EUFORIE, European Futures for Energy Efficiency, Horizon 2020, European Commission, March 2015-2018
  4. Scientific Evaluator, European Academy of Management (EURAM), June 2016-2020Scientific Evaluator, The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions of the EU Horizon 2020 programme, June 2016, Brussels, Belgium
  5. Board Evaluator in Knowledge Management in Organizations (KMO) Conferences in 2016-2020 and the European Academy of Management (EURAM) in 2018-2020, Board evaluator of the FFRC Futures Research Summer Conference in 1997-2020.
  6. Scientific Board Member of FFRC Futures Summer Conference 2023,, at Turun yliopisto – University of Turku.
  7. Reviewer and Board Member of KMO2023 Bangkok, at Srinakharinwirot University.
  8. Reviewer and board member of EU-SPRI2023 at University of Sussex.


Awards and honours

Emerald Literati Award of the Year 2020 in the category of Highly Recommended Papers Category.

ISPIM 2010 Best Paper Award (Three best papersgroupfrom 650 scientific papers) in the ISPIM 2010 Conference, Barcelona, Marquis Who is Who in the World 2012/2013; Scholarship of Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, Years 2013-2014; Best Paper Award, AIDCEE 2015 Conference, Bangkok, Year 2015; Turku University Foundation, Publication Scholarship, Turku, year 2015, 2016 and 2017and 2019, Emerald Literati Award, Best paper, Journal of Organizational Change Management, year 2019.


Science populiarisation activities / Mokslo populiarinimo veikla

Dr Jari Kaivo-ojais has not kept official teaching positions. He has lectured at all the Finnish universities and for 20 corporations (Nokia, SSAB, Nokia Tyres, Ramboll, Hertz Lease Finland etc.), and in 30 SMEs. He is Adjunct professor (with teaching test examinations) in two universities(University of Helsinki and University of Lapland).


Participation in R&D projects / Dalyvavimas MTEP projektuose

  1. Leading chief researcher, Project: Platforms of Big Data Foresight (PLATBIDAFO), Nr. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-02-0019, duration 2018 11 – 2022 04. Project aim to create new type digital Big Data platforms that allow us create, organize and use digital content for economic and social wellbeing of society using new methods joining Big Data and Future Foresight methodologies.
  2. Principal Investigator(PI), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, Smart Specialization Strategy Tools with Big Data, SSST-BD —H2020-MSCA-IF-2018, with Dr LevanBzhalava, 1.9.2019-30.8.2021
  3. CP: Researcher, Cuban Energy Transformation Integration of Renewable Intermittent Sources in the Power System, IRIS-project, the Academy of Finland, 1.1.2019-30.12.2022.
  4. CP: Researcher, WP 1 Leader, MANUFACTURING 4.0, the Academy of Finland, Strategic Research Council, 2018-2020, today working in the MFG4.0.
  5. He has worked in various foresight research projects for the European Commission (FP 6, FP 7, and Horizon 2020), European Parliament, European Foundation, Nordic Innovation Centre, Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation and the Academy of Finland. He is respected research fellow in European science forums, being among other things, Skłodowska-Curie science program´s evaluator in 2016 and evaluator of various EU research programmes.