- Roth S., Schneckenberg D., Valentinov V. and Kleve H. (2023). Approaching management and organization paradoxes paradoxically: The case for the tetralemma as an expansive encasement strategy, European Management Journal. DOI:10.1016/j.emj.2021.12.002
- Roth, S. (2023). Digital transformation of management and organization theories: A research programme. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. DOI:10.1002/sres.2882
- Roth S., Valentinov V. (2023). Health beyond medicine. A planetary theory extension. Sociology of Health and Illness. DOI:10.1111/1467-9566.13578
- Valentinov, V. (2023). Stakeholder Theory: Toward a Classical Institutional Economics Perspective. J Bus Ethics. DOI:10.1007/s10551-022-05304-w
- Arnold, T., Kleve, H., & Roth, S. (2023). Within a mesh of expectations: Dealing with dilemmas in business families using systemic tools from family coaching. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. DOI:10.1002/sres.2962
- Roth, S. (2023). Truth tables, true distinctions. Paradoxes of the source code of science, Systemic Practice and Action Research, DOI:10.1007/s11213-023-09640-4
- Steffen R. (2023) Reset and restoration. The looming conservative turn of management theory: An extension of Foss et al., Scandinavian Journal of Management. DOI:10.1016/j.scaman.2023.101278
- Rainer, J. K., Walach, H., (2023) SEIR models in the light of Critical Realism – A critique of exaggerated claims about the effectiveness of Covid 19 vaccinations, Futures. DOI:10.1016/j.futures.2023.103119
- Guy, JS., Roth, S. (2023) What makes a difference? Symmetry as a sociological concept. Theory and Society (2023). DOI:10.1007/s11186-023-09519-2
- Roth S. and Valentinov V. (in press), Toward a theory of multifunctional liberalism: Systems-theoretical reflections on the nature of statehood, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, DOI:10.1002/sres.2925.
- Roth S. and Valentinov V. (in press), Health beyond medicine. A planetary theory extension, Sociology of Health & Illness, DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.13578.
- Roth S. (in press), Digital transformation of management and organization theories. A research programme, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, DOI: 10.1002/SRES.2882.
- Roth S., Schneckenberg D., Valentinov V., and Kleve H. (in press), Approaching management and organization paradoxes paradoxically: The case for the tetralemma as an expansive encasement strategy, European Management Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.emj.2021.12.002.
- Sales A., Mansur J., and Roth S. (in press), Fit for functional differentiation. New directions for personnel management and organizational change bridging fit theory and social systems theory, Journal of Organizational Change Management, DOI: 10.1108/JOCM-03-2022-0061
- Clausen L. (2022), Diabolical perspectives on healthy morality in times of COVID-19, Kybernetes, Vol. 51 No. 5, pp. 1692-1709
- Harste G. and Laursen K. B. (2022), Niklas Luhmann’s anti-totalitarian observation of systems, Kybernetes, Vol. 51 No. 5, pp. 1710-1723.
- Laursen K. B., Harste G., and Roth S. (2022), Moral communication observed with social systems theory. An introduction. Kybernetes, Vol. 51 No. 5, pp. 1653-1666.
- Roth, S. (2022). Funktionssystem. In: Wirth, J. V. und Kleve, H. (Hrsg.), Lexikon des systemischen Arbeitens. Grundbegriffe der systemischen Praxis, Methodik und Theorie. Heidelberg: Carl Auer Verlag.
- Roth S. and Valentinov V. (2022), Health beyond medicine. A planetary theory extension, Sociology of Health & Illness, DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.13578.
- Sales A., Roth S., Grothe-Hammer M., and Azambuja R. (2022), From play to pay: A multifunctional approach to the role of culture in post-merger integration. Management Decision, Vol. 60 No. 7, pp. 1922-1946.
- Valentinov V. and Roth S. (2022), Chester Barnard’s theory of the firm: an institutionalist view. Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 56 No. 3, pp. 707-720.
- van Assche, K., Valentinov, V. and Verschraegen, G. (2021) Adaptive governance learning from what organizations do and managing the role they play, Kybernetes, DOI: 10.1108/K-11-2020-0759.
- Zazar K. (2022), Fighting the virus, “hunting the witches” – moralizing in public discourses during the coronavirus pandemic in Croatia, Kybernetes, Vol. 51 No. 5, pp. 1833-1848.
- Räwel J. (2021), An allergy of society. On the question of how a societal “lockdown” becomes possible, Kybernetes, DOI: 10.1108/K-11-2020-0797.
- Roth S. (2021), Draw your organization! A solution-focused theory-method for business school challenges and change, Journal of Organizational Change Management, DOI: 10.1108/JOCM-06-2020-016.
- Oksas A. (2021), Digital analysis of a form, Kybernetes, DOI: 10.1108/K-10-2020-0682.
- Roth S. (2021), The Great Reset. Restratification for lives, livelihoods, and the planet, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 166, p. 120636.
- Valentinov V., Roth S., and Pies I. (2021), Social goals in the theory of the firm: a systems theory view, Administration and Society, Vol. 53 No. 2, pp. 273–304.
- Roth S., Heidingsfelder M., Clausen L., and Laursen K. (2021), George Spencer Brown’s “Design with the NOR”. With related essays, Bingley: Emerald.
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Roth S. (2021) The great reset of management and organization theory. A European perspective. Published in the European Management Journal.
(Duration: 39:40 min).

Roth, S. (2021) Der Staat des multifunktionalen Liberalismus. Zu den Entscheidungsprämissen der nächsten politischen Ökologie. Published in: Bruns, W. und Ronge, V. (Hrsg.) Die Irritation der Gesellschaft durch Lockdown. Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa.
(Hördauer: 57:17 Min)