Dr. Aida Kišūnaitė has been appointed as a new Dean of KSU Law Faculty. Congratulations!
Previously dr. Aida Kišūnaitė was a KSU Law Faculty Vice-dean for studies and research.
Dr. A. Kišūnaitė’s research interests are children’s rights, European Union Law, social and health policies and legal regulations of non-governmental organizations activities.
Dr. A. Kišūnaitė was awarded PhD in “Political systems and institutional change” from IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy) in 2012, European Studies Master’s degree from Hamburg University (Germany) in 2010 and the Master of Laws from Vilnius University (Lithuania) in 2006.
As a scientist dr. Aida Kišūnaitė has participated in the research and working groups in the various European institutions.
Kišūnaitė A. and Pūras, D., Toward holistic approach to children’s rights. Case study – Lithuanian mental health policy, Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Vol. 18(2), 2016, p. 40-47.
Kišūnaitė, A. Establishing National Human Rights Institution in Lithuania: Theoretical and Practical Lessons, In The Mediterranean Human Rights Review, Issue 2016.
Kišūnaitė, A. Future Perspectives: The Emergence of Postnational Citizenship in Latin America, Alter/nativas, Latin American Cultural Studies Journal (forthcoming).
Pūras, D. and Kišūnaitė, A. Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice in Lithuania: Historical and Critical Review In Adolescent Psychiatry Reviews, Bentham Science Publishers, Vol. 4, 2014, p. 284-292.
Kišūnaitė, A. Participation of social civil society organizations in the Open Method of Coordination: How does it affect European governance and civil society organizations themselves? Case studies: European networks and Lithuanian civil society organizations, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy, 2014.
Favorable environment for children: challenges and opportunities (original title: Palanki aplinka vaikams: iššūkiai ir galimybės) (2013).
Participation of social CSOs in the OMC inclusion: How does it affect European governance and CSOs themselves. Lithuanian case study (2009-2013).
Education as an integration tool of second-generation migrants in the EU. Case study: France and Germany), (2007-2008).
Enlargement as a social policy problem? The pressure on harmonisation of social systems stemming from increased labour and capital mobility within the EU), (2007-2008).