On 27-28 May, Kazimieras Simonavicius University (KSU) hosted the 4th International Scientific Conference “Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective”. This annual event brought together legal professionals, scholars and students from 12 countries.

This year conference focused on the theoretical and practical problems of human rights, law and technology, legal education, discussed recent developments of the European Union law, and the peculiarities of the Ukrainian legal system in the context of the ongoing war.

According to the Rector of KSU, Prof. Dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė, this annual conference is an excellent opportunity to highlight the changes in contemporary law in the international area. “Scientific reflection on law and the legal system is of particular importance for the solution of constantly emerging legal challenges. Therefore, we are very pleased with the growing number of speakers each year. Diversity of topics reveals the latest trends in legal research, legal regulation and the application of law. We believe that the contacts established during the event will also inspire sharing of best practices and will contribute to the improvement of legal systems in different countries,” said the Rector.

The 4th international scientific conference, “Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective” will shortly begin, and we look forward to it!

Let us continue to introduce you to the conference participants, and we would like to present you to István Hoffman, who will be the keynote speaker and open the second conference day!

Prof. Dr. István Hoffman, Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary).

István Hoffman has had a distinguished career in academia and public service. Since 2009, he has been a faculty member at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, where he currently serves as a professor in the Department of Administrative Law. Concurrently, since 2020, he has held a part-time professorship at Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland, and a senior research fellowship at the Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies in Budapest. His previous roles include senior advisory positions at the Curia (Supreme Court of Hungary) and the Office of the Prime Minister. He earned his PhD in 2008 and his Dr. habil. in 2014 from Eötvös Loránd University, culminating in a DSc. from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2023. Hoffman has been recognized with several awards, including the Master Teacher Gold Medal in 2022 and the Senate Medal of Merit from Eötvös Loránd University in 2021. He actively contributes to various committees and councils, reflecting his ongoing commitment to legal scholarship and education.

István Hoffman will give a conference report on the topic “Phantomization, AI as a tool for standardization of corporate management: transforming regulation for the transforming ecosystem?” on May 28th.


The conference will be held at the Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Dariaus ir Gireno str. 21, Vilnius) venue: 203 room (IInd floor) and online.

Teams meeting link conference for online participants:

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 397 094 675 870

Passcode: muXDDk

Conference program: Final Programme

More information about the conference: 4th International scientific conference

Conference e-mail: mlconference@ksu.lt

See you at the conference!