Kazimieras Simonavicius University (hereinafter – the University) informs that a cyber attack incident may have occurred at the university on December 8, 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the Incident). The incident is suspected to have occurred through the “Moodle” system, possibly compromising the confidentiality of personal data of the University’s students. The categories of personal data that may have been compromised include student names, surnames, email addresses, and data on student evaluations.
Currently, the University is investigating the circumstances of the Incident. Security measures have been taken, and every effort is being made to determine the causes of the Incident, assess its consequences, and prevent the occurrence of similar cyber incidents in the future. Presently, there are no known negative consequences or risks to the rights and freedoms of students. There is no evidence that the possibly leaked personal data of students has been made public or that their confidentiality has been otherwise violated. However, the possibility of such incidents in the future is not ruled out. The University informed the State Data Protection Inspectorate and the National Cyber Security Center about the cyber incident.
Due to the potential compromise of personal data and the risk of its dissemination, we strongly recommend that University students change their login credentials (password) for the “Moodle” system.
If you have any questions, please contact the University’s data protection officer by e-mail oresleduomenys@sdg.lt.

We would like to inform you that the KSU community can now use the Moodle system. In order to quickly resolve any problems and to ensure access to the information necessary for studying, a new KSU Moodle has been created. All the environments have now been set up, lecturers and students have been inducted. Moodle users have been informed by email about the updated logins and the next steps.

The system is still being maintained and information is being added, thank you for your patience.

If you have any questions about Moodle, please contact: neringa.balvociute@ksu.lt

Please note that the MOODLE system is currently unavailable. As our, KTU and many other educational institutions’ MOODLE systems are hosted on KTU servers, a cyber-attack at KTU has affected the systems hosted at the KTU data centre, and we are currently unable to access the MOODLE system. The incident has been reported to the National Cyber Security Centre.

Specialists are currently working on restoring the services, doing everything possible, and looking for solutions. How long it will take and when we will be able to use everything we have, we unfortunately cannot say at the moment. We are following the information, we will take the appropriate decisions, and we will be sure to update you as soon as we know anything.

We ask for everyone’s understanding and patience.

Lecturers are kindly requested to postpone the due dates for students in view of this extraordinary and unpleasant situation and to allow students to submit their work and receive the necessary materials by other alternative means (email, Google Drive, or any other method you prefer).

Career in law area is much more than applying national legal basis into practice. Nowadays it’s critical to have a comprehensive understanding about international law, and especially EU policy trends. Lectures, workshops and debates on EU institutions & Enforcement of EU Law will be organised in Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme “Enhancing legal understanding of the EU Institutions and their functioning” which is organised by Leuven University of Applied Sciences (Leuven, Belgium) in partnership with Kazimieras Simonavicius Universiry, University of Lumsa (Italy), University of Alba Julia (Romania) and University of Villanueva (Spain). Visit to European Parliament in Brussels and other social / cultural activities are planned as well.

On-site activities will take place on 4-8 March 2024 at Leuven University of Applied Sciences (Belgium). Also, few online meetings in February 2024 will be organised for the preparation for intensive programme in Belgium. Participation in these online meetings is mandatory part of the programme. Students, who successfully pass the whole programme, will be awarded 3 ECTS which will be recognised as part of their study programme at KSU.

Participation in the programme is free of charge. Selected students will receive Erasmus+ scholarship of EUR 553 for the trip and accommodation.

Students of Law (1st-4th year of studies) and EU Law (1st year of studies) are invited to take part in this unique programme. Only 4 places are available for KSU students.

Interested? Submit the Application form till 30 November by e-mail international@ksu.lt.

KSU representatives attended the “Vantaa Business Day 2023” in Finland. On November 9–10, the Rector of Kazimieras Simonavicius University, Prof. Dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaite, and the Head of the School of Business Innovation and Communication, Doc. Deimantė Žilinskienė, participated in the Aviation Industry and Future Insights Researchers Meeting in Helsinki.

The meeting focused on trends in aviation city development, collaboration between cities and universities in education, research, and development, and the future needs of aviation training. Discussions also centered on leveraging artificial intelligence and big data for the Tourism, Aviation, and Hospitality Experiences Cluster (THE Cluster), as well as exploring entrepreneurial and service opportunities at airports.

Additionally, KSU representatives were actively involved in “Vantaa Business Day 2023.” The event’s theme this year was “Digitalization, artificial intelligence, and evolving competency requirements in business”. The Business Day stands as one of Vantaa’s largest business seminars, annually attracting around 300 business professionals from the region and beyond.

On November 9th, Chancellor Gabija Skučaitė of Kazimieras Simonavicius University, along with representatives from the International Relations and Strategic Development Department, met with a delegation from the Civil Aviation Academy of Kazakhstan (CAA). The CAA delegation included Chairman of the Board and Rector Beken K. Seidakhmetov, Vice-Rector for Science and Digitalization Prof. Dr. Kairant T. Koshekov, and the Director of the Simulation Flight Center, Daulet Tureakhmetov.

During the meeting, Rector B. K. Seidakhmetov presented the activities of the Academy and the extensive collaboration opportunities in various areas, such as science, mobility, double degree programs, information exchange, internships, professional development, and joint science and technical projects. The Rector also emphasized the Kazakh government’s commitment to supporting science and education in the fields of transportation and logistics, allocating funds accordingly.

It is worth mentioning that in March of this year, KSU signed a cooperation agreement with the Civil Aviation Academy. CAA is the only higher education institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan that trains aviation specialists according to international ICAO, EASA, and IATA requirements.

On Tuesday, a conference titled “Implementation of the Unmanned Aircraft Regulations: Opportunities and Challenges” was organized by Air Navigation to share experiences and discuss how unmanned aircraft (drone) traffic will be managed with the introduction of the U-Space management system.

“The U-Space service system will be deployed and tested in the summer of 2024 and will allow drone pilots to monitor the airspace in real time and air traffic controllers to receive information about and manage drone flights to authorize them to fly.

During the conference, we learned about countries’ experiences in providing U-Space services to ensure safe drone flights.

Presentations were made by Air Navigation, the Agency for Transport Excellence, U-Space system manufacturer Frequentis AG, drone operators, and manufacturers.

From October 17th to 19th, a group of international experts appointed by the Center for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) will visit Kazimieras Simonavicius University to evaluate the University’s activities.

Members of the external evaluation group have already had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the self-assessment summary document prepared by the KSU self-assessment preparation group and will now meet with the KSU community for further evaluation. During the three-day visit, experts will meet with the University’s Rector, members of the Council and Senate, heads of academic departments, administrative staff, lecturers, researchers, students, student representatives, alumni, social partners, and other individuals associated with the University’s activities. During the visit, the expert group will also inspect and assess KSU’s infrastructure and meet with individuals responsible for the material base.

You can find the detailed schedule of the external evaluation visit for KSU’s activities: KSU agenda.

On October 3rd, representatives of Kazimiero Simonavičiaus University participated in a scientific-practical conference “The Role of Higher Education in Creating Leadership Opportunities for People with Disabilities and Older Adults” held at the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. The event was organized by Seimas member and Chair of the Disability Rights Committee, Monika Ošmianskienė, in collaboration with Mykolas Romeris University’s Laboratory for Social Inclusion and Leadership Research, and event partners – Kazimiero Simonavičiaus University and the Association of Municipal Social Care Institutions Managers.

KSU’s Rector Prof. Dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė greeted the attendees and emphasized that, regardless of age, physical barriers, or disabilities – we can and should learn leadership from each other. This conference provides an opportunity for higher education institutions to better understand the challenges faced by people with disabilities and older adults, and to address their needs.

Speakers at the conference included representatives from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, the Department of Disability Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, various Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions, employers, and representatives of organizations uniting people with disabilities and older adults. Presentations discussed higher education accessibility for people with disabilities, the educational and study needs of older adults, the development of social inclusion and business competencies, and the relevance of inclusion for elderly individuals. Participants from foreign countries shared their successful project experiences. At the conference, a report titled “Inclusion of Adults with Fewer Opportunities in the Education System” was presented by KSU lecturer Prof. Dr. Tomas Butvilas.

On September 21-22, 2023, the Rector of Kazimiero Simonavicius University, Prof. Dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė, participated in the annual Central and Eastern European Network of Jurisprudence (CEENJ) conference, organized by the Law School of the University of Padua (Italy).

The Central and Eastern European Network of Jurisprudence was established in 2005. It brings together scholars of legal theory, philosophy of law, and other legal scholars from Austria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, and other countries. Prof. Dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė is a member of this network’s International Advisory Board.

The Rector has not only delivered presentation but also invited legal scholars from various countries to collaborate with Kazimieras Simonavicius University and discussed the possibilities of organizing this conference in Vilnius in 2025.

Date: 4th October

Time: 12:30 – 13:30

Place: 211 room, Kazimieras Simonavicius University.

Language: English

On October 4th, Dr. Louise Tidmand, Associate Professor at the University College of Copenhagen, will visit Kazimieras Simonavicius University and give an open lecture ”Life Skills and Life-do-ability in the 21st century – the what, why and how?”

The lecture will introduce the construct Life – do – ability and link it to the life skills, that the 21st century calls for. What are these life skills and how are they different from earlier? What does it mean to be life-do-able and how may higher education and students support each other in developing life skills and life-do-ability?

Louise Tidmand is a Danish “pracademic” – a practitioner and an academic. Her PhD research focuses on developing life coping skills, resilience, and wellbeing in adolescents through a whole school approach intervention. Louise is a teacher and educational psychologist, and she has devoted the past ten years to transform research into tangible educational materials for teachers, parents and students to work with in a school or home setting. Her books and games have received recommendations from the Danish National Board of Health and the Danish Board of Social Services.

Louise is passionate about connecting research to everyday lives through strength-based methods and approaches that will enable schools to develop Positive Education school cultures. Through her business The Strength Academy, she educates and trains professionals, who work with children and young adults, in social-emotional learning, strengths, wellbeing and life coping skills. As part of her PhD Louise was enrolled at the Centre for Positive Psychology at the University of Melbourne, an experience that added an international perspective to her research. It also gave her the opportunity to visit pioneer Positive Education Schools around Australia, speak to teachers, school managements and world leading researchers about the core of Positive Education, future directions of positive psychology, and wellbeing literacy.

On September 12-15 an international scientific conference dedicated to N. Luhmann’s system theory, “Environments. Observed with Social Systems Theory” was held. It was organized by the Next Society Institute of Kazimieras Simonavicius University and the Inter-University Center in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

During the conference, speakers from more than 30 different countries’ higher education institutions explored the multifaceted concept of “environment” in the context of social systems theory and presented the latest interdisciplinary theoretical and empirical studies in the fields of ecology, politics, economics, communication, law, education, and sociology.

The Rector of Kazimieras Simonavicius University, Prof. Dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė, together with the leaders of the Next Society Institute, selected the paper “The steering function of the state in techno-economic transformations for sustainability ” delivered by Lukas Fuchs from the Eindhoven University of Technology as the best conference presentation. His work captivated the committee with its precise argumentation, theoretical foundation, and innovative insights.