January 26th, Bachelor‘s and Master‘s diplomas were served to Kazimieras Simonavičius University graduates.
Aviation Student Club was established at KSU this month. If you understand the importance of students and professionals network, participation in extra curriculum activities during your studies, want to hone your leadership and presentation skills and looking, join the Aviation Student Club!
December 5-15, 2016 Kazimieras Simonavičius University experts Andrius Bagdonas and Darius Verbyla delivered in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) and Tbilisi (Georgia) universities.
On December 1st the international workshop “Achieving Progress in Children’s Welfare: Interdisciplinary and Multilevel Governance Perspectives” took place at Vilnius City Municipality. The workshop was organized by Kazimieras Simonavičius University Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Children Rights and Children’s day centre “Navininkai”.
KSU Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Children Rights organizes an international workshop “Achieving Progress in Children’s Welfare: Interdisciplinary and Multilevel Governance Perspectives”.
We kindly inform you that Kazimieras Simonavičius University moves to the new building (address: Darius ir Girėnas str. 21, Vilnius). You will find it at the new place from November 14th.
We kindly invite you to participate in the international conference “Legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses: experience of EU and Lithuania”.
The international conference “Legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses: experience of EU and Lithuania” from Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.
On November 7th at 12 noon the open lecture of advocate dr. Marcin Białecki (Poland) “Mediation in civil cases. Recent developments in Polish Civil Procedure from theoretical and practical perspective” will be held at Kazimieras Simonavičius University (15 auditorium).
On October 27-28th Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU) Rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis participated in the International interdisciplinary conference “One World – Many Cultures“ which took place in Bydgoszcz, Poland.
On November 2nd, Lithuanians remember those who are passed away. Due to that on October 28th at 6 p. m. the experimental photography exhibition called “Amnesia. No’ones gaze” will be opened in Šiauliai.