Members of KSU community are invited to join KSU team and run in RIMI Vilnius marathon!

Run with KSU!

Members of KSU community are invited to join KSU team and run in RIMI Vilnius marathon* on 11 September! KSU team will consist of KSU students, teachers, administrative staff and Erasmus students who have come to KSU.

 Please register by e-mail till 29 August! When registering, specify your contact phone number and the size of t-shirts that the organisers will provide during the marathon. For those who wish to become team captains, please indicate your wish during registration.

 KSU team will consist of only 20 people, so don‘t wait and register now! The participation is free of charge for the members of KSU team. More information about marathon is available here. * KSU team will run 5 km route.
