
Professor Olgica Nestorović from International University Travnik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) will give a lecture „International Economy“ at Kazimieras Simonavičius University on the 2nd  of October (Wednesday). Lecture will start at 2.20 p.m. in room no. 210.

The professor will present globalisation of the world economy, investments into human capital and Europe 2020 strategy.

Language of instruction – English.

All interested students are welcome as the lecture is open.



KSU Hearthstone Cup super final


Last weekend KSU Hearthstone Cup took place at game culture event GameOn III. The tournament organized by Kazimieras Simonavičius University students attracted around 200 Hearthstone fans – the biggest crowd of Hearthstone players ever gathered in Lithuania.

The winner Tomas Dailidonis was announced on Sunday evening, after the super final duel with the player PuKisM. ‘Some computer games educate contrary to the widespread belief’, says Tomas who studies Finance and Insurance at Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics in one of the universities in Vilnius. Tomas is a huge fan of Hearthstone and is particularly happy that esports tournaments such as KSU Hearthstone Cup is organized by university students. ‘Kazimieras Simonavičius University students are doing the great job!’, he told after the tournament.

The KSU Hearthstone Cup prize pool was 1000 euros. The winner received a ticket to real flight simulator of Boeing737 or Airbus320, and a granite sculpture designed for the tournament by the famous Lithuanian sculptor Kęstutis Musteikis.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is a computer game created by Blizzard Entertainment. The game uses the Warcraft series of themes: actors, symbols, and etc. It was first introduced in 2013. In 2017 the number of its active players has exceeded 70 million.



13 – 18 PM, on the 25th of September the conference ‘Social Innovations and Regional Development’ takes place at the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, in Vilnius.

The conference is organised by Kazimieras Simonavičius University, as a part of the SI-DRIVE project. It focuses on the discussion about the decline of Lithuanian regions and how the notion and practice of social innovation can be useful for their development. The conference organisers are seeking to apply the results of the SI-DRIVE research project in practice, by discussing them with the regional development stakeholders in Lithuania and the international team of researchers.

Kazimieras Simonavičius University scientists together with representatives of the following institutions: Lithuanian Parliament Committee on Education and Science, Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian Parliament Committee on State Administration and Local Authorities, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, Institute of Lithuanian Language, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO, and Catholic University of Leuven will be seeking for potential models and opportunities of innovative regional development.

The conference is a part of the four-year international research project ‘Social Innovation – Driving Force of Social Change’ (SI-DRIVE), which includes 16 partners from EU countries and 9 partners from other regions of the world.

Jeff McDonald, Darius Verbyla, Lon Wong and Kristof Van de Reck

On the 18th of September, the executives of the global foundation based in Singapore “NEM.io Foundation”: President Lon Wong, Vice President Jeff McDonald and Council Member Christoph Van de Reck  visited Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU).

“NEM.io Foundation” is the leading Blockchain and digital currency technology company. Guests discussed KSU decision to accept tuition and fees  in cryptocurrency and cooperation opportunities in the financial technology sector with KSU Chancellor Darius Verbyla.

“NEM.io Foundation” is the sixth largest Blockchain and digital currency technology company, valued at 1.7 billion euros.  The company develops Blockchain technology, called NEM, and the digital currency XEM.

On the 19th of September, Jeff McDonald gave a talk “Blockchain – A New Revolutionary Protocol” at the modern technology and entrepreneurship event #SWITCH! in Kaunas. At the event KSU presented a temporary exhibition called “Cryptocurrency Museum”.

Starting from September 14, 2017, Kazimieras Simonavičiaus University accepts payments in cryptocurrency. The university is the first to offer this way of payment for studies in Lithuania, and one of only a handful in the Baltic Sea region.

Jeff McDonald, Darius Verbyla, Lon Wong and Kristof Van de Reck


Rugsėjo 18 dieną Kazimiero Simonavičiaus universitete lankėsi globalaus fondo įsikūrusio Singapure „The NEM.io Foundation“ vadovai: prezidentas Lon Wong, viceprezidentas Jeff McDonald ir valdybos narys Kristof Van de Reck.  

„The NEM.io Foundation“ – lyderiaujanti „blockchain“ ir skaitmeninės valiutos technologijų bendrovė. Su KSU kancleriu Dariumi Verbyla svečiai aptarė KSU sprendimą priimti mokėjimus už studijas kriptovaliuta ir bendradarbiavimo galimybes finansinių technologijų sektoriuje.

„The NEM.io Foundation“ yra šešta pagal dydį „blockchain“ ir skaitmeninės valiutos technologijų bendrovė, kuri vertinama 1,7 mlrd. eurų. Bendrovė ne tik vysto ir plėtoja „blockchain“ technologiją, vadinamą NEM, bet ir skaitmeninę valiutą XEM.

Moderniųjų technologijų bei verslumo renginyje #SWITCH! J. McDonaldas skaitys pranešimą tema „Blockchain“ – naujas revoliucingas protokolas“. Plačiau apie pranešėją: goo.gl/DbpXmb

Nuo 2017 metų rugsėjo 14 dienos Kazimiero Simonavičiaus universitetas priima mokėjimus kriptovaliuta. Universitetas siūlo šį patogų atsiskaitymo už studijas būdą pirmasis Lietuvoje ir yra vienas iš nedaugelio universitetų, priimančiųjų mokestį už studijas kriptovaliuta Baltijos jūros regione.

On 11-15 September KSU hosted 3rd partners meeting of the project “Investigating, Developing And Providing Awareness About Innovative Lesson Syllabus Implemented in Cyber Security Technologies in Information Technologies”. This project is implemented with 7 international partners in frames of Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action 2 for Strategic Partnership).

During the meeting ongoing activities were discussed, and the activities plan was rescheduled.

The main aim of the project is to develop innovative and technological cyber security curriculum in vocational schools and increase the awareness among people in cyber security.

It is foreseen to create the following intellectual outputs:

  • Cyber Security Lesson Curriculum
  • E-Learning Platform
  • Cyber Security Book
  • Cyber Security Education Curriculum QR Code Application
  • Reviewing and Analysing European Practice in Cyber Security Education

The project will be implemented on 30.11.2018.

Starting from September 14, 2017, Lithuania’s Kazimieras Simonavičiaus University will be accepting payments in cryptocurrency. The university is the first to offer this way of payment for studies in Lithuania, and one of only a handful in the Baltic Sea region.

Students willing to pay for their studies in cryptocurrencies should contact the university’s administration and their payments will be accepted according to the exchange rate of the chosen currency. Using the www.spectrocoin.com service, the university can accept payments in Bitcoins, Ethereum, Dash and other unorthodox currencies.

The university’s Rector, Professor Arūnas Augustinaitis, says that the decision to accept the new currencies in a relatively straightforward step in the implementation of the institution’s overall strategy. “We believe that the university has to show the way for other science and education institutions as well as for business. Payments in cryptocurrencies are more convenient because of the speed and the price. Moreover, this is attractive for foreign students” believes Mr. Augustinaitis. The university also invites other universities and businesses to open up to new ways of thinking and doing business.

Although payments in cryptocurrencies have been around for the last decade, it’s an entirely new approach within education. There remain very few universities that accept payments in cryptocurrency anywhere in the world. Usually they tend to create conditions for students of technological, business or economics programmes. One of the leaders in this field is the University of Nicosia in Cyprus. The university accepts all payments in cryptocurrency, with almost two percent of its students taking advantage of the opportunity. Payment for cryptocurrencies is also accepted in the private University of the Americas as well as in several departments in other Universities around the world.

The financial technologies industry has been turning financial markets upside-down for several years. Lithuanian and international financial institutions as well as numerous regulation offices are shifting their focus away from evaluating the significance of the cryptocurrencies phenomena towards integrating these new business models into the traditional finance sector.

Professor Sinan Laçiner from Cumhuriyet University (Turkey) will give lecture „Comparative Media Systems: Turkey and Lithuania“ at Kazimieras Simonavicius University on 15 September (Friday). Lecture will start at 1.45 p.m. in room no. 212.

The professor will present theoretical models of comparative media systems, contemporary media problems in various countries, emphasizing Turkey and Lithuania.

Future journalists are especially invited to this lecture, but other students are also very welcome as the lecture is open.

Language of instruction – English.


Dr. Necmi Uyanik, Prof. Dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammet Erbay


Representatives from Selçuk University (Turkey), dean of Tourism Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammet Erbay, and professor at the Faculty of Letters, Department of History Dr. Necmi Uyanik visited Kazimieras Simonavičius University to discuss the cooperation opportunities with KSU rector Arūnas Augustinaitis.

Selçuk University has recently established new department of Civil Aviation Management and chose KSU as the prospective partner to develop joint degree programme and strengthen its‘ ties to Lithuania.

At the meeting, KSU rector and guests also discussed the development of Turkish culture in the Baltic region. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammet Erbay shared his experience gained while studying in Lithuania.

KSU Brunch


This year on the 1st of September lecturers, administrative staff and KSU students meet for the KSU Brunch!

University’s community will celebrate the new academic year in the informal settings, listening to live music, engaging in relaxing conversations, and activities. “Less official speeches, more interaction” – has become the motto of the 1st September festivities at KSU.

For the first time Kazimieras Simonavičius University celebrates the start of the academic year in it’s new premises. The event will take place at 21 Dariaus ir Girėno St., Vilnius and start at 11 AM on the 1st of September, 2017. Organisers invite you to arrive 10-15 minutes earlier.

Snacks and beverages will be served to all Participants of KSU Brunch, but registration is obligatory. To register fill in this registration form.

After the Brunch, KSU Student Association invites all KSU students and graduates to participate in the after party “Duzgės”! More information on the party will be provided during the Brunch.

Laimonas Talat-Kelpša ir prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis

Laimonas Talat-Kelpša and Prof. Dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis

On July 5, Laimonas Talat-Kelpša, the Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to India, and his wife Alina visited Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU). Ambassador together with the Rector of KSU Prof. Dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis, Chancellor Darius Verbyla, Prof. Dr. Jolanta Zabarskaitė and International Relations Coordinator Dr. Javed Imran discussed the situation of the foreigners who come to study in Lithuania and the problems they face, were looking for solutions that can facilitate the arrival and establishment of foreign students in Lithuania.

KSU Rector Prof. Dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis states: “At present, the University is going through a qualitatively new stage of internationalization. One of the most important areas for international cooperation is India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal – the main countries of the Indostan region. Kazimieras Simonavičius University seeks not only to attract more foreign students, but also to implement talent attraction and international research projects.

It is very important to discuss and find the solutions to the problems faced by foreign citizens wishing to study in Lithuania. Students from India, Sri Lanka and other countries are already studying at Kazimieras Simonavičius University, so we know how difficult is the processes of getting the visa and other travel documents. It is great that we were able to discuss these issues and the possible solutions together with the Lithuanian Ambassador to India. We also discussed opportunities for cooperation with South Asian universities, especially in the scientific and cultural fields.”


Sri Lanka. Saveen Randula’s photo.


Šri Lanka is a small island located in South Asia. With the area of 65,000km2, Sri Lanka is almost the same size as Lithuania. You can find a magnificent diversity of flora and fauna, of landscape and seascape and varied climate conditions from arid to cold. A diverse and multicultural country, Sri Lanka is a home to a few religions and languages. It is also a great tourist destination in South Asia. “We have eight world heritage sites including 8th Wonder of the World, Sigiriya (Lion Rock). And we make the finest tea in the world as well as we are the second large tea exporter in the World”, says Saveen Randula who came to Lithuania to study Aviation Management at Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU). Conversation with Saveen is about his way to Lithuania, Sri Lanka and his studies at KSU.


Saveen Randula. E. Nakvosaite’s photo

Lithuania and Sri Lanka seem to be very different countries. Is there anything that surprises you while living in Lithuania?

Here I found very peaceful, good environment, friendly and helpful people. The main difference is cultural difference, of course. Sri Lanka has rich culture based on Buddhism. Since I have been a few months in Lithuania, I may need some time to learn about its culture.


You study Aviation Management. How do you like your studies?

I think it is really interesting and enjoyable subject to study, and I do enjoy studying in KSU under an Aviation background and excellent lecturers.

How the idea to study in Europe did came to you?

My grandfather was an aircraft engineer who worked for Royal Air force, and he studied in the UK. He used to tell me how advanced aviation industry is in Europe. Since Europe has a magnificent development of aviation field, I always wanted to come to Europe to study.

Is it popular to go to study abroad in your country?

Yes, it is very popular. More and more people are going to China, Australia, New Zeland and Europe.

Šri Lanka. Saveen Randula nuotr.

Sri Lanka. Saveen Randula’s photo.


Did you came here after the high school?

Yes, I finished high school in Sri Lanka and then went to China to study Chinese. My father works there. I searched for Aviation Management in China but unfortunately, there is no such a study programme in China’s universities. They have only Aviation training but there is no Aviation Management studies.

How did you choose the University?

I search through the internet and I found many universities in Europe, but only KSU provides more subjects.  I applied directly to the University.

What do you do here on your free time? Have you found any interesting activities in Vilnius or other places of Lithuania?

The old architecture of the city and the beautiful views has attracted me so much. As a history explorer and photographer, I would love to read history and take photographs on my free time. I have not visited other cities yet because of my visa problems which I had on the way to Lithuania I did not want to go anywhere. I am afraid of that.

You do not have to worry now. Lithuania is a safe country.

Yes, that was one of the reasons why I came here. I checked other countries like German and USA but my dad did not want me to go to there. I also checked the UK universities but KSU offers more subjects. That is why I chose KSU. The Consul in Sri Lanka has also recommended Lithuania because it is a safe country.

What are your plans for the future (education, career, etc.)?

I am planning to continue my studies on Aviation until Masters Level. I will start my carrier in Aviation filed in Sri Lanka.