On the 17th of November (Friday) Professor Hervainé Szabó Gyöngyvér from Kodolanyi Janos University of Applied Sciences (Hungary) will give a lecture “European Governance and Diplomacy” at Kazimieras Simonavičius University on 17 November (Friday). Lecture will start at 10.15 a.m. in room no. 213.
The professor will present current issues in global governance and diplomacy, cosmopolitanism in European governance and well-being comparative vision for a European Public policy.
Students of Political Communication and Journalism are especially invited to this lecture, but other students are also very welcome as the lecture is open.
Language of instruction – English.
Dr. Mindaugas KazlauskasSince 2017 September, the Creative Society and Economy Institute (CSEI) of Kazimieras Simonavičius University has been led by Dr. Mindaugas Kazlauskas.
The Director seeks to make CSEI the most important interdisciplinary research center for the creative economy and fashion industry in the Baltic region, maintaining close links with foreign universities and academics, offering high quality, viable and interesting studies.
M. Kazlauskas’ Ph. D. degree is in Humanities from Vytautas Magnus University. His areas of scientific interests are communication theory, philosophy of consciousness and eco-phenomenology.
M. Kazlauskas is experienced in working as a coordinator of programmes and projects in other Lithuanian higher education institutions, as well as an external expert in European Union projects. He also has pedagogical work experience at universities and secondary schools.
The head of the CSEI invites students, lecturers and all those with proposals for the activities of the CSEI to submit them in the meeting or by email: mindaugas.kazlauskas@ksu.lt. For everyday study questions, please contact the study coordinators by e-mail nuolatinis@ksu.lt or istestinis@ksu.lt.
Participants of the meeting
On 20-21st of October Director of the Business School of Kazimieras Simonavičius University Deimantė Budriūnaitė participated in the second international meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Investing in Entrepreneurship Universities in the Caucasus and Central Asia” (EUCA INVEST) in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
Participants of the meeting discussed the progress of Kyrgyz Republic and Georgia in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship through the application of good European practices and creation and development of CreaLABs by improving the creativity and entrepreneurship competences and skills of students and high school staff. Participants also discussed the problems arising from the application of good practices, discussed further project perspectives and activities, organizational project issues.
Lithuania represented by Kazimieras Simonavičius University is one of the 6 partner countries of the European Union (together with Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium, Portugal and Scotland), providing methodological assistance to higher education institutions in Kyrgyz Republic and Georgia, aiming at developing creativity labs, promoting students’ entrepreneurship and innovation.
Arijandas Šliupas
Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU) and the company Friendly Avia Support launch the series of talks on aviation industry Aviation in the Making. The first event will take place at 5 PM on the 19th of November at the KSU premises (Dariaus ir Girėno st. 21, Vilnius).
The guest speaker of the first event is an independent expert Arijandas Šliupas. The topic of his talk is Evaluation of Airport Efficiency: Profit or State Interest?
Arijandas Šliupas is an independent expert, politician and aviation manager. Since 1995 he’s worked at the transport and logistical companies DSV, Nordnet, Balti Logistika and Litcargus. Between 2007 and 2012 he served as the General Manager at Kaunas Airport, and between 2012 and 2016 as Vice Minister at the Lithuanian Ministry of Transport and Communications. During this period, Šliupas held a number of other roles including Chairman of the Boards at Vilnius and Palanga airports and the Lithuanian Post.
More information about the event: https://goo.gl/mKc3zJ
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University photo
On the 3-6th of October, Kazimieras Simonavičius University lecturer Prof. Dr. Raimundas Kalesnykas participated in the Kharkiv International Legal Forum “Law and Problems of Sustainable Development in Globalized World” (Ukraine). Professor gave a report on Lithuania’s experience in prevention of corruption and moderated the discussion “The World Without Corruption: Myth or Reality?”.
In his report “Prevention of corruption in the public sector of Lithuania: a success story and the best practice” Prof. Dr. Raimundas Kalesnykas presented Lithuania’s good practice in preventing corruption in the fields of law enforcement, civil service and public administration.
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University photo
The main topics of this year’s Kharkiv International Legal Forum were focused on one of the main goals of sustainable development: promoting the construction of a peaceful and open society, access to justice for everybody and creation of institutions on all levels, which will be fair, accountable and based on broad participation.
The forum, organized by the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, was attended by high-ranking officials of Ukraine and foreign experts: leaders of Ukrainian National Anti-Corruption Bureau and National Anti-Corruption Agency, representatives of the Ukrainian government and ministries, as well as the leaders of international organizations residing in Ukraine (GRECO, USAID, OSCE, UNDP, IFES, etc.), academics, researchers and students of 20 universities from all over the world.
Aviation in the Making 2017-2018
Kazimieras Simonavičius University and the company Friendly Avia Support have joined forces with the intention of concentrating ideas and deepening the knowledge of air transport by organising a series of public discussions about the industry with its leading managers.
The current situation within the world of aviation is very optimistic, although there are a number of contradictions. The big players are buying out the small ones, challenges within aviation security are on the constant increase, and new areas of operation and regulation come into play as drones and commercial space flight become a reality.
Much strategic thinking about the future of air transport needs to be accomplished as it predetermines the economy within the entire region. International Air Transport Association predicts that air travel will double within the next 20 years and freight air transport is already one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy within the European Union. What do aviation leaders think of such predictions?
Sixteen meetings will take place during the 2017-2018 academic year in which distinguished aviation company managers will share their views and insights on the situation within various fields of air transport and evaluate the region’s airport systems within a global context. Aviation industry leaders: Gediminas Almantas, CEO of Lithuanian Airports; Gediminas Žiemelis, Chairman of the Board at Avia Solutions Group; Žilvinas Lapinskas, CEO of FL Technics will participate in the upcoming Aviation in the Making events.
Ariandas Šliupas, an independent expert, politician and aviation manager launches the series of talks with the topic ‘Evaluation of Airport Efficiency: Profit or State Interest?’ at 5 PM on the 19th of October, 2017 in Kazimieras Simonavičius University premises.
All the events are free to attend, are held in English and certificates will be available for regular attendees at the end of the series.
For more information on the first event follow this link: Evaluation of Airport Efficiency: Profit or State Interest?
Professor Olgica Nestorović from International University Travnik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) will give a lecture „International Economy“ at Kazimieras Simonavičius University on the 2nd of October (Wednesday). Lecture will start at 2.20 p.m. in room no. 210.
The professor will present globalisation of the world economy, investments into human capital and Europe 2020 strategy.
Language of instruction – English.
All interested students are welcome as the lecture is open.
KSU Hearthstone Cup super final
Last weekend KSU Hearthstone Cup took place at game culture event GameOn III. The tournament organized by Kazimieras Simonavičius University students attracted around 200 Hearthstone fans – the biggest crowd of Hearthstone players ever gathered in Lithuania.
The winner Tomas Dailidonis was announced on Sunday evening, after the super final duel with the player PuKisM. ‘Some computer games educate contrary to the widespread belief’, says Tomas who studies Finance and Insurance at Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics in one of the universities in Vilnius. Tomas is a huge fan of Hearthstone and is particularly happy that esports tournaments such as KSU Hearthstone Cup is organized by university students. ‘Kazimieras Simonavičius University students are doing the great job!’, he told after the tournament.
The KSU Hearthstone Cup prize pool was 1000 euros. The winner received a ticket to real flight simulator of Boeing737 or Airbus320, and a granite sculpture designed for the tournament by the famous Lithuanian sculptor Kęstutis Musteikis.
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is a computer game created by Blizzard Entertainment. The game uses the Warcraft series of themes: actors, symbols, and etc. It was first introduced in 2013. In 2017 the number of its active players has exceeded 70 million.
13 – 18 PM, on the 25th of September the conference ‘Social Innovations and Regional Development’ takes place at the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, in Vilnius.
The conference is organised by Kazimieras Simonavičius University, as a part of the SI-DRIVE project. It focuses on the discussion about the decline of Lithuanian regions and how the notion and practice of social innovation can be useful for their development. The conference organisers are seeking to apply the results of the SI-DRIVE research project in practice, by discussing them with the regional development stakeholders in Lithuania and the international team of researchers.
Kazimieras Simonavičius University scientists together with representatives of the following institutions: Lithuanian Parliament Committee on Education and Science, Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian Parliament Committee on State Administration and Local Authorities, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, Institute of Lithuanian Language, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO, and Catholic University of Leuven will be seeking for potential models and opportunities of innovative regional development.
The conference is a part of the four-year international research project ‘Social Innovation – Driving Force of Social Change’ (SI-DRIVE), which includes 16 partners from EU countries and 9 partners from other regions of the world.
Jeff McDonald, Darius Verbyla, Lon Wong and Kristof Van de Reck
On the 18th of September, the executives of the global foundation based in Singapore “NEM.io Foundation”: President Lon Wong, Vice President Jeff McDonald and Council Member Christoph Van de Reck visited Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU).
“NEM.io Foundation” is the leading Blockchain and digital currency technology company. Guests discussed KSU decision to accept tuition and fees in cryptocurrency and cooperation opportunities in the financial technology sector with KSU Chancellor Darius Verbyla.
“NEM.io Foundation” is the sixth largest Blockchain and digital currency technology company, valued at 1.7 billion euros. The company develops Blockchain technology, called NEM, and the digital currency XEM.
On the 19th of September, Jeff McDonald gave a talk “Blockchain – A New Revolutionary Protocol” at the modern technology and entrepreneurship event #SWITCH! in Kaunas. At the event KSU presented a temporary exhibition called “Cryptocurrency Museum”.
Starting from September 14, 2017, Kazimieras Simonavičiaus University accepts payments in cryptocurrency. The university is the first to offer this way of payment for studies in Lithuania, and one of only a handful in the Baltic Sea region.
Jeff McDonald, Darius Verbyla, Lon Wong and Kristof Van de Reck
Rugsėjo 18 dieną Kazimiero Simonavičiaus universitete lankėsi globalaus fondo įsikūrusio Singapure „The NEM.io Foundation“ vadovai: prezidentas Lon Wong, viceprezidentas Jeff McDonald ir valdybos narys Kristof Van de Reck.
„The NEM.io Foundation“ – lyderiaujanti „blockchain“ ir skaitmeninės valiutos technologijų bendrovė. Su KSU kancleriu Dariumi Verbyla svečiai aptarė KSU sprendimą priimti mokėjimus už studijas kriptovaliuta ir bendradarbiavimo galimybes finansinių technologijų sektoriuje.
„The NEM.io Foundation“ yra šešta pagal dydį „blockchain“ ir skaitmeninės valiutos technologijų bendrovė, kuri vertinama 1,7 mlrd. eurų. Bendrovė ne tik vysto ir plėtoja „blockchain“ technologiją, vadinamą NEM, bet ir skaitmeninę valiutą XEM.
Moderniųjų technologijų bei verslumo renginyje #SWITCH! J. McDonaldas skaitys pranešimą tema „Blockchain“ – naujas revoliucingas protokolas“. Plačiau apie pranešėją: goo.gl/DbpXmb
Nuo 2017 metų rugsėjo 14 dienos Kazimiero Simonavičiaus universitetas priima mokėjimus kriptovaliuta. Universitetas siūlo šį patogų atsiskaitymo už studijas būdą pirmasis Lietuvoje ir yra vienas iš nedaugelio universitetų, priimančiųjų mokestį už studijas kriptovaliuta Baltijos jūros regione.
On 11-15 September KSU hosted 3rd partners meeting of the project “Investigating, Developing And Providing Awareness About Innovative Lesson Syllabus Implemented in Cyber Security Technologies in Information Technologies”. This project is implemented with 7 international partners in frames of Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action 2 for Strategic Partnership).
During the meeting ongoing activities were discussed, and the activities plan was rescheduled.
The main aim of the project is to develop innovative and technological cyber security curriculum in vocational schools and increase the awareness among people in cyber security.
It is foreseen to create the following intellectual outputs:
The project will be implemented on 30.11.2018.