

On November 2nd, Lithuanians remember those who are passed away. Due to that on October 28th at 6 p. m. the experimental photography exhibition called “Amnesia. No’ones gaze” will be opened in Šiauliai. The author of the exhibition is Kazimieras Simonavičius University Creative Society and Economy Institute director assoc. prof. dr. Remigijus Venckus. The author dedicates the exhibition for those who are passed away and forgotten. Works which are made of funeral photos continues the idea of former cycle “Amnesia” and the concept of the post-photography.

The exhibition opening: October 28th at 6 p.m.

Exhibition duration: October 28th – December 1st

Address: Laiptų galerija (Laiptai Gallery), Žemaitės str. 83, Šiauliai (Lithuania).



Kazimieras Simonavičius University‘s Law Faculty, National Consumer Confederation and Committee of Legal Affairs of Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania organize the international conference “Legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses: experience of EU and Lithuania”. The conference will be held on 4th of November at Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (Gedimino av. 53, Constitution Hall – 1st building, Vilnius).

The aim of the conference is to develop international scientific cooperation in the field of legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses.

The theory and practice of legal regulation of alternative dispute resolution between consumers and businesses of European Union and Lithuania will be discussed in the conference. Law scholars from foreign countries (United Kingdom, Spain and Poland) will speak in the conference.

You can download the programme of the international conference here.

We kindly invite you to participate in the conference.


Registration will be closed on 31st of October at 10 a.m. When registering, please write your name, surname, institution and contact information to jolita.malinauskaite@ksu.lt . We kindly ask you to write also if you would like to get the participation certificate.

NOTE: Please don’t forget to have your ID card or passport with you.

For more information, please call +370 686 25661.



The last meeting of Kazimieras Simonavičius University Senate was held on September 27th. The University thanks the Senate President Romualdas Ginevičius for responsible leadership and the members of the Senate for implemented ideas.

The University has begun the preparation for the new Senate elections.

At the last meeting of the Senate the President Romualdas Ginevičius was also greeted with 70-year anniversary. Kazimieras Simonavičius University community sincerely thanks the Senate President for inspiration and ideas, and wish success in work and personal life.



Director of Creative Society and Economy Institute assoc. prof. dr. Remigijus Venckus will visit the Estonian Academy of Arts on September 26-30. The visit marks the beginning of cooperation between Kazimieras Simonavičius University and Estonian Academy of Arts.

Director will meet the Tallinn Art Academy senior researcher assoc. prof. dr. Raivo Kelomees on September 28th.

According to assoc. prof. dr. R. Venckus, dr. Raivo Kelomees is one of the most famous contemporary media art explorers in Estonia, he has also engaged in the practice of video art and has been invited to many universities as a lecturer. We hope that in the future assoc. prof. dr. R. Kelomees will visit Kazimieras Simonavičius University too.

Modern university is more than a place where professors come to share their knowledge and experience and students come to gain it. It is a space where individuals meet each other: professionals of different fields, young talents and future colleagues. A space where ideas and projects are born. Different talents, personal qualities and experience are realized here. To be open not only to ideas but also to individuals, it is necessary to communicate. In order to encourage closer communication between students, professors and administration staff, Kazimieras Simonavičius University organizes informal, cozy and fun celebration of a new academic year. This year celebration started at the University and then continued in Vingis park where KSU Picnic took place. We invite you to watch a short video about the celebration:



The representatives of Kazimieras Simonavičius University and Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz (Poland) met in Vilnius on the 6th of September. KSU Rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis, Vice-Rector Andrius Tekorius, director of Creative Society and Economy Institute assoc. prof. dr. Remigijus Venckus, international coordinator Vaiva-Poškaitė Tomaševič, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences and Modern Languages of Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz prof. Monika Jaworska-Witkowska, prof. Lech Witkowski, and dr. Marta Małecka participated in the meeting. Cooperation opportunities in science and studies were discussed during the meeting.

Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz, Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasygan and Romanian – Germanian University of Sibiu are the memebers of International Consortium of Rectors and Presidents of Universities and Higher Education Institutions. The meeting held in KSU this week is a a part of long-term and consistant cooperation.

Dean of Law Faculty dr. Aida Kišūnaitė

Dr. Aida Kišūnaitė has been appointed as a new Dean of KSU Law Faculty. Congratulations!

Previously dr. Aida Kišūnaitė was a KSU Law Faculty Vice-dean for studies and research.

Dr. A. Kišūnaitė’s research interests are children’s rights, European Union Law, social and health policies and legal regulations of non-governmental organizations activities.

Dr. A. Kišūnaitė was awarded PhD in “Political systems and institutional change” from IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy) in 2012, European Studies Master’s degree from Hamburg University (Germany) in 2010 and the Master of Laws from Vilnius University (Lithuania) in 2006.

As a scientist dr.  Aida Kišūnaitė has participated in the research and working groups in the various European institutions.


Kišūnaitė A. and Pūras, D., Toward holistic approach to children’s rights. Case study – Lithuanian mental health policy, Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Vol. 18(2), 2016, p. 40-47.

Kišūnaitė, A. Establishing National Human Rights Institution in Lithuania: Theoretical and Practical Lessons, In The Mediterranean Human Rights Review, Issue 2016.

Kišūnaitė, A. Future Perspectives: The Emergence of Postnational Citizenship in Latin America, Alter/nativas, Latin American Cultural Studies Journal (forthcoming).

Pūras, D. and Kišūnaitė, A. Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice in Lithuania: Historical and Critical Review In Adolescent Psychiatry Reviews, Bentham Science Publishers, Vol. 4, 2014, p. 284-292.

Kišūnaitė, A. Participation of social civil society organizations in the Open Method of Coordination: How does it affect European governance and civil society organizations themselves? Case studies: European networks and Lithuanian civil society organizations, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy, 2014.


Favorable environment for children: challenges and opportunities (original title: Palanki aplinka vaikams: iššūkiai ir galimybės) (2013).

Participation of social CSOs in the OMC inclusion: How does it affect European governance and CSOs themselves. Lithuanian case study (2009-2013).

Education as an integration tool of second-generation migrants in the EU. Case study: France and Germany), (2007-2008).

Enlargement as a social policy problem? The pressure on harmonisation of social systems stemming from increased labour and capital mobility within the EU), (2007-2008).

Dear KSU community members: students, graduates, lecturers, administration personnel and friends, we invite you to celebrate the beginning of the new academic year together!

Students, we kindly ask you to fill in the registration form till the 29th of August. Everyone who registers till the 29th of August will be treated to the most delicious Beigel and non-alcohol punch for free!
You can find the registration form here: https://goo.gl/hkdp3g


September 1st

11:00 – 11:30 Official opening of the new academic year at the University (J. Basanavičius str. 29 A)

11:30 – 12:00 Moving to the Vingis Park

12:00 – 14:00 KSU PICNIC in the Vingis Park near the „Picnic” bistro, M. K. Čiurlionis str. 98:
• DJ JuoKaz
• Party meniu: beigels, humus, crispy vegetables and punch. Yummy!)
• Dance lesson
• Photoshoot
• Active games and entertainment
• First year students meeting with mentors
14:30 First year students go to the afterparty “Even the forest doesn’t scare us”
which is organized by KSU Students Association. The price is only 10 euros. Registration is necessary: https://goo.gl/pZnzns



1st December, 2016
Vilnius, Lithuania

Despite many European, national and local level attempts to improve the welfare of children in European countries, the problem of the lack comprehensive and children’s rights based approach is still present at policy formation and implementation levels.

This workshop aims to address the question of an interdisciplinary approach in children’s rights related policies and their implementation in order to promote the idea and the role of inter-institutional cooperation for children’s welfare at all levels of governance.

The workshop addresses these questions by focusing on the situation of the rights of four most vulnerable children groups:

  1. Children who grow-up in poverty and social exclusion.
  2. Children who are placed in institutional care.
  3. Children with disabilities.
  4. Migrant and refugee children.

The invited scholars and practitioners are from different European countries and various disciplines: legal science, social work, educational sciences, sociology, and psychology. Theoretical views and practical experiences about the priority issues, achievements, obstacles, best practices in relation to an interdisciplinary cooperation in enhancing children welfare in European countries will be shared.


1st December, Thursday (KSU)
Jono Basanavičiaus Str. 29 A, Vilnius

8.30-9.30 Registration of the participants (socializing)
9.30-9.40 Welcoming and announcements
9.40-10.20 Key notes
Ombudsperson for Children’s Rights of the Republic of Lithuania
Dr. E. Žiobienė
Director of Crisis Management Institute (CMI) in Salem (Oregon, USA)
Ch. Lovre, MS
Session A: Children welfare and social work: international experience and best practices
10.20-10.40 “Protecting the rights of the child: balancing contradictory imperatives”, Prof. Dr. Steven M. Shardlow
10.40-11.00 “Empowering a Community of Adults in Therapeutic Support for Youth”,
Cheri Lovre, MS
11.00-11.20 “Networking schools, social services and the community to safeguard children’s rights and tackle school dropout in Muslim disadvantaged /poor neighborhoods in Thrace-Greece” Prof. Dr . Agapi Kandylaki
11.20-12.00 Discussion & Coffee break
12.00-12.20 “Improving collaboration in social care services for children through the implementation of CAF”, Prof. Dr. Stefanos Spaneas
12.20-12.40 “Children’s rights and social care system in Greece”, Prof. Dr. Sevaste Chatzifotiou
12.40-12.55 Discussion
12.55-13.15 “Resilience and  vulnerability: School inclusion of  refuge, asylum seeking and children in institutional care”, Prof. Dr. Theano Kallinikaki
13.15-13.35 “The Experience of the Programme of Intervention for Prevention of Institutionalization (P.I.P.P.I.) in Italy: method and results”, Dr. Sara Serbati
13.35-14.00 Overall morning session discussion
14.00-15.00 Lunch
Session B: Children welfare through legal perspective
15.00-15.20 “Children’s rights and EU legal regulation: multidisciplinary approach and possibilities“, Dr. Aida Kišūnaitė
15.20-15.40 “Children’s rights and mediation: good practice”, Dr. Jolanta Tupko-Mazur
15.40-15.55 Discussion
Session C: Children welfare through social work and psychology perspectives: Lithuanian experience
15.55-16.15 “Migration in Lithuania: Children left behind”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tomas Butvilas
16.15-16.35 “Children living in social risk families: their welfare in society and institutions”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Živilė Vilma Jonynienė
16.35-16.55 “Supervision in case of social risk families”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Justinas Sadauskas
16.55-17.30 Discussion & Coffee break
17.30-17.50 Plenary discussion of the workshop

Early bird registration:                                                            (until 1st September, 2016)      €50

Late registration:                                                                       (until 1st November, 2016)      €70

Last minute registration:                                                         (until 1st December, 2016)      €80

Registration for students:                                                        (until 1st December, 2016)      €30


The fee includes:

Workshop programme and abstracts, workshop bag, certificate of attendance with 8 ac. /hrs. of participation, 2 coffee/tea breaks, and lunch on the 1st of December, 2016.


For more information please contact:

Dr. Aida Kišūnaitė – e-mail: aida.kisunaite@ksu.lt, tel. (8 5) 213 5172

Dr. Tomas Butvilas  – e-mail: tomas.butvilas@kolegija.lt.


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In 2016 KSU has launched two international LL.M degree programmes, which are also open to the legal practitioners who wish to attend just several courses and obtain the post qualification training certificate.

Post qualification training certificate can be obtained within the framework of these Master programmes:KSU-master-of-laws-programmes-mob
The courses in both LL.M programmes are practice-oriented and cover latest developments, main actual problems and proposed solutions in certain field, and are taught by legal expertise from prestigious European universities such as:

  • Brunel Law School (Great Britain),
  • University of Hamburg (Germany),
  • Ghent university (Belgium),
  • College of Europe (Belgium),
  • University of Geneva (Switzerland),
  • Business School Lausanne (Switzerland),
  • Central European University (Hungary).

Each course in the programme is taught 4 hours/day and consists of 20 hours (6 ECTS). KSU Law faculty organizes post qualification courses using the module system meaning that each course is taught within one week.

The participant who is interested in obtaining a post qualification certificate can choose to attend one or more courses and is free to choose whether or not he/she will participate in the final exam. In the case the participant chooses to take the final exam, he will be provided with final certificate, which includes the number of earned ECTS (6 ECTS/course) that are recognized at the university level.

Meanwhile if the participant chooses just to attend the course(s)– he/she will be provided with final attendance certificate without ECTS, which is also recognized as post qualification training.

400 EUR per course (attendance of the course and post qualification training certificate).
300 EUR final exam (exam and post qualification training certificate with 6 ECTS).



Fall semester 2016

Courses LL.M programme Professor
International trade law





Prof. dr. Makane Mbengue, University of Geneva, Switzerland
International investment law


International contract law


Prof. dr. Leonila Guglya, Business school Lausanne, Switzerland
Alternative dispute resolution


Competition Law of the EU  


Prof. dr. Jacques Bourgeois Gent university/College of Europe, Belgium
Legal aspects of Europe’s Integration into the Global Economy Prof. dr. Thomas Bruha, University of Hamburg, Germany
Legal reasoning in the EU law Dr. Gerard Conway, Brunel law school, Brunel University London, UK

Prof. dr. Makane Moïse Mbengue is Associate Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva. Prof. Mbengue is also a Visiting Professor at Sciences Po Paris (School of Law). He holds a Ph.D. in Public International Law from the University. He acts as a professor for courses in international law organized by the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) and by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Prof. Mbengue acts as counsel in disputes before international courts and tribunals.

Dr. Guglya holds SJD degree, in International Business Law from Central European University (CEU), as well as three graduate level degrees in law, all – with a certain extent of concentration on international commercial law and international dispute settlement issues – from (chronologically) the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (Ukraine); Central European University (Hungary) and University of Geneva Law School and Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Switzerland). Dr. Guglya has worked with several international law firms in Ukraine, Belgium and France and carried out a major interdisciplinary international investment arbitration research project at the University of Geneva Law School. Being currently in charge of law and dispute settlement in several academic institutions in Switzerland, Dr. Guglya is an author of a number of publications on international law and dispute settlement topics.

Prof. Dr. Jacques Bourgeois is a counsel in the law firm WilmerHale where he advises on all aspects European Union law, specifically in relation to EU competition matters and international trade law. Mr. Bourgeois has been appointed Chairman of the Competition Commission advising the Belgian government. Mr. Bourgeois is Professor of the College of Europe (Bruges), guest professor at the University of Gent.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bruha is Emeritus professor for European law at the University of Hamburg and the Director of European Integration Foundation of Europa-Kolleg Hamburg. He is one of the leading German legal experts  of economic and legal aspects of Europe’s Integration into the world economy.

Prof. Dr. Gerard Conway lectures at  Brunel law school and specializes in European constitutional law (European Union and comparative), especially the role and legal reasoning of the European Court of Justice and held a number of visiting positions, most recently iCourts Centre in the Law Faculty of the University of Copenhagen (2015), University of Buckingham, as leader for the course Systems Analysis in International Law (in 2009), and the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal law, Freiburg, Germany (2011).
For more information, please contact:
Dr. AidaKišūnaitė
Vice-Dean for Research and Studies,
Law faculty, Kazimieras Simonavičius university
Tel./fax +370 5 213 5172,
E-mail: aida.kisunaite@ksu.lt

Based of Inter-institutional agreement and interest for the benefits of students and professors and administrative

IUT photo

International University Travnik

staff within Erasmus+ programme, Kazimieras Simonavičus University and International University Travnik from Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina proudly announces joint Erasmus+ mobility programme for 2016/17. It is agreed on 3 staff mobility for teaching, also –  3 students mobility for studies and  2 staff mobility for training from IUT to KSU. Also it will be planned 1 staff mobility for teaching, 1 student’s mobility for studies and 1 staff mobility for training from KSU to IUT.


Participant of the international workshop

On 15th of July Kazimieras Simonavičius University organized international workshop “Bridging the Gender Gap: Gender Equality Index of Taiwan“ which took place in Vilnius. Scholars from Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania) and University of Latvia and representatives from Taiwan Government Department of Gender Equality, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Labor participated in the event.


Assoc. prof. dr. L. Labanauskas and dr. M. Zitmanė

This was the second international workshop on gender equality theme which Kazimieras Simonavičius University organized this year. The first workshop “Sharing EU Expertise: Gender Equality Index of Taiwan“ took place in Vilnius on the 25th of February.

Participants of the international workshop were congratulated by Kazimieras Simonavičius University Vice-Rector Andrius Tekorius, Head of the Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia, Ambassador Gary Ko and the General Director of Taiwan Government Department of Gender Equality Pi-Shia Huang.

Coordinator of scientific research project assoc. prof. dr. Liutauras Labanauskas and Scholar from University of Latvia dr. Marita Zitmanė presented to participants the project of scientific research “Sharing EU Expertise: Gender Equality Index of Taiwan“ which was created by international scientific research team from Kazimieras Simonavičius University, University of Latvia and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan). Participants discussed the programme of this project, the opportunities of creating and setting the gender equality index of Taiwan.


Assoc. prof. dr. L. Labanauskas, Andrius Tekorius, Gary Ko and Pi-Shia Huang

Delegation of Taiwan also visited the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) situated in Vilnius. They were introduced with the structure of EIGE, ongoing projects, gender equality index which was set and created by EIGE, its creation history, methodology and opportunities of application.

Collaboration between Kazimieras Simonavičius University, National Kaohsiung University and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology started in 2012 when the collaboration agreement was assigned.