Impressive publication created by KSU Fashion Industry students



This year a new course Fashion Journalism was added to Fashion Industry study program. Second year students learnt fundamental of fashion publishing and text writing and also done the final project. They created a new original publication about fashion.

‘Despite the fact that this task wasn’t accepted very enthusiastically’, say lecturers Reda Šatūnienė and Kristina Stankevičiūtė, ‘we were really surprised with the results. Publications created by students could compete with most of the Lithuanian fashion and lifestyle journals. All of the projects are interesting and reflecting todays issues.

Youthful, dashing and contemporary magazine I2EYE created by Augustė Paulauskaitė, Simona Jankutė , Karina Kurilovičiūtė ir Airida Petkevičiūtė became the best project. Except a few photos of foreign designers collections, all of the publishing works students did by themselves: created the conception of the magazine, wrote the articles, done the photoshoots and the interviews, created design, magazine layout, stylistics and the mood, selected the photographs, models and themes.

Students evaluated their work critically because the joy of creation was often clouded by organizational troubles. But lecturers think that information got during the lectures was perfectly adapted to practical work and that experience lack was fully offset with youthful ambitious and creativity.

We congratulate students with great work and hope that Fashion Journalism course will present more pleasant surprises next year.

You can take a look of the magazine I2EYE here.

