The University for Continuing Education Krems welcomes you to join the second Conference on Data Economy Law (DELCON 2) on June 10, 2024. Together with the Georg August University of Göttingen (Germany), Masaryk University (Czech Republic) and Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania), this year’s conference is focusing on the tension between European AI regulation: between legal certainty and open innovation. Relevant issues from related legal areas will also be addressed.

The modern data economy is full of new legal challenges and requires broad-spectrum know-how and legal skills. From the use of automated systems (e.g., artificial intelligence) over big data applications to the protection of personal information – various legal issues arise in the modern data economy.

DELCON 2 focuses on these challenges and wants to provide a platform for legal researchers as well as relevant stakeholders to talk about current issues and possible solutions. The conference also accompanies the LL.M. on Data Economy Law. This program was jointly created by all members of the conference consortium and started in the fall 2023 in Krems. Our most promising students will have the chance to present their research on their master’s thesis to the audience.

For the year 2024, DELCON will be held under the following lead topic: AI Regulation in Europe: More Rules than Innovation? While EU takes the Lead in AI Regulation, Innovation Concerns grow

The available spots for the conference are limited. Registration is free of charge and includes coffee and snacks during the breaks as well as the conference lunch.

The conference will be held in English.

Official conference website: International Conference on Data Economy Law 2024