The Institute of Law and Technology of Kazimieras Simonavicius University (KSU) is the department with the longest history at KSU. In 2003 – 2011, the Institute operated as Vilnius Academy of Business Law and in 2012 became part of KSU. At the moment, the Institute organises integrated Master of Law studies of one year and a half duration (granting the qualifying degree of Master of Law).

The Institute of Law and Technology promotes academic leadership, openness and flexibility, when the core of the academic staff is formed according to the study program being developed or implemented. One of the most important values of the Institute of Law and Technology is openness to changes.

The law study program is inseparable from the social environment, it directly reflects the economic, political and cultural development of society, therefore both law and the concepts of justice and legality arise from social relations, the peculiarities of their formation and the results created by these relations.

Generally, law studies are designed to prepare qualified legal professionals capable to work in all legal institutions, i.e. to be a judge, lawyer, notary, bailiff and engage in other legal activities.

A person qualified as a lawyer must be socially responsible – not only the success of a specific activity, but also the value orientation of society itself, based on the pursuit of justice, honesty, legality, equality, and respect for people, directly depends on his professional knowledge, available abilities, personal qualities, value system, recognition of the rule of law and compliance with the law. Today’s lawyer is subject to extremely high ethical requirements, next to which his socially responsible behaviour and responsibility to society are equally important.

The aim of the Institute of Law and Technology is to prepare highly qualified law experts.

Affiliated Professor Ralf Rogowski (UK) Emeritus Academic at School of Law of Warwick University

Ralf Rogowski joined Warwick Law School in 1993, after having taught at Lancaster University and at the Free University in Berlin. For many years he was Director of the Law and Sociology Programme and Co-Director of Warwick University’s Social Theory Centre. He has been Visiting Professor at the Department of Law of the University of Florence, at the University of Torino, and the Marco Biagi Foundation of the University of Modena. He has been Senior Emile Noel Fellow at New York University School of Law in 2006 and a Visiting Fellow at the universities of Wisconsin, Madison; Konstanz; and Maastricht. He has also been a long-standing Research Associate at the Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung (WZB) in Berlin. Since 1996 he is general editor of the book series Studies in Modern Law and Policy and since 2012 with S. Karstedt and D. Taenzler of the book series Law, Crime and Culture.

Law study programmes


Head of studies and science at the Institute of law and technology
Olegas Beriozovas
+370 609 14472