We are happy to announce virtual KSU OPEN DAY, May 5, 2022 at 13:00-15:00 (UTC +3).
It’s a great opportunity to learn about KSU university, Bachelor and Master study programmes, meet International office staff and to know about admission process.
Open Day will be held on-line on Zoom platform. Save your spot and register: https://cutt.ly/rFvoD83
Be now! Questions: admission@ksu.lt

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82102286971?pwd=WWQ2SWd4ZUVROGpXZEtRSHpOekcvQT09

Meeting ID: 821 0228 6971

Passcode: 273216

The II International Scientific conference “Problems and Challenges of Contemporary Law in the Context of International Law 2022” will provide an opportunity to critically and creatively address all areas of international law. Applications of innovative methods in solving emerging problems will be presented during the sessions of the event.

The aim of the conference is to promote the public scientific discussion of Lithuanian and world researchers, raising the problems and challenges of modern law in the contexts of international law, commercial, family, criminal and other branches of law.

Participants: Lithuanian and foreign scientists – researchers, lecturers, students, law practitioners, and social partners. The scientific publications of the conference participants will be published in the conference proceedings.

Section topics: International law; Commercial law; Statute law; Criminal law; Family law.

More information: https://lnkd.in/gtba3nRW

Prof. dr. Csongor Herke, University of Pecs (Hungary)
Assoc. prof. dr. Mohamed Traore, University of Bamako (Mali) Assoc. prof. dr. Özgür Oğuz, Anadolu University (Turkey)
Phd. Katarzyna Marcinkiewicz-Marszałek, Radom Academy of Economics, Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
Prof. dr. Antonio Silva, Extremadura University (Spain)
Prof. dr. Manuel de Peralta Carrasco Extremadura University (Spain) Prof. dr. Ángel Acedo Penco Extremadura University (Spain)
Prof. dr. Dalia Perkumienė, Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania) Doc. dr. Regina Andriukaitienė, Lithuanian Sport University (Lithuania)
Prof. dr. Biruta Švagždienė, Lithuanian Sport University (Lithuania)
Prof. dr. Oscar Paredes, Privada Boliviana University (Bolivia)
Prof. dr. Ingrida Veikša, Turiba University (Latvia)
Assoc. prof. dr. Wenliang Zhang, Renmin University of China (China)
Assoc. prof. dr. Maria João Escudeiro, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (Portugal)
Assoc. prof. dr. Rasa Pranskūnienė, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Prof. dr. Youssef Makloul, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco
Assoc. prof. Larbi SAFAA, École Supérieure de Technologie d’Essaouira, Université Cadi Ayyad, Morocco.
KSU Conference Programme
The KSU community expresses its unconditional and unanimous support for the Ukrainian nation. In the current dire circumstances the KSU announces its readiness to accept 100 students from Ukraine granting them a tuition waiver covering the full price of studies.
The students will be admitted to the KSU study programmes that are currently offered in the English language: Aviation Management and Entrepreneurship and Management (Bachelor studies) and European Union Law (Master studies).
Tuition Waiver Requirements:
  • Tuition Waiver is granted solely to the students of Ukrainian higher education institutions, fleeing from the war in Ukraine and wishing to continue their studies in Lithuania;
  • The students should be able to study in the English language;
  • The applicants have to fill the Application Form *; (*The application form may also be filled out at the KSU, address: Dariaus ir Girėno str. 21, room 203. Upon arrival please contact priemimas@ksu.lt to book a time.)
  • The applicant has to participate in an interview with KSU Admission Committee.
For more information please contact KSU study coordinator Monika Kukšaitė – Kraujalienė (consultations are provided in English or Lithuanian). priemimas@ksu.lt + 370 618 08894

Kazimieras Simonavičius University has joined the European Parliament to Campus initiative! On February 25 Hans-Olaf Henkel, a former Member of the European Parliament, gave a lecture to students of the KSU Law study programme on the EU’s role in strengthening human rights, the rule of law and democracy. Students had fruitful discussion with the invited lecturer and KSU professor dr. Dalia Perkumienė. Such event enriched KSU studies with international experience. The topic of the lecture was especially relevant in the current context of events in Ukraine.

The lecturer obtained education at Hamburg University of Economics and Politics. 2014-2019 was a Member of European Parliament: Vice-Chair in the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, participated in the activities of Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector and Subcommittee on Human Rights. Here you may find more information about Mr. Henkel activities in EP.

The lecture was organised in cooperation with The European Parliament Former Members Association (FMA), which brings together more than 800 former MEPs from all EU countries and across the whole political spectrum. Its aim is to inform the citizens of the European Union about EU policies, decisions, institutions and opportunities to participate in legislation and to build a better Europe by involving former MEPs in their work.

The academic community of Kazimieras Simonavičius University expresses its solidarity with Lithuanian higher education institutions and is ready to unconditionally support people of Ukraine in this difficult time.

We remain concerned about our students, their families and partners in Ukraine and will make every effort to provide timely legal and psychological assistance and provide 100 scholarships to cover the costs of continuing their studies for those students whose normal lives have been disrupted.

We strongly believe that our solidarity and support will bring hope and strength in the fight for freedom!

We are happy to host 29 Erasmus exchange students from Spain, Italy, France, and Turkey in the Spring semester of 2022. As every year, the Orientation Week was organized for students who came to Kazimieras Simonavičius University from abroad, during which the students got acquainted with the University and the study process, lecturers and each other.

This year, activities for international students were organized remotely, but this did not diminish the joy of getting to know the University and present their home countries. We hope that all students will return on site soon and meet their colleagues live!

On 28 January, KSU team participated in the first partner meeting of the international project “Developing and Consolidating ICT Skills in a Digitalised Environment in Higher Education”, during which the project activities, deadlines and responsibilities of the partners were discussed.

During the implementation of the project, 3 new modules will be developed on ICT, business and life skills, an open learning digitalised platform will be created and training for teachers will be organised.

The project is implemented by 3 universities: St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia (Bulgaria), Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania) and University of Žilina (Slovakia).

Project is funded with support from the European Union under the programme Erasmus+.

Congratulations to the new Board of Kazimieras Simonavičius University, which met for the first time in December 2021. We are extremely pleased that the leaders of foreign universities, highly experienced researchers, representatives of various business ir public sectors are taking part in the activities of the University and are expressing their confidence in our vision.

The Board is an advisory body of the University’s strategic management, the purpose of which is to determine, analyse and monitor the directions of the University’s strategic development, as well as to maintain and develop strategic international, political, business and cultural relations.

The members of the University’s Board for the term of the next 3 years are:

  • Doc. dr. sc. Mislav Balković
  • Henrika Bivainienė
  • Saulius Buivys
  • Tadas Četkauskas
  • Kęstutis Drazdauskas
  • Žydrė Gavelienė
  • Vismantas Ivoškevičius
  • Koit Kaskel
  • Doc. dr. Austė Kiškienė
  • Prof. dr. Tomas Krilavičius
  • Doc. dr. Marius Lanskoronskis
  • Orijana Mašalė
  • Prof. dr. Inga Minelgaitė (Chair)
  • Dalius Morkvėnas
  • Arnoldas Nausėda
  • Jarūnė Preikšaitė
  • Eglė Radišauskienė
  • Deividas Rafanavičius
  • Giedrė Ramanauskienė
  • Prof. dr. Augusto Sales (Vice-Chair)
  • Dovilė Satkauskienė
  • Gabija Skučaitė
  • Darius Verbyla
  • Antanas Zabulis

Congratulations to the newly elected Board Chair Prof. Dr. Inga Minelgaitė and Vice-Chair Prof. Augusto Sales. We sincerely thank all the members of the Board for their contribution to the development of the University and the overall progress of higher education and studies.

KSU Diploma Award Ceremony will take place on the 3rd of February, 2022!

All members of the KSU academic community are kindly invited to participate in the bachelor’s and master’s degree award ceremony, which will take place on the 3rd of February, 2022 (Thursday) at 1:00 pm. The Ceremony will be organised on site at Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Dariaus ir Girėno str. 21, Vilnius).

During the ceremony, bachelor’s degrees will be awarded to the graduates of Aviation Management, Marketing and Advertising, and Fashion Industry study programmes.

Master’s degrees will be awarded to the graduates of the Organizational Innovation and Management and Law study programmes.

We recommend that KSU graduates arrive 30 minutes before the ceremony in order to choose graduation robes and hats and sign the diploma register.

Please note that participation in the event is only possible with a COVID green passport. A respirator must be worn when attending the event.

We kindly invite all members of the academic community to attend the graduation ceremony!

More information – studijos@ksu.lt

Congratulations to the Masters of European Union Law on successful completion of a double degree studies! These are the first graduates at our university, who studied in a double degree studies, implemented by Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Vilnius, Lithuania) together with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine).
Prof. dr. Dalia Perkumienė, professor of the Institute of Law and Technology at Kazimieras Simonavičius University, visited Kiev to congratulate graduates and pass the greetings of the Rector of Kazimieras Simonavičius University. We would like to wish all students the greatest success in their careers, let this diploma be the leap of your life into an international career!
We are grateful for successful cooperation with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in implementing European Union Law master level study programme.
More information about the programme and study opportunities is available on our website: https://ksu.lt/en/master-studies/european-union-law-online/.

Last week Deimantė Žilinskienė, Head of KSU Business Innovation School and Jurgita Gruodienė, Head of International Studies and Development Office visited the University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) in Berlin, Germany.

During the visit meetings were held with the Rector of UE University prof. dr. Maurits van Rooijen, Vice-Rector Prof. dr. Thomas Noller, Head of International Affairs Philine van der Leeuw, Director of Business Development Wassim El Kadhi,  Business Development Manager Nilesh Warokar and Vice Dean and Head of Business Programs prof. dr. Daniel Frederik Heuermann.

During the meetings the possibilities of starting a double Bachelor‘s degree diploma in Business Management and in Entrepreneurship and Management were discussed. Admission to these study programs is planned to take place from the spring and autumn semesters of 2022. Also were discussed  further cooperation opportunities in the fields of teaching, student internships, study subjects and research projects.

KSU Aviation management students are invited to take part in an on-line event ASK IATA: Sustainability and Passenger Experience. The event is happening second year in a row and this time it will take place on the 10th of December.

International Air Transport Association (IATA) experts from different industry areas will answer students’ questions about aviation sustainability as well as will talk about passenger experience management and IATA activities from inside during the event.

Head of Business Innovations School Deimantė Žilinksiatė: “We are happy to organise this event second year in a row with our wonderful partners IATA, Estonian aviation academy and Frankfurt Aviation and Tourism Institute. The last year’s event was a success among our students and this year we will offer exclusive meet ups with experts from all over the world and discussions about latest topics of sustainability and passenger experience. We are hoping for an active participation amongst our students as well as alumni!

In order to get more information about the event and/or register to participate please contact KSU Head of Business Innovations School Deimantė Žilinksiatė deimante.zilinskaite@ksu.lt