
Welcome to open lectures on sustainability and international conflicts

Next week we kindly invite KSU students and others to open lectures at Kazimieras Simonavičius University given by international lecturers.

A member of the European Parliament Antanas Guoga visited KSU

A member of the European Parliament Antanas Guoga visited Kazimieras Simonavičius University yesterday. KSU Rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis and KSU Business School Professor dr. Birutė Teodora Visokavičienė discussed the model of universal base income as an alternative of 21st century poverty, inequality and exclusion.

Director of KSU Business School participates in the international conference

On 7 – 8 March, Director of KSU Business School Deimantė Žilinskienė participates in the international conference “Entrepreneurship and Development from regional Perspective.

Open inception workshop “Dos and Don’ts of Big Data for Foresight“

Workshop was organised by University of Turku (UT) (Finland) and Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU) (Lithuania) within the framework of KSU R&D project “Platforms of Big Data Foresight (PLATBIDAFO)”

Welcome to open lectures on brand, cinema and intercultural communication

On 11 February we kindly invite KSU students and others to open lectures at Kazimieras Simonavičius University by international lecturers.

Kickoff Meeting: Platforms of big data foresight

In 4th of December was organized first project „Platforms of big data foresight“ kickoff meeting with all project partners: dr. Jari Kaivo-oja, dr. Steffen Roth, Dr. Levan Bzhalava, dr. Theresa Lauraeus, Mikkel Knudsen, KSU  rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis, doc. dr.  Austė Kiškienė, KSU cancler Darius Verbyla with dr. Mathew Ferns (via interet conference).

Belarus students and lecturers visited KSU

Today KSU hosted 30 students and professors from Belarus.

Open lecture „From places to networks: the strategic evaluation of tourism“

Lecturer João Luis Figueiredo da Silva from Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (Portugal) will give lecture „From places to networks: the strategic evaluation of tourism“ at Kazimieras Simonavičius University on 7 December (Friday).

Project on cyber security successfully implemented

Kazimieras Simonavičius University together with 7 international partners successfully implemented the project “Investigating, Developing And Providing Awareness About Innovative Lesson Syllabus Implemented in Cyber Security Technologies in Information Technologies” which was financed under Erasmus+ Programme

Open lecture: Fashion industry and consumption society

Lecturer Nuno Amaral Jerónimo from University of Beira Interior (Portugal) will give lecture „Fashion industry and consumption society“ at Kazimieras Simonavičius University on 28 November (Wednesday). Lecture will start at 2.20 p.m. in room no. 213.

KSU hosted the 2nd session of International Aviation School

On 19-23 November KSU hosted the 2nd session of International Aviation School which is the part of Erasmus+ project „Spread your wings“.

The university starts unique and ambitious international project – Platforms of big data foresight

The project is prepared on the basis of the smart specialisaton ‘Inclusive and creatve society’, which is designed to address the challenges and trends of the future, with partcular attenton to the uneven economic and regional development problems.