Study Grants to the Best Students

Today the community of Kazimieras Simonavičius University congratulated the students for the most advanced achievements.

100% KSU Aviation Management Students Were Employed Immediately After Graduation

The annual survey of Aviation Management graduates of Kazimieras Simonavičius University revealed that all of the graduates work in the aviation industry.

New opportunities for KSU Students: Double Degree Studies with UE University

An important day for the University! Chancellor of Kazimieras Simonavicius University Darius Verbyla and Director of the Business School Deimante Žilinskienė yesterday visited Berlin, Germany, where they met with the Rector of the University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE) & CEO and Group Rector of the one of the world’s largest education group, Global University Systems (GUS) Prof. Dr. Maurits Van Rooijen.

KSU became a part of the international project “Be-Com” funded by Erasmus+!

KSU Rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis and Director of the Business School Deimantė Žilinskienė had a meeting with partners of the project (universities of Poland, Cyprus and Malta) and disscussed about the

The cooperation agreement was signed with GetJet Airlines!

KSU Rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis and Director of Business School Deimantė Žilinskienė held a meeting with CEO of GetJet Airlines Darius Viltrakis and HR Director Oksana Tiuchtij.

Welcome to open lecture “Issues of IT Law”

9 December – Lecturer Marek Świerczyński from The Cardinal Wyszynski University (Poland) will give lecture “Issues of IT Law”.

Books of Big Data

New books of Big Data have been supplemented to Kazimieras Simonavicius University library, which will be accessible to all KSU students and guests.


Our new International Aviation lecturer Diogenis Papiomytis has joined to KSU team this semester. He heads the Commercial Aviation research and consulting practice of Frost & Sullivan, a global aviation consultancy.


On 10-11 October, 2019 „Platforms of Big Data Foresight (PLATBIDAFO)“ project team participated in the Workshop on Foresight Software and Algorithms in Helsinki (Finland), which was organised by Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU) together with Google Garage Learning Centre (Finland) and XAMK (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences).

Big Data Workshop in Malta

Last week (September 18-19, 2019) the research team of the project „Platforms of Big Data Foresight“ took part in the workshop on Big Data Lakes and Libraries.

The Platforms of Big Data Foresight – Creating Benefits and Strategic Advantages on Many Levels

We would like to share the new research article of Kazimieras Simonavicius university Professor Dr.l Jari Kaivo-Oja.

News from KSU Big Data Excellence Centre

We are  very proud of  our research scientist proff. Dr Steffen Roth for his recent  publication in  ElSEVIER journal .