Conference on Data Economy Law DELCON 1

The Center of IP, Media and Innovation Law (University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria) hosts the first DDM4SME Conference on Data Economy Law.

Intensive course “Security Risk Management”

This course will help students to explore subject of security risk management, students will develop skills and gain knowledge about planning and implementing security management in different organisations, will learn how to identify and manage security risks.

Congratulations to students with a Master’s degree in European Union Law

Congratulations to Masters of European Union Law on successful completion of a double diploma!

3rd International scientific conference “Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective”

International scientific conference “Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective” will be held on April 24-25.

Meet keynote speakers of conference “Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective”

The conference will take place in Kazimieras Simonavicius University and online on 24-25 of April.

Businet Moot Court will be held in Kazimieras Simonavicius University

From Monday 27 March until Friday the 31th Businet Moot Court Competition will be organized by the Businet Law Group in cooperation with Kazimieras Simonavicius University.

Register to KSU OPEN DAY!

We are happy to announce virtual KSU OPEN DAY 2022 for international students!

When: March 22, 2023 at 13:00-15:00 (GMT +2)
Where: Open Day will be held on-line on Zoom platform.

Welcome Days for exchange students

We are happy to have 22 Erasmus exchange students from Spain, Italy, France, and Turkey in spring semester. Foreign students got to know each other and KSU Erasmus mentors as well, introduced their home countries, got to know the study process at KSU and traditionally visited Trakai.

Participate in survey about security

In frame of ERASMUS+ project SECUREU Kazimieras Simonavicius University together with 6 partners from 5 countries is doing survey on security. With this survey we would like to ask opinion of students and teachers about security situation in their countries. If you are student or teacher, you are welcome to participate in survey and help us to gather valuable data which we will use to implement our project.

KSU OPEN DAY 9th of November, 2022

We are happy to announce virtual KSU OPEN DAY 2022 for international students! Register and join:

KSU joined one of the biggest global higher education networks Businet

Kazimieras Simonavicius University joined one of the biggest glogal higher education networks Businet which unites more than 140 institutions in 37 countries in Europe, Australia, Asia, South America.

The International Conference on Scientific Communication Was Held in Dubrovnik

The international conference “Scientific Communication. Observed with Social System Theory” organized by the Next Society Institute of Kazimieras Simonavičius University and the Inter-University Center in Dubrovnik (Croatia) took place on September 13-16, 2022.