
In frame of ERASMUS+ project SECUREU Kazimieras Simonavicius University together with 6 partners from 5 countries is doing survey on security. With this survey we would like to ask opinion of students and teachers about security situation in their countries. If you are student or teacher, you are welcome to participate in survey and help us to gather valuable data which we will use to implement our project.

In frame of the project we will develop different study materials in security risk management field, will prepare recommendations on how and what to teach security students. And it is very important to gather data and feedback about security awareness and knowledge among our students and teachers. No matter –you are studying or teaching security related subjects or any other subjects – your opinion is important to us!

Full report will be available in our webpage provisionally in January 2023.

There are only 12 simple questions to answer, it will take you not more than 5 minutes.

Questionnaire is available till 20 November on the following link.

Turība University (Latvia)
Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania)
Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Nord University (Norway)
Avans University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (FUAB) (Spain)
Biedrība “Drošības profesionāļu asociācija” (Latvia)

More information about the project is available here.

Kazimieras Simonavičius University together with 7 international partners successfully implemented the project “Investigating, Developing And Providing Awareness About Innovative Lesson Syllabus Implemented in Cyber Security Technologies in Information Technologies” which was financed under Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action 2 for Strategic Partnership).

Project partners:

  • Zonguldak Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey (the leading partner)
  • Bülent Ecevit University, Turkey
  • Buckinghamshire New University, UK
  • Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Lithuania
  • Institute for Work And Technology, Germany
  • Asociación Empresarial de Ingeniería y Formación, Spain
  • EPRALIMA Vocational School of Alto Lima, Portugal
  • Ud’Anet Srl, Italy

Background of the project

The companies and public offices have taken some cyber security precautions in order to strengthen IT system security and protect information. Depending on these precautions, cyber security market is growing. The increasing potential of cyber security market is also bringing an increase in employment in information security field which increases 13 % every year. In January 2013, 2013-2014 Cyber Security Strategy has been prepared by European Commission in order to take precautions against the cyber-attacks which are performed continuously to the public offices and strategically important offices. Within the context of this strategy, it was decided that the demand of academic trainings in cyber security field is increasing.

The main aims of the project were the following:

  • Disseminating cyber security issues in formal and non-formal education
  • Adding cyber security to the curriculum of computer programming departments in vocational schools
  • Raising awareness about secure use of internet and secure internet services
  • Improving and disseminating the service in this sector
  • Fostering research & development activities in this context
  • Broadening the pool of skilled workers capable of supporting a cyber-secure nation
  • Fostering development and skills of teachers and trainers and founding partnership by focusing on the education of company trainers and partners in work-based education, school teachers and company trainers

During the project the following intellectual outputs were created:

  • Cyber Security Lesson Curriculum
  • E-Learning Platform
  • Cyber Security Book
  • Cyber Security Education Curriculum QR Code Application
  • Reviewing and Analysing European Practice in Cyber Security Education

The project was implemented on 01.09.2016 – 30.11.2018.

More information on the project and its outcomes is available on the following website www.cybersecurityplus.org.

Kazimieras Simonavičius University starts working on a unique and ambitious project – Platforms of big data foresight. Project aim to create new type digital Big Data plaƞorms that allow us create, organize and use digital content for economic and social well being of society using new methods joining Big Data and Future Foresight methodologies

The project is prepared on the basis of the smart specialisaton ‘Inclusive and creatve society’, which is designed to address the challenges and trends of the future, with partcular attenton to the uneven economic and regional development problems. The main result of the project – the Big data plaƞorm for future foresights – is a tool for identfying and analysing societal issues, antcipating future development scenarios and selectng appropriate strategies for their decision. Great data and informaton technologies are used to tailor future insight methodologies for the development of social and economic welfare. Future Foresight is a methodology of social science (political science, management and Administratve sciences) designed to identify existng social problems and to antcipate scenarios for the development of various social phenomena. Great data and other tools being investgated in the project enables the use of this methodology to address public Development, business development, economic growth and other challenges and opens up new ways and means of more effectve and accurate antcipaton of future scenarios and the choice of acton strategies.

The leader of the project is Dr Jari Kaivo-oja is international expert in the field of foresight and innovaton studies. He is reviewer in 15 scientfic journals. Currently he is foresight researcher in the Radical Innovation Breaktrough Inquirer, R&D project (RIBRI) in cooperation with Fraunhofer ISI (Germany) and Institutul de Prospectva (Romania).

Project results will be extremely valuable for future foresight in long term perspective, forecasting various social, economic, geopolitical processes, e.g. forecasting behavior of refugees and also start operating Hackathon events in the field of Big Data Economy and Foresight.

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

This week our university hosts International Aviation Academy which is a part of the project “Spread your wings”. The participants of the Academy will get acquainted with the training material covering the areas of modern teaching methods, teaching in multicultural environment, employment of modern technologies for knowledge transfer, means & methods for optimal students’ involvement and experience in skills of knowledge assimilation.

The project is implemented in a partnership of three organizations: University of Information technology and Management (Poland), Institute of Transport and Telecommunication (Latvia) and Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania). The main objective of the project “Spread your wings” is to increase the quality and relevance of knowledge and skills of bachelor and master degree Aviation Management and related disciplines students’ in response to the needs of the labour market and the socio-economic environment. The project will be implemented in 2020.

On 19th of April Kazimieras Simonavičius University  together with Turiba University (Latvia), and Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland) are organising Conference “Organisation and Individual Security”.

The Conference is organised in frame of NORDPLUS Higher education project “Development of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017”.

In the frame of the Conference project partners will present various topics related to the Security in Baltic and Scandinavian countries, today’s trends and challenges. Project team will also introduce main outcomes of the project – findings related to the Security study programmes in partner countries and also will present the book on Security which will be published already this September.

Nowadays world security is the highest priority of any country, including Baltic and Nordic countries. At the moment world is coping such serious security related issues as migration, cyber-security, economic security and security in organisations and companies. Those are new challenges also for Baltic and Scandinavian countries. This influence security of the society as well as security of individual organisations. That’s why there is a strong need for specialists and well trained professionals who can ensure security of society and individual.

September 2017 Turiba University started to implement NORDPLUS Higher education program project „Development of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017”. During the project partners evaluate study programmes, develop and also will publish the book on Security issues. This book will be used as a teaching material for Security program students. Book will be also available for any interested student or specialist in e-version starting from September 2018.

Project conference “Organisation and individual Security” will be held within the frame of Turiba University XIX International Scientific Conference. Participation is free of charge. Language of the Conference: English and Latvian (with simultaneous translation).

Please register for the Conference on Turiba University website here.

More information about the project here. Project is co-financed by NORDPLUS Higher education program, project number: NPHE-2017/10115.



“Development of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017”

Implementation period: September 2017 until October 1st 2018.

On September 2017 Turiba University (Latvia), Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania) and Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland) started to implement NORDPLUS Higher education programme project „Development of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017”.

Nowadays world security is the highest priority of any country, including Baltic and Nordic countries. At the moment world is coping such serious security related issues as migration, cyber-security, economic security and security in organisations and companies. Those are new challenges also for Baltic and Scandinavian countries. This influence security of the society as well as security of individual organisations. That why there is a strong need for specialist and well trained professionals who can ensure security of society and individual.

With this project partners will initiate stronger cooperation and exchange among specialists and lecturers of all partner Universities, review teaching methods and share best practices in order to transfer them from one partner to another. Additionally project will initiate cooperation in preparation and development of the teaching materials related to international and cross-border security issues.

During the project partners will meet in experience exchange seminars in Latvia and Finland, will develop and publish the book on Security issues. This book will be used as a teaching material for Security programme students’. Book will be also available for any interested student or specialist in e-version. Main project results will be presented on final Conference in Riga, spring 2018.

Project is co-financed by NORDPLUS Higher education programme, project number: NPHE-2017/10115.


Project academic managers in Latvia:

Ms.Ivita Kīsnica, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law in Turiba University
Phone: +371 67607662
E-mail: Ivita.kisnica@turiba.lv

Mr.Vilnis Veinbergs, Director of Security programme
E-mail: vilnis.veinbergs@turiba.lv