
KSU partner – Algebra International university (Croatia) invites students to spend the summer in a meaningful and interesting way by participating in the distance Summer School, which will take place on July 5-25.

KSU students will receive a 5% discount on the total price.

Courses offered:

• Artificial intelligence;

• Cyber security;

• Branding;

• Data-driven storytelling.

All offered courses are 6 or 3 ECTS credits, so it is possible to transfer earned credit back to your home institution where you are presently enrolled in a degree program.

Registration is open until May 15, 2020.

All information and registration: https://bit.ly/2xVXlCn

This summer from July 16th until 27th Turiba University in Riga will host NORDPLUS intensive course „Security and Active Citizenship”. We invite to apply students of all faculties, especially Security and Law programmes.

In recent years security issues have become important also to Baltic and Nordic countries. World is coping such challenges as migration, conflicts based on different cultural backgrounds, cyber-attacks and other new challenges. This leads to fact that there is need for high quality training for young security specialists.

Student will gain knowledge of assessment of security tactics for guarded sites, basics of tactical planning and implementation methods for threat prevention and their legal regulation; comprehensive knowledge of facts, theory and correlations necessary for carrying out work related tasks, personal growth and development, active citizenship and social integration. There will be topics of Stress Management in Crisis Situations, Globalization and Intercultural communication, Team-building as well as Active citizenship included in the course.

In this Course participants will be bachelor and master level students from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland. Lessons and practical seminars will be led by professors from 4 partner Universities as well as invited professionals.

Language of the Course – English, participation in the Course – free of change. Organisers will cover travel, accommodation, catering, study visits’ and free time activity costs. Students will receive 3 ECTS for the participation in the Course.

Please fill application form and send it to interntional@ksu.lt until 17 June. Only 6 students from KSU will get chance to participate in this course.

Feedback and video about the previous Courses can be found here.

This Course is implemented by Turiba University (Latvia) in a cooperation with Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) and Turku School of Economics (Finland). Project receives financial support from NORDPLUS Higher education program. Project number: NPHE-2019/10177.


KSU international students

Kyrgyzstan is a Central Asian country of incredible natural beauty and proud nomadic traditions. Joyously unspoilt mountains capes, stark craggy ridges, and rolling summer pastures (jailoos) are brought to life by semi-nomadic, yurt-dwelling shepherd cultures. It has the most liberal tourist visa policy in Central Asia and one of the most progressive post-Soviet governments in the region. This semester Gulzar Muratalyeva, Ernest Salizhanov and Aidai Kanatbekova from International Atatürk-Ala-too University (Kyrgyzstan) studies at Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU). How does it look to live in Lithuania and study at KSU from their point of view? Let‘s ask them!

How do you feel in Lithuania?

Gulzar: Studying and experiencing the new culture in Lithuania feels like “being out of a comfort zone” absolutely in a positive way to which majority of people are not used. Living here for almost 2 months broadened my horizons in all spheres of life firstly concerning about getting more matured. Moreover, Vilnius is the city of bright and fresh ideas in street art, which we can find out in each street and that gives a unique and original atmosphere of the city.

Ernest: I feel very good here because it is my first travel and everything is good.

Aidai: I feel good in Lithuania and I like Vilnius. Except very cold days before. There are a lot of beautiful places here, interesting street art.

Could you tell us a little bit about yourselves? What are your interests and hobbies? What would you like to become in the future?

Ernest: I‘m interested in technology engineering. My hobby is playing basketball and kickboxing.


Gulzar Muratalyeva

Gulzar: I am in love with art to be specific it is modern and street art especially with the works of “Aykut Aydoğdu” “Wenqing Yan” “Chiara Bautista” “Miho Hirano” and an illustrator “James Zapata”. One of the reasons why I like these unique and talented artists is that I am practicing in drawing and calligraphy. Furthermore, I give a lot of attention to painting, which I have been doing from my early ages. Like majority of youngsters, I give a great preference for listening to the music (“jazz” “country music” “pop” and “RnB”) and I am into playing volleyball, table tennis and swimming. Of course, the major part of my life is considered to the reading of many books of all genres.

If we try to look into the future after finishing my bachelor, I would like to continue studying my Master degree in Germany or in Australia. As long with it, I would like to become a professional simultaneous interpreter and a teacher at the universities.

Aidai: I am interested in psychology and I want to be a psychologist. I love to read psychological books. My favourite one is “When Nietzsche Wept” by Irvin D. Yalom. My hobby is tennis. I like everything about this sport, especially girls’ uniforms. I think tennis is a graceful game.

What do you study at your university in Kyrgyzstan?

Gulzar: I am studying at the 2nd grade of the International Atatürk-Ala-too University in the department of Humanitarian Sciences and my faculty is Simultaneous Interpretation. This branch of studying to be concrete “simultaneous interpreting” is being taught only in our university so it can be said that it is a great opportunity for the future willing translators.

Ernest: In my country, I’m studying simultaneous interpretation.

Aidai: I study Psychology in my country at my International Atatürk-Ala-too University.

What is your impression about your studies at KSU? What do you like the most in KSU studies?

Gulzar: While studying in KSU the most important part, which I liked a lot, was about the “Education system”. To be concrete is a well-qualified professors who are always ready to pay a great attention to the any kind of ideas coming from all students. Also taking into account the interesting lectures in which the teachers are trying not only to cover their duty but also giving a useful information on how to be creative, innovative and fresh minded. What’s more, I really do like my new met intercultural friends with whom we are exchanging all our experiences, knowledge and creating unforgettably funny memories.

Ernest: First of all, attitude of the teachers and their method of teaching. I love atmosphere at KSU. The most I like here is the organization.

Aidai: My impressions about KSU is very good. I like polite people, especially International coordinator Vaiva. The University is very comfortable inside and its location is good. The most in KSU studies I like the teachers. They are simple, their attitude to students is simple, they understand and respect our traveling, and it means they understand when we ask to postpone some exams. Even better thing is our schedule, which lets us travel.

Does studies here and in Kyrgyzstan differ? How?

Ernest: Yes, the method of study.

Gulzar: Studies in Lithuania and Kyrgyzstan differs in some ways. We can illustrate for example the system of taking the exams. In our country, it is stricter but it helps students to study harder. In Lithuania I really like the system of having right to choose the subjects you are interested in and in which you want to major your bachelor degree. It is prevailed to provide the democracy for all the students which is not that much improved in our country. But day after day our education system is developing to catch up with the newest systems of studying which is of course really good for all the youngsters willing to study at the universities in the near future.

Aidai: The studies here is mostly the same as in my University, except the opportunity to choose the lectures. Here we can choose that lectures which we want and need. In our University we have fixed credits which we have to have.

What do you do on your free time here? Do you find any interesting activity?


Aidai Kanatbekova

Aidai: Actually, we have a lot of free time here but it passes so fast. We do a lot of activities like jogging together, visiting many new places in the city, ice skating, bowling, clubbing, doing home works together etc.

Gulzar: Each time I have a free time I love to spend it with my friends. It is one of the most interesting parts of my life nowadays because I have great friends from all over the world as France, Germany, Bosnia, Turkey, Spain, and Italy. Each time we are together, we are jogging around, going to ice-skating and at the same time exploring Vilnius and a huge amount of new information, which is extremely amazing. Also I really love reading and drawing.

Ernest: Most of free time I am walking around city.

Do you travel from Lithuania to other EU countries? How do you choose the countries where to travel?

Gulzar: Apart from Vilnius, I have already been to Poland to be specific to Krakow, Auschwitz and Warsaw. We are also planning to go travelling with all my friends to other possible European countries. We don’t choose countries by some specific criteria’s because all of them are original, have some unique charm and we just go there to enjoy and explore it.

Ernest: No, but I’m going to travel in April.

Aidai: Thanks for this opportunity coming here and travel. Traveling was one of my big purposes coming here. It is my first time being here in Europe and I have been in Germany (Berlin), Poland (Warsaw, Gdansk) and Latvia (Riga) and soon in free week studying I’m going to France (Paris). I choose cities to travel by the popular and interesting places to visit, for example in Paris of course I want to see Eiffel Tower and Disneyland!

Is there anything from Kyrgyzstan, which you miss the most while being here?

Gulzar: I really miss my own motherland. I miss the fresh air, which is so fresh every morning, the warm weather, the crystal like pure and blue sky. Furthermore, I miss my language, my cuisine that is so diverse with all its odors and spices. Mountains! Oh yes I miss it so badly because unfortunately in Vilnius I am not able to observe it. However, Lithuania has nature charms in its own unique way, which I really love too.

Ernest: I think my parents. And food.

Aidai: I miss a lot our cuisine and my mom’s meal. However, we cook here in dorm. Thanks to my mom, she taught me cooking so it is ok. Once I wanted to cook “Lagman” and looked for the vegetable green point. I searched whole day in every super market. Finally, I found it on the next day in bazaar.

Is it worth to come here to KSU and Vilnius? Would you recommend studies at KSU for your friends?

Ernest: Of course, I will recommend to my friends to study at KSU.

Gulzar: I will highly recommend for all the future university students to try their best to apply to the KSU and study in Lithuania. This is one of those universities, which are providing for all of us the useful and new facilities of knowledge as long as with giving opportunity to bring our ideas, aims to the reality.

I would also like to recommend Lithuania in general because it is one of those countries, which differs in culture, in art, in sightseeing, in travelling so much that there is only on step to fall in love with it for the whole of the life.

Aidai: I will definitely recommend my friends and students from my University to study at KSU!

The traditional final ceremony for the graduates of KSU was held on Friday, 29 of June at Kazimieras Simonavičius university. 45 graduates received their diplomas this year. 29 of them graduated with bachelor’s degrees and 16 with  master’s  degrees in Law. We invite you the photo gallery of the event here.

All students of Aviation Management are invited to participated in the competition for participation in International Aviation School which will be organized in frames of Erasmus+ project “SPREAD YOUR WINGS”.

The main aim of this project is to increase the quality and relevance of knowledge and skills of Aviation Management students in response to the needs of the labour market and the socio-economic environment. There will be created a new course “The Development of Sustainable Aviation” which will include the topics related to a new conceptual model of responsible and conscious aviation that sees its development in line with the interests of the social and natural environment and takes into account existing ecological barriers and expectations of the society.

Project is implemented by three partners:

  • University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland (project leader);
  • Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Lithuania;
  • Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Latvia. 

International Aviation School will take place in:

  • Poland, Rzeszow (1-5 October 2018)
  • Lithuania, Vilnius (19-23 November 2018)

Selected candidates will have to participate in both parts of the School.


All candidates must submit the following documents:

The documents must be provided to the International Relations Office (room no. 201). The submitted materials will not be returned.

Jury will select 3 applications rated as the best among the submitted applications. Only these 3 applicants will participate in International Aviation School together with other 6 students from Poland and Latvia. 


Documents must be submitted no later than 31.05.2018.


  • The schedule of the International Aviation School will be provided to the participants at least 2 months before the activities.
  • Students are expected to attend all classes during International Aviation School.
  • Each participant will receive 550 EUR for living and travel costs for activities in Poland.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact by e-mail international@ksu.lt or phone +370 686 34423.

Dear colleagues,

Being together, long and sincere talks, cheerful jokes, pleasant meetings, genuine wishes, pleasing surprises and endless cosiness – all of these things create the real holiday. Season‘s greetings and a happy New Year! I wish you cosy holidays, meaningful and creative year!

I kindly invite you to watch the video greetings from the community of Kazimieras Simonavičius University. To watch the video, please click the picture below or the link: .


Prof. Dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis
Kazimieras Simonavičius University Rector



Aviation Student Club was established at KSU this month. If you understand the importance of students and professionals network, participation in extra curriculum activities during your studies, want to hone your leadership and presentation skills and looking for new opportunities, join the Aviation Student Club!

Possible activities may include:

  • Meetings with representatives from different aviation industry companies
  • Company visits
  • Organizing various aviation courses outside university curriculum
  • Organizing aviation school for the children during their school holidays
  • Organizing open days for aviation management study programme
  • Managing Facebook account for aviation management
  • Student scientific conferences and seminars
  • Aviation management graduates CV book
  • and others.

Every activity brings to you knowledge, skills, network, new friends, fun and other things, which at the end will help you to find a better job in the future and to enjoy more your studies at University.

If you want to join the Aviation Student Club, please contact:

Darius Verbyla
E-mail: darius.verbyla@ksu.lt



This year a new course Fashion Journalism was added to Fashion Industry study program. Second year students learnt fundamental of fashion publishing and text writing and also done the final project. They created a new original publication about fashion.

‘Despite the fact that this task wasn’t accepted very enthusiastically’, say lecturers Reda Šatūnienė and Kristina Stankevičiūtė, ‘we were really surprised with the results. Publications created by students could compete with most of the Lithuanian fashion and lifestyle journals. All of the projects are interesting and reflecting todays issues.

Youthful, dashing and contemporary magazine I2EYE created by Augustė Paulauskaitė, Simona Jankutė , Karina Kurilovičiūtė ir Airida Petkevičiūtė became the best project. Except a few photos of foreign designers collections, all of the publishing works students did by themselves: created the conception of the magazine, wrote the articles, done the photoshoots and the interviews, created design, magazine layout, stylistics and the mood, selected the photographs, models and themes.

Students evaluated their work critically because the joy of creation was often clouded by organizational troubles. But lecturers think that information got during the lectures was perfectly adapted to practical work and that experience lack was fully offset with youthful ambitious and creativity.

We congratulate students with great work and hope that Fashion Journalism course will present more pleasant surprises next year.

You can take a look of the magazine I2EYE here.