The university starts unique and ambitious international project – Platforms of big data foresight

Kazimieras Simonavičius University starts working on a unique and ambitious project – Platforms of big data foresight. Project aim to create new type digital Big Data plaƞorms that allow us create, organize and use digital content for economic and social well being of society using new methods joining Big Data and Future Foresight methodologies

The project is prepared on the basis of the smart specialisaton ‘Inclusive and creatve society’, which is designed to address the challenges and trends of the future, with partcular attenton to the uneven economic and regional development problems. The main result of the project – the Big data plaƞorm for future foresights – is a tool for identfying and analysing societal issues, antcipating future development scenarios and selectng appropriate strategies for their decision. Great data and informaton technologies are used to tailor future insight methodologies for the development of social and economic welfare. Future Foresight is a methodology of social science (political science, management and Administratve sciences) designed to identify existng social problems and to antcipate scenarios for the development of various social phenomena. Great data and other tools being investgated in the project enables the use of this methodology to address public Development, business development, economic growth and other challenges and opens up new ways and means of more effectve and accurate antcipaton of future scenarios and the choice of acton strategies.

The leader of the project is Dr Jari Kaivo-oja is international expert in the field of foresight and innovaton studies. He is reviewer in 15 scientfic journals. Currently he is foresight researcher in the Radical Innovation Breaktrough Inquirer, R&D project (RIBRI) in cooperation with Fraunhofer ISI (Germany) and Institutul de Prospectva (Romania).

Project results will be extremely valuable for future foresight in long term perspective, forecasting various social, economic, geopolitical processes, e.g. forecasting behavior of refugees and also start operating Hackathon events in the field of Big Data Economy and Foresight.

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
