
Security is an important topic both globally and for the Baltic and Scandinavian countries that are members of the Nordplus program. We are currently facing new challenges related to the impact of war, migration, conflicts rooted in cultural and religious differences, cyberattacks, and other threats to our security. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for educational institutions to prepare capable and knowledgeable security specialists who can tackle these threats and challenges. Moreover, security is an international discipline, and only through cooperation and uniting forces can Europe confront these new security threats.

For this reason, five partner universities –  Turiba University (Latvia), Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), LAUREA University of Applied Sciences (Finland), and Nord University (Norway) – have been cooperating and are jointly implementing an intensive course on security risk management. In August 2024, 28 students from these five universities participated in the intensive course, which took place at Turiba University in Riga. This course provided an opportunity for students to receive intensive training, offering in-depth knowledge in the field of security.

The course provided insights into topics such as security theory, individual and organizational security, globalization, crisis management, energy security, cybersecurity, conflict resolution, cooperation, and leadership.

As part of the intensive course, students participated in lectures, practical classes, discussions with professionals and experts, and study visits. Lecturers from five countries participated in the course. This course offered an excellent opportunity to study and work in an international environment with students from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, and Finland.

“Currently, the world, economy, and business are becoming increasingly global and international. Almost every profession requires the ability and skill to work in international teams, build collaborations, understand other cultures, and establish connections with colleagues and clients from around the world. As a result, gaining international experience has become an integral part of studies. This is precisely why intensive courses, or summer schools, provide an excellent international experience for students who, for various reasons, do not wish or are unable to participate in exchange programs abroad for a semester or a year. Intensive courses are usually an exciting and unforgettable experience, during which students not only gain new knowledge but also form friendships and collaborations,” emphasizes one of the course creators, Kristīne Neimane from Turiba University.

Students really enjoyed the time in Riga, let to know Latvia and its culture and also developed professional skills and knowledge. “The lectures were interesting, and the lecturers were excellent. I gained knowledge on several subjects directly related to my field of work. Even during the course, I began applying what I learned to my work projects. I highly recommend this course; it is relevant to a wide range of industries and professionals” says one of the course participants from Norway.

The course took place in Riga from August 13th to August 24th, 2024. You can find the course program, presentations, and videos HERE.

The course was organized with financial support from the NORDPLUS program. The project involved five universities: Turiba University (Latvia), Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), LAUREA University of Applied Sciences (Finland), and Nord University (Norway). Project number: NPHE-2024/10358.

Due to the global processes in the world, we are coping with many threats – cyber-security threats, hybrid-threats, security of energy and uses of different resources. Security specialists have to be able to cope with the risks – to analyse, plan risk management in the organisation and to be ready to develop risk management policies and plans in their organisations. From the other side, CEOs, business owners have to be aware about security and should be actively involved in the security risk management process.

This course will create mixed group of security and business students, who will explore security risk management process which is an important part of any business or company.

In frame of the course students will participate in lectures, workshops, practical sessions and study visits. In this Course participants will be bachelor and master level students from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland. Lectures and workshops will be led by professors from all partner Universities as well as invited professionals.

Language of the Course – English, participation in the Course – free of change. Organisers will cover travel, accommodation, catering, study visits, some excursions and free time activity costs.

Students will receive 4 ECTS for the participation in the Course which will be recognised at KSU.

When? 13-25 August 2024

Where? Riga, Latvia

Who can apply? Bachelor and master students of Law and Business fields, any other students interested in security risk management topic (except the last year students). Only 5 places are available for KSU students.

Interested? Submit the Application till 20 June by e-mail international@ksu.lt.

This Course is implemented by Turiba University (Latvia) in a cooperation with Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and Nord University (Norway). Project receives financial support from NORDPLUS Higher education program. Project number: NPHE- 2024/10358.

07.08-18.08.2023, RIGA, LATVIA

(arrival date 6.08.2023, departure date 19.08.2023)

The world is coping with a wide range of challenges such as migration, cyber-attacks, organized crime and other new challenges, including a recent (current) virus-led crisis. In the past years these challenges have also become security issues of importance to many European countries. There is a need for professional, well trained specialists who can realize sound security risk management at various levels and in different kinds of organizations.

This course will help students to explore subject of security risk management, students will develop skills and gain knowledge about planning and implementing security management in different organisations, will learn how to identify and manage security risks.


Target group: Bachelor and Master level students are welcome to apply (last year students are not eligible). Course will be interesting and useful not only for security program students, but also for anyone who is interested in security and risk management subject.

Participants: 5 students from each country – Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Spain, Norway and the Netherlands.

Teachers: from Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Spain, Norway and the Netherlands.

3 ECTS credits will be awarded for the completed course.



Turiba University, Latvia, www.turiba.lv

Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Avans UAS, The Netherlands

Nord University, Norway

Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Kazimieras Simonavičius university, Lithuania

Security professionals’ association, Latvia



Course is free of charge and organisers will cover all basic costs related to the course – travel to Riga, accommodation, catering, limited amount of local public transport costs, study visits, excursions, and several free time activities.


What we will provide for you?

We will buy bus ticket for you, will organise pick-up service from bus station, will provide accommodation in our students hotel (4 bedded rooms), provide catering (breakfast, lunch and dinner during working days), public transport and several study trips and free time activities. Also, study materials will be provided by Course organisers.


IMPORTANT! Basic rules of the course

Any student who participate in the course have to attend at least 80% of all lectures, group work and field trips organised by the University.

In order successfully graduate the course and receive 3 ECTS, you will need to pass the final test.



Please complete and send APPLICATION FORM to international@ksu.lt till 1 June.

Selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • motivation to participate in the course;
  • academic results;
  • recommendation from the Head of your Faculty.