Kickoff Meeting: Platforms of big data foresight

In 4th of December was organized first project „Platforms of big data foresight“ kickoff meeting with all project partners: dr. Jari Kaivo-oja, dr. Steffen Roth, Dr. Levan Bzhalava, dr. Theresa Lauraeus, Mikkel Knudsen, KSU  rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis, doc. dr.  Austė Kiškienė, KSU cancler Darius Verbyla with dr. Mathew Ferns (via interet conference).  Lead partner Jari Kaivo-oja informed all participants on general requirements of project implementation, including financial aspects, communication and reporting needs. All project experts discussed about main tasks in project, project work plan and time schedule.

Project results will be extremely valuable for future foresight in long term perspective, forecasting various social, economic, geopolitical processes, e.g. forecasting behavior of refugees and also start operating Hackathon events in the field of Big Data Economy and Foresight.

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
