
President of the Senate at Kazimieras Simonavičius University Prof. Steffen Roth will held research workshop “Spaceship Earth: A Total Institution” on 25th of May in King’s College London.

About event:

Popularised in the 1960s, “Spaceship Earth” has become a metaphor for the vision turned imperative that all inhabitants of planet Earth be harmoniously united in the mission to preserve their planet. In this talk, I shall draw on works by Niklas Luhmann, Michel Foucault, and Friedrich August von Hayek to argue that fashionable “missionary theories” of economy, society, and environment converge, and complement one another, in the pathologisation of economic and social institutions as well as of the natural environment. If successfully applied, the “missionary therapies” proposed by the self-acclaimed officers of our planet might indeed turn it into a well-tempered, healthy, and totally institutionalised ‘Spaceship Earth’, a vessel with no mission other than orbiting another celestial body. The question for discussion is what can be done to avert this fate and develop more optimistic visions of the future.

About speaker:

Prof. Steffen Roth is Full Professor of Management at Excelia Business School, La Rochelle, France, and Full Professor of Social Sciences as well as President of the Senate at Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Vilnius, Lithuania. He is also Visiting Professor of Management and Organization at the University of Witten-Herdecke, Germany, and member of the Executive Committee of the Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Croatia.

One of his own favorite articles is ‘Digital transformation of social theory. A research update’, where he outlines the basic design of a universal social theory machine.

Steffen is the field editor for social systems theory of Systems Research and Behavioral Science and a member of the editorial board of Sociology. The journals his research has been published in include Journal of Business Ethics, Sociology of Health & Illness, Ecological Economics, Administration and Society, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, European Management Journal, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Futures. His ORCID profile is available at orcid.org/0000-0002-8502-601X and his Twitter profile at https://twitter.com/derrothdotcom.

Date and time: 6:00 pm, May 25th, 2023

Place: Bush House South East Wing 1.05, King’s College London

More information about the event here: Spaceship Earth: A Total Institution (Research Workshop with Prof. Steffen Roth) – Centre for the Study of Governance & Society (kcl.ac.uk)

We are excited to announce that 3rd international scientific conference “Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective” will be held next week. The conference will take place in Kazimieras Simonavicius University (KSU) and online on 24-25 of April.

Let us introduce our main conference keynotes from distinguished academics.

First keynote speaker: Ralf Rogowski Emeritus Academic at School of Law of Warwick University, United Kingdom.


Ralf Rogowski joined Warwick Law School in 1993, after having taught at Lancaster University and at the Free University in Berlin. For many years he was Director of the Law and Sociology Programme and Co-Director of Warwick University’s Social Theory Centre. He has been Visiting Professor at the Department of Law of the University of Florence, at the University of Torino, and the Marco Biagi Foundation of the University of Modena. He has been Senior Emile Noel Fellow at New York University School of Law in 2006 and a Visiting Fellow at the universities of Wisconsin, Madison; Konstanz; and Maastricht. He has also been a long-standing Research Associate at the Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung (WZB) in Berlin. Since 1996 he is general editor of the book series Studies in Modern Law and Policy and since 2012 with S. Karstedt and D. Taenzler of the book series Law, Crime and Culture.

Ralf Rogowski will give a conference report on the topic ”Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective”.



Second keynote speaker: Liliana Tymchenko Associate Professor at Department of Social Sciences of European Humanities University, Lithuania.


Liliana Tymchenko has many years of experience in teaching international law, the author of numerous publications on the problems of combating terrorism, recognition of states, human rights protection, existential issues of state development and the academic freedom. She was an expert of the Legal Reform Commission under the President of Ukraine (2019 – 2021), an expert of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine (2014 – 2017), a graduate of the programs of the American Bar Association, IREX, Coimbra Group Hospitality Scheme, Civic Education Project, etc. She defended her dissertation on “Political and Legal Aspects of International Terrorism” at the International Independent University of the Republic of Moldova and the Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. She has a wealth of experience in higher education administration and is passionate about teaching methodology and management in higher education.

Liliana Tymchenko will give a conference report on the topic ”Values, stereotypes, and realities of international law teaching in the second quarter of the 21st century”.


At “Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective” conference, we aim to serve as a forum for the critical examination of modern legal issues and of the law as it functions in the international community.

Conference program you can find here: Conference programme

Participation is free of charge, but the registration form must be filled in. Registration form: https://forms.office.com/e/XASA6a0TXi

Zoom meeting link will be sent day before conference.

Certificates will be issued to registered participants after the conference. They will be available to participants who have attended at least one of the conference days.

More information about the conference: Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective | KSU

Conference e-mail: mlconference@ksu.lt

International scientific conference “Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective” will be held on  April 24-25  by Kazimieras Simonavicius University (KSU). During the conference 16 participants from 9 countries will critically examine  modern legal issues and law as it functions in international community. Conference will be held at the Kazimieras Simonavicius University and online.

Conference program you can find here: Conference programme

Participation is free of charge, but the registration form must be filled in.

Registration form: https://forms.office.com/e/XASA6a0TXi

Certificates will be issued for registered participants after the conference. They will be available to participants who have attended at least one of the conference days.

Zoom meeting link will be sent day before conference.

More information about the conference: Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective | KSU

Conference  e-mail: mlconference@ksu.lt