

Aviation Student Club was established at KSU this month. If you understand the importance of students and professionals network, participation in extra curriculum activities during your studies, want to hone your leadership and presentation skills and looking for new opportunities, join the Aviation Student Club!

Possible activities may include:

  • Meetings with representatives from different aviation industry companies
  • Company visits
  • Organizing various aviation courses outside university curriculum
  • Organizing aviation school for the children during their school holidays
  • Organizing open days for aviation management study programme
  • Managing Facebook account for aviation management
  • Student scientific conferences and seminars
  • Aviation management graduates CV book
  • and others.

Every activity brings to you knowledge, skills, network, new friends, fun and other things, which at the end will help you to find a better job in the future and to enjoy more your studies at University.

If you want to join the Aviation Student Club, please contact:

Darius Verbyla




On December 1st the international workshop “Achieving Progress in Children’s Welfare: Interdisciplinary and Multilevel Governance Perspectives” took place at Vilnius City Municipality. The workshop was organized by Kazimieras Simonavičius University Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Children Rights and Children’s day centre “Navininkai”.

This workshop aimed to address the question of an interdisciplinary approach in children’s rights related policies and their implementation in order to promote the idea and the role of inter-institutional cooperation for children’s welfare at all levels of governance.

More than 100 specialists from various public institutions and NGOs participated in the workshop. The presentations were made by Ombudsperson for Children’s Rights of the Republic of Lithuania Dr. Edita Žiobienė and 12 scholars and practitioners from Lithuania and foreign countries:

  • Prof. Dr. Steven M. Shardlow (United Kingdom)
  • Cheri Lovre (USA)
  • Prof. Dr. Stefanos Spaneas (Cyprus)
  • Prof. Dr. Theano Kallinikaki (Greece)
  • Dr. Sara Serbati (Italy)
  • Dr. Aida Kišūnaitė (Lithuania)
  • Jolanta Tupko-Mazur (Lithuania)
  • Doc. Dr. Tomas (Lithuania)
  • Doc. Dr. Živilė Vilma Jonynienė (Lithuania)
  • Prof. Dr.Giedrė Kvieskienė (Lithuania)
  • Dr. Eglė Celešienė (Lithuania)
  • Doc. Dr. Justinas Sadauskas (Lithuania)




Presenting the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Children Rights which was established on July, Dr. Aida Kišūnaitė said: “It is important for us, scholars of Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Children Rights, to be heard by legislature and executive institutions because we seek to encourage the complex attitude to children’s rights not only between the members of scholar’s community but also to foster forming researched based politics in the field of children’s rights. The main goal of the international workshop is to attract the attention of society and practitioners towards the implementation of interdisciplinary approach in the field of children’s welfare and to encourage the cooperation between the separate sectors such as social, health, education and legal”.



We kindly inform you that Kazimieras Simonavičius University moves to the new building (address: Darius ir Girėnas str. 21, Vilnius). You will find it at the new place from November 14th.




We kindly invite you to watch the online broadcast of the international conference “Legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses: experience of EU and Lithuania” from Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. To watch the broadcast, please press Tiesioginė transliacija anglų kalba.

The conference is organized by Kazimieras Simonavičius University‘s Law Faculty, National Consumer Confederation and Committee of Legal Affairs of Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

You can download the programme of the international conference here.


Dr. Marcin Białecki

On November 7th at 12 noon the open lecture of advocate dr. Marcin Białecki (Poland) “Mediation in civil cases. Recent developments in Polish Civil Procedure from theoretical and practical perspective” will be held at Kazimieras Simonavičius University (15 auditorium). Lecture language – English. We kindly invite you to participate!

Some information about the lecturer:

  • deputy Disciplinary Officer for the Łódź Regional Council of Advocates (Okręgowa Rada Adwokacka) in Łódź;
  • mediator;
  • family mediator for transnational disputes;
  • Ph.D., Legal Sciences in the field of law;
  • Associate Professor at the Chair of Civil Procedure, Faculty of Law and Administration, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw;
  • ex-judge;
  • tutor;
  • speaker at the Academy of European Law in Trier;
  • lecturer at the Łódź Regional Council of Advocates;
  • graduate of the School of German Law (Münster);
  • awarded scholarships at the University of Strasbourg and Justus Liebig University Giessen;
  • served pupillage at the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe in Brussels (CCBE)
  • an award winner in Polish public speaking competitions and finalist in the Human Rights public speaking competition held in Caen, France;
  • the author of publications on civil procedure and mediation.

Prof. dr hab. Monika Jaworska-Witkowska, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Kujawsko-Pomorska Szkola Wyższa in Bydgoszcz, Iwona Waszkiewicz , Deputy Mayor of Bydgoszcz, prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis, KSU Rector, and prof. dr hab. Lech Witkowski.

On October 27-28th Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU) Rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis participated in the International Interdisciplinary Conference “One World – Many Cultures“ which took place in Bydgoszcz, Poland. The 7th international conference is organized by Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz.

On the first day of the conference KSU Rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis shared his experience and talked about Management and Ethics of Private University in a Changing Europe.

KSU together with Kujawy and Pomerania University in Bydgoszcz (Poland), the Kyrgyz National University (Kyrgyzstan) and Romanian University of Sibiu signed the quadripartite cooperation agreement to share didactic experiences, to cooperate in business, culture and sports, to raise quality and efficiency of studies, to strengthen the competitiveness of universities and ensure the interaction of education, business and innovation.


On November 2nd, Lithuanians remember those who are passed away. Due to that on October 28th at 6 p. m. the experimental photography exhibition called “Amnesia. No’ones gaze” will be opened in Šiauliai. The author of the exhibition is Kazimieras Simonavičius University Creative Society and Economy Institute director assoc. prof. dr. Remigijus Venckus. The author dedicates the exhibition for those who are passed away and forgotten. Works which are made of funeral photos continues the idea of former cycle “Amnesia” and the concept of the post-photography.

The exhibition opening: October 28th at 6 p.m.

Exhibition duration: October 28th – December 1st

Address: Laiptų galerija (Laiptai Gallery), Žemaitės str. 83, Šiauliai (Lithuania).



Kazimieras Simonavičius University‘s Law Faculty, National Consumer Confederation and Committee of Legal Affairs of Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania organize the international conference “Legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses: experience of EU and Lithuania”. The conference will be held on 4th of November at Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (Gedimino av. 53, Constitution Hall – 1st building, Vilnius).

The aim of the conference is to develop international scientific cooperation in the field of legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses.

The theory and practice of legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses of European Union and Lithuania will be discussed in the conference. Law scholars from foreign countries (United Kingdom, Spain and Poland) will speak in the conference.

You can download the programme of the international conference here.

We kindly invite you to participate in the conference.


Registration will be closed on 31st of October at 10 a.m. When registering, please write your name, surname, institution and contact information to . We kindly ask you to write also if you would like to get the participation certificate.

NOTE: Please don’t forget to have your ID card or passport with you.

For more information, please call +370 686 25661.



The last meeting of Kazimieras Simonavičius University Senate was held on September 27th. The University thanks the Senate President Romualdas Ginevičius for responsible leadership and the members of the Senate for implemented ideas.

The University has begun the preparation for the new Senate elections.

At the last meeting of the Senate the President Romualdas Ginevičius was also greeted with 70-year anniversary. Kazimieras Simonavičius University community sincerely thanks the Senate President for inspiration and ideas, and wish success in work and personal life.



Director of Creative Society and Economy Institute assoc. prof. dr. Remigijus Venckus will visit the Estonian Academy of Arts on September 26-30. The visit marks the beginning of cooperation between Kazimieras Simonavičius University and Estonian Academy of Arts.

Director will meet the Tallinn Art Academy senior researcher assoc. prof. dr. Raivo Kelomees on September 28th.

According to assoc. prof. dr. R. Venckus, dr. Raivo Kelomees is one of the most famous contemporary media art explorers in Estonia, he has also engaged in the practice of video art and has been invited to many universities as a lecturer. We hope that in the future assoc. prof. dr. R. Kelomees will visit Kazimieras Simonavičius University too.

Modern university is more than a place where professors come to share their knowledge and experience and students come to gain it. It is a space where individuals meet each other: professionals of different fields, young talents and future colleagues. A space where ideas and projects are born. Different talents, personal qualities and experience are realized here. To be open not only to ideas but also to individuals, it is necessary to communicate. In order to encourage closer communication between students, professors and administration staff, Kazimieras Simonavičius University organizes informal, cozy and fun celebration of a new academic year. This year celebration started at the University and then continued in Vingis park where KSU Picnic took place. We invite you to watch a short video about the celebration:



The representatives of Kazimieras Simonavičius University and Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz (Poland) met in Vilnius on the 6th of September. KSU Rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis, Vice-Rector Andrius Tekorius, director of Creative Society and Economy Institute assoc. prof. dr. Remigijus Venckus, international coordinator Vaiva-Poškaitė Tomaševič, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences and Modern Languages of Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz prof. Monika Jaworska-Witkowska, prof. Lech Witkowski, and dr. Marta Małecka participated in the meeting. Cooperation opportunities in science and studies were discussed during the meeting.

Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz, Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasygan and Romanian – Germanian University of Sibiu are the memebers of International Consortium of Rectors and Presidents of Universities and Higher Education Institutions. The meeting held in KSU this week is a a part of long-term and consistant cooperation.