This week, our KSU representatives had an incredible meeting with our partners from the Eastern European University of Applied Sciences in Bialystok, Poland.

The heart of the discussion was the impressive project of our Polish colleagues on the transforming of the university landscape and study methods to cater perfectly to the needs of differently-abled students.
In this engaging session, we also dove into the evolving societal perspectives on disability, sharing not just our successes, but also the hurdles we’re taking on to ensure that every student enjoys accessible and supportive study environments. We gained valuable insights into how various countries shape the legal and practical aspects of integrating students with disabilities.

The meeting didn’t just solidify our partnership – it ignited a burst of new ideas and opportunities that’ll guide our future collaborations.Stay tuned for more updates as we continue working together for an inclusive and brighter educational landscape.

The Center of IP, Media and Innovation Law (University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria) hosts the first DDM4SME Conference on Data Economy Law (DELCON) on June 26, 2023 in Krems (Austria).

The conference is jointly organized by the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership consortium consisting of the University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Georg-August-University Goettingen (Germany) and Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania).

The Organizing Committee would like to invite papers on this topic. Possible subthemes include, but are not limited to:

  • Risks and challenges of AI applications in businesses.
  • Data related business models.
  • Potential changes in legal structures due to ongoing digitization.

For innovative papers the DDM4SME project may grant scholarships for travel and accommodation.

To submit a paper (abstract, up to 500 words) for presentation at DELCON 1, please submit your proposal to by May 22, 2023.

More information about conditions: DDM4SME Conference on Data Economy Law (DELCON 1) – DDM4SME

Kazimieras Simonavicius University joined one of the biggest global higher education networks Businet which unites more than 140 institutions in 37 countries in Europe, Australia, Asia, South America. Network provides an environment that encourages the sharing of good practice and encourages co-operation between like-minded individuals and like-minded organisations.

Last week (on June 30), the members of the Board of Kazimieras Simonavičius University gathered for a meeting. During the meeting, the new image of KSU, the results of the 2021-2022 academic year, and the current admission to the bachelor’s, master’s and integrated study programs offered by the University were discussed. The members of the KSU Board also discussed and made proposals regarding the strengthening of the international strategy of the university, the development of the innovative teaching methodology and improvement of the content of study programmes to meet the needs of the market and employers.

We are extremely happy that heads of foreign universities, experienced scientists, representatives of various businesses and the public sector have become involved in the activities of the University and have expressed their trust in our vision.

The Board is an advisory body of the University’s strategic management, the purpose of which is to determine, analyze and monitor the directions of the University’s strategic development, as well as the maintenance and development of strategic international, political, business and cultural relations.

Current members of the Kazimieras Simonavičius University Board:

Assoc. Dr. sc. Mislav Balković

Henrika Bivainienė

Saulius Buivys

Tadas Četkauskas

Kęstutis Drazdauskas

Žydrė Gavelienė

Vismantas Ivoškevičius

Koit Kaskel

Assoc. Dr. Austė Kiškienė

Prof. Dr. Tomas Krilavičius

Assoc. Dr. Marius Lanskoronskis

Orijana Mashalė

Prof. Dr. Inga Minelgaitė (Chairperson)

Dalius Morkvėnas

Arnold Nausėda

Jarūnė Preikšaitė

Eglė Radišauskienė

David Rafanavičius

Giedrė Ramanauskienė

Prof. Dr. Augusto Sales (Vice Chair)

Dovilė Satkauskienė

Gabija Skučaitė

Darius Verbyla

Antanas Zabulis

The Senate of Kazimieras Simonavičius University convened last week. KSU Senate consists of 20 members representing the academic community of the university – professors and students – and other Lithuanian and foreign research and study institutions.
Prof. Dr. Steffen Roth was elected Chairman of the Senate, and Prof. Dr. Ryšardas Burda was elected Vice-Chairman.
During the Senate meeting, a new image and logo of KSU were presented, and discussions were held on the university’s research strategy and university development.
We are pleased with the involvement and contribution of the KSU Senate to the strategic development of the university, community mobilization and networking.
Last week, researchers from Kazimieras Simonavicius University Next Society Institute gathered in Vilnius for a three-day seminar during which the planning of research ideas and projects, a strategic planning session and preparations for the Next Society Forum took place.
Next Society Institute (NSI) was established at KSU in 2021. The NSI advances social systems theory in the tradition of Niklas Luhmann and explores synergies with alternative schools of systems theories in domains such as:
– Theories of society;
– Social theories;
– Theories of social differentiation;
– Theories of new and old media;
– Management and organisation theories;
– Theories of foresight and anticipation.
Image credit: Franzicek Dayan.
More about Next Society Institute:

14th of April the Head of International Study and Development Office Jurgita Gruodiene has wellcomed guests from The Edu Network team Prem Parkash Svetlana Kunskaja Ausra Jarmantaviciute and showed KSU and met with university Rector doc. dr. Auste Kiskiene.

Have discussed single and double degree programmes we have at KSU for international students.

Especially we are proud to offer Aviation Management study programme – as KSU is the only university offering this study programme in Lithuania,  the first University in Baltic States accredited as IATA Authorized Training Center, as well as Bachelor Dual-Degree in Aviation Management with Coventry University, UK.

The academic community of Kazimieras Simonavičius University expresses its solidarity with Lithuanian higher education institutions and is ready to unconditionally support people of Ukraine in this difficult time.

We remain concerned about our students, their families and partners in Ukraine and will make every effort to provide timely legal and psychological assistance and provide 100 scholarships to cover the costs of continuing their studies for those students whose normal lives have been disrupted.

We strongly believe that our solidarity and support will bring hope and strength in the fight for freedom!