
We are excited to announce that 4th international scientific conference “Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective” will start next Monday!

We would like to introduce one of the conference keynote speakers Ralf Rogowski.

Ralf Rogowski, Emeritus Academic at School of Law of Warwick University (United Kingdom), Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania).

Ralf Rogowski joined Warwick Law School in 1993, after having taught at Lancaster University and at the Free University in Berlin. For many years he was Director of the Law and Sociology Programme and Co-Director of Warwick University’s Social Theory Centre. He has been Visiting Professor at the Department of Law of the University of Florence, at the University of Torino, and the Marco Biagi Foundation of the University of Modena. He has been Senior Emile Noel Fellow at New York University School of Law in 2006 and a Visiting Fellow at the universities of Wisconsin, Madison; Konstanz; and Maastricht. He has also been a long-standing Research Associate at the Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung (WZB) in Berlin. Since 1996 he is general editor of the book series Studies in Modern Law and Policy and since 2012, with S. Karstedt and D. Taenzler of the book series Law, Crime and Culture. Since 2023, he has been an affiliated professor at Kazimieras Simonavicius University.

Ralf Rogowski will open the conference with a report on the topic “The Social Challenge to European Union Law” on Monday, May 27th.

The conference will be held at the Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Dariaus ir Gireno str. 21, Vilnius) venue: 203 room (IInd floor) and online.

Monday 27th: 08:30-16:20

Tuesday 28th: 09:00–15:50

Online participants can access meetings by clicking on the following link:

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 397 094 675 870

Passcode: muXDDk

Conference program: Final Programme

More information about the conference: 4th International scientific conference “Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective”

Conference e-mail: mlconference@ksu.lt

International scientific conference “Challenges to Modern Law: An International Perspective” will be held on May 27-28 by Kazimieras Simonavicius University (KSU).

During the conference 23 participants from 12 countries will explore the impact of globalization on legal systems, including human rights, international trade, and emerging technologies.

Conference will be held at the Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Dariaus ir Gireno str. 21, Vilnius) venue: 203 room (II floor) and online.

Monday 27th: 8:30-16:20

Tuesday 28th: 09:00-15:50


Teams meeting link for online participants:

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 397 094 675 870

Passcode: muXDDk


Conference program: Final Programme

More information about the conference: 4th International scientific conference

Conference e-mail: mlconference@ksu.lt

On the momentous date of May 9th, Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU) was graced with the presence of Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, a decorated astronaut with an impressive tenure at NASA. Heidemarie has the distinguished record of having spent over 27 days in space across two missions, enhancing our understanding of the vast universe beyond our planet.

During her time at KSU, Heidemarie met with the academic community, sharing insights from her remarkable journey. Her story is not just about space exploration but also about persistent determination and visionary leadership, particularly highlighting the significant role of women in STEM fields.

A Journey of Resilience and Leadership

Heidemarie’s path to becoming an astronaut was characterized by resilience and an unyielding pursuit of her goals. She recounted her childhood experience of flying in an airplane at just four years old, a moment of awe that did not immediately translate into dreams of space but planted a seed of fascination. Her real aspiration towards space exploration crystallized during her service in the US Navy, where she mused, “If I can repair ships underwater, then I can build space stations in space.”

Her determination saw her through a rigorous selection process, with her second application to NASA in 1996 marking the beginning of her active astronaut career. Her missions included multiple spacewalks during the STS-115 and STS-126, where she not only contributed to the construction of the International Space Station but also exemplified teamwork and leadership.

Inspirational Words at KSU

Speaking to KSU students, Heidemarie emphasized the importance of perseverance, continuous learning, and goal orientation. She shared her belief in overcoming challenges through determination: “I’m quite stubborn and if it’s hard, it makes me want to try harder and overcome the obstacle.” Her advice to students was clear and encouraging—fear of failure should not deter one from discovering their limits and potential.

Advocacy and Future Visions

After NASA, Heidemarie returned to the US Navy, continuing to lead in engineering and project management. She remains a fervent community activist, drawing strength from her Ukrainian heritage to support humanitarian causes.

In discussions about the future, Heidemarie spoke passionately about the beauty of Earth from space and the collective responsibility to preserve our planet. She also highlighted the burgeoning opportunities in commercial spaceflight, hinting at a future where business and technology meet beyond Earth’s atmosphere.

 KSU’s Commitment to Aviation and Space

KSU’s selection for Heidemarie’s visit was strategic, given its specialized programs in Aviation Management and the upcoming Aviation & Space Academy. KSU Rector Prof. Dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė expressed pride in hosting such an inspirational figure, aligning with the university’s mission to blend social sciences with aviation and space technology.

This event, orchestrated by the US Embassy in Lithuania along with KSU and Imaguru Startup HUB, was not only a testament to international cooperation but also a beacon of inspiration for students and the academic community at KSU. Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper’s visit will undoubtedly ignite passions and encourage many to look towards the stars with ambition and courage.

We invite everyone to join a meeting with NASA Astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper at Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Dariaus and Girėno st. 21, Vilnius) on May 9th, 11:30.

She is a veteran of two space flights, STS-115 in 2006, and STS-126 in 2008, Stefanyshyn-Piper has logged over 27 days in space, and 33 hours and 42 minutes of EVA in 5 space walks. Captain Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper retired from NASA in July 2009 to return to the U.S. Navy at the Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington D.C.


11:30 – 12:00 – Meeting with KSU Rector, board members and social partners, KSU tour

12:00 – 12:15 – Opening words from KSU, Imaguru (the ground floor of KSU)

12:15 – 12:55 – Panel Discussion. Q&A Session

12:55 – 13:15 – Photos and Networking

The event is organized by the US Embassy of Lithuania with support of Kazimieras Simonavicius University and Imaguru Startup HUB. During the meeting we will talk with Ms. Stefanyshyn-Piper about innovation, female leadership, space and Earth as well as the importance of focusing on your dreams and the profession you love.

Places are limited, please make sure to register: https://forms.office.com/e/4e0ajuyCRz

Venue: The ground floor of KSU (Dariaus and Girėno st. 21, Vilnius)


If you have any questions about the upcoming event, please contact the following email address: deimante.zilinskiene@ksu.lt

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Susran Erkan Eroğlu

Date and time: May 7th, 13:30

Venue: 210 room, Dariaus ir Girėno st. 21 Vilnius

Explore the transformative power of intercultural communication in this dynamic lecture, where we delve into its crucial role in diverse environments. Starting with a clear definition, the session underscores how embracing diversity enriches our society, covering a spectrum of cultural, ethnic, and linguistic differences and showcasing the enriching benefits these elements contribute to communication, like fostering deeper understanding and broadening perspectives. We’ll tackle prevalent challenges—stereotypes, language obstacles, and cultural discrepancies—that impede effective interactions, while offering practical solutions such as cultural sensitivity, active listening, and adaptability. The lecture also highlights the strategic advantages of diversity, promoting inclusivity and collaboration. Through engaging real-life case studies, we demonstrate how adopting these strategies can bridge communication gaps, embrace and celebrate the richness of diversity.

Haruto Masuda, originally from Osaka, Japan, is currently in his second year studying Business Management at Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU). We asked him to respond to 8 questions about his studies and experiences at KSU.

  1. Could you briefly introduce yourself?

My name is Haruto; I’m from Osaka, Japan. My favorite activities are cycling, travel, football, photography, and fishing.

  1. What motivated your decision to join KSU?

I was searching for a university without any Japanese students. In Lithuania, other universities have some students from my country, but KSU doesn’t. It was a major motivation for me.

  1. Why did you choose Lithuania?

Lithuania offers a rich history, easy airport access, and abundant nature, which I appreciate after growing up in bustling Osaka. Vilnius’s smaller size is ideal for me.

  1. How do KSU students differ from those in Japan? Are there any notable distinctions? 

Yes! I think the differences stem from educational backgrounds. In Japan, education is mostly passive. People are good at memorising but discussing topics can be challenging. I see it myself – I am not used to it. Also in Japan, people might have opinions, but it’s more important to maintain harmony and try to avoid conflict in groups.

  1. What has been the most unexpected aspect of studying in Lithuania? 

I haven’t attended university in Japan, so I can’t compare exactly, but many students here are relaxed, and professors are friendly towards students.

  1. What are KSU’s strengths and areas needing improvement?

Strengths: KSU uniquely offers Aviation Management and Fashion Industry. Being smaller than Vilnius University and MRU, it offers opportunities to interact with other students and Erasmus students.

Improvement areas: The need for water dispensers, better chairs, and more interaction with Lithuanian students to understand their viewpoints and approaches better.

  1. Can you share three key insights from your time in Lithuania?

As my experiences are mostly in Vilnius:

– Vilnius is safe, calm, and nature-rich, great for students.

– The Lithuanian economy is growing, showing visible developments.

–  Lithuania is a small country. You can make connections easily.

  1. What are your plans for the next five years? 

I plan to work in Lithuania after my studies, if possible. For me, Lithuania has become a second home.

The article Digital Transformation of Management and Organization Theories: A Research Programme by KSU-affiliated researcher Prof. Dr. Steffen Roth has been recognized as a Wiley Top Cited Article for 2022-2023 in the journal Systems Research and Behavioral Science.

His recognized article uses foundational ideas from George Spencer Brown and Niklas Luhmann to develop a comprehensive framework for understanding digital transformation within management and organizational theories. It critically examines traditional guiding distinctions in these fields, using practical examples to highlight prevalent inaccuracies. The article concludes with a forward-looking commentary on the evolution from mere electrification to true digital transformation in management and organization theories.

This accolade is part of a consistent pattern of research excellence at KSU. Prof. Dr. Roth significantly contributes to the university within different roles, such as the Chairman of the Senate and the Founding Director of the Next Society Institute. He is one of the KSU’s most prominent researchers, publishing extensively in the fields of sociology and management.

According to the Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) indicators-based evaluation by the Research Council of Lithuania, KSU’s research publications are regularly ranked within the top 10 percent of the world’s most highly cited scientific articles based on Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) indicators.

Kazimieras Simonavicius University (KSU) launches a new International Master’s Degree programme in Aviation Management, starting September 2024. This initiative extends our existing bachelor’s degree in aviation management, broadening the academic horizon and offering an advanced educational path in this dynamic field. Enrolment is now open, welcoming students from across the globe.

Building on a legacy of excellence

Under the guidance of KSU Rector Prof. Dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė, the addition of the master’s programme is a testament to KSU’s longstanding expertise and commitment to aviation management. “The introduction of the master’s degree in aviation management signifies a key advancement for KSU and demonstrates our deep roots and continuous innovation in the aviation sector,” says Prof. Dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė. This development is not only a stride forward for the university but also for Lithuania, enhancing the country’s standing in the international educational arena.

A closer look at the master’s programme

The programme is crafted to cater to the evolving needs of the aviation industry, preparing students to become professional aviation specialists and managers. With a curriculum delivered in English and designed around the requirements of the global market, the programme includes a robust lineup of expert lecturers and industry practitioners from around the world.

Curriculum and learning approach

The master’s programme focuses on developing managerial and leadership skills tailored for the aviation industry. Courses are designed to address the latest trends and practices, equipping students with knowledge and skills relevant to their future careers.

Flexible learning for professionals

The bachelor’s degree programme in Aviation Management at Kazimieras Simonavicius University is among Europe’s most sought-after choices in this field. Each year, it draws students not only from Lithuania but also from other European and Asian countries. “The exceptional academic and professional achievements of our students underscore the programme’s effectiveness, with many alumni quickly advancing in their careers. This success can be attributed to the programme’s global approach, which includes instruction from world-renowned aviation experts and practitioners and fosters a network of like-minded professionals who collaborate and grow together. Recognizing the demands of professional life, the programme offers a continuous distance learning format, allowing students to manage their studies alongside work commitments. Our programme is specially designed for those who are already part of the industry and are looking to elevate their careers without sacrificing their current roles,” explains Deimantė Žilinskienė, Head of KSU’s School of Business Innovation and Communication.

Career opportunities and industry connections

As highlighted by Aleksandras Nemunaitis, Chairman of the Board of the National Aviation Association LAVIA, the aviation industry extends far beyond the traditional roles of pilots and cabin crew.

“Despite the absence of national airlines, Lithuania boasts a robust aviation network with Lithuanian-owned companies managing approximately 250 aircraft globally. These operations are primarily based on the Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance (ACMI) model, which enhances efficiency by allowing airlines to share resources and optimize flight operations. This model is pivotal in a country like Lithuania, where the aviation landscape is shaped by these unique operational strategies,” states Nemunaitis.

According to him, “the significance of KSU’s specialized studies in Aviation Management is evident as thousands of professionals’ work from Lithuanian offices to manage and operate flights across the world. This industry-specific education ensures that aviation companies have access to well-trained professionals, fostering a workforce capable of meeting international standards and demands. The master’s programme at KSU, therefore, is not just an educational pathway but a vital component in supporting the aviation industry’s infrastructure and operational needs in Lithuania and beyond.”

Graduates of the programme are well-prepared for high-level positions such as middle or senior managers, team leaders, and supervisors in various sectors of the aviation industry. The course also lays a foundation for students interested in launching startups within the aviation field.

Collaboration and networking

KSU’s programme emphasizes networking, bringing together like-minded professionals and building a community that supports career and personal growth. Our partnerships with leading aviation companies and associations ensure that our curriculum remains industry-relevant and provides our students with unmatched professional opportunities.

We invite aspiring aviation managers and professionals looking to advance their careers to apply to this innovative master’s programme. At KSU, you will gain not just an education but a stepping stone into a promising future in the aviation industry.

For more details about the programme and to apply, please visit our website: Aviation Management Master

From 12-19 April, the Rector of Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU), Prof. Dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė, visited Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to broaden the university’s international ties.
Prof. Dr. Bieliauskaitė met with Gvidas Kerušauskas, the Consul General of the Republic of Lithuania in Almaty (Kazakhstan). Discussions centred around the potential for collaboration with higher education institutions in Kazakhstan, emphasising the importance of KSU’s international development and the reputation of Lithuanian higher education in Central Asia. Following an invitation from Rector Beken Saidakhmetov, she visited the Kazakhstan Civil Aviation Academy (CAA), a partner of KSU since 2023 and the sole institution in Kazakhstan training aviation specialists to meet international ICAO, EASA, and IATA standards. Additionally, the Rector’s visit to the Eurasian Technological University in Almaty opened dialogue on further cooperation in science and education.
On 17-18 April, Prof. Dr. Bieliauskaitė, alongside Anastasija Halaburda from KSU’s International Relations and Strategic Development Department, attended the “Profession and Education 2024” international exhibition in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. This marked KSU’s inaugural participation in a study exhibition in Uzbekistan. “We see tremendous potential to enhance KSU’s collaboration with universities in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, countries with significant potential, where our university can offer their students exceptional academic programmes,” stated Prof. Dr. Bieliauskaitė. The exhibition was an opportunity to showcase student and lecturer exchange opportunities available under the Erasmus+ international mobility programme and to explore avenues for sharing experiences and best practices.
The Rector highlighted the rapid growth of the aviation sector in both countries, which creates a substantial demand for aviation management specialists. “Young individuals can leverage our aviation management degree programme, which offers both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, paving the way for broader employment prospects for Central Asian students both in their home countries and for careers in Europe,” Prof. Dr. Bieliauskaitė concluded.
On 19th April, KSU’s Vice-Rector, Dr. Loreta Tauginienė, represented the university at the prestigious Academic Integrity League Forum held in Kazakhstan, hosted by Almaty Management University. Dr. Tauginienė showcased the legal advancements of the Lithuanian model of research ethics, highlighting the role of the Ombudsman for Academic Ethics and Procedures and Lithuania’s contribution to the European research ecosystem.
Dr. Tauginienė shared her insights on the complexities of fostering academic integrity, stating, “There is no one specific instrument that works effectively to promote academic integrity. It is the use of a variety of instruments to promote academic integrity that is important to bring about change in the academic environment, and academic culture. This requires consistency and courage.”
The forum sparked considerable interest among participants in exploring potential collaborations with KSU to enhance academic integrity. Discussions also delved into the impact of artificial intelligence on future generations’ skills, pedagogical innovations, and strategies to boost academic performance.
Celebrating its fifth anniversary, the League for Academic Integrity in Kazakhstan continues to unite approximately 20 universities, fostering a collaborative academic environment. The event drew about 200 delegates from Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, the Philippines, China, and other Central Asian nations, underlining its growing significance in the global academic community.

Baltic Ground Services (BGS), a leading name in international ground handling, aircraft refueling, and logistics, has announced a significant collaboration with Kazimieras Simonavicius University (KSU) to deliver IATA Authorized Training. This partnership aims to blend academic rigor with practical expertise, preparing students for promising careers in aviation.

The training, which is recognized as the gold standard in the aviation industry by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), will be conducted by seasoned BGS experts alongside KSU’s academic team. Together, they will offer comprehensive theoretical and practical sessions. This initiative is set to enhance the training of future aviation professionals by integrating real-world applications with classroom learning.

Kazimieras Simonavičius University has been conducting introductory Aviation Safety, Airline Finance and Revenue Management, and Cargo Transportation courses for several years.

In partnership with BGS, it will add courses in Passenger Ground Handling and Airport Ramp Services with IATA Ground Handling Operations Manual (IGOM).

The development of these new courses involves meticulous planning and input from both BGS and KSU experts, utilizing IATA’s comprehensive training materials. Vytautas Čekanavičius, CEO of BGS, highlights the company’s commitment to quality education: “We bring a wealth of practical experience from diverse markets and projects. Our goal is to pass this knowledge on to the next generation, ensuring the continued growth and sustainability of the aviation sector.”

Prof. Dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė, Rector of KSU, sees the collaboration with BGS as a strategic move to enhance the university’s educational offerings. “This partnership not only broadens our training portfolio but also enriches our students’ learning experience with invaluable practical knowledge,” she remarks. “Our aim is to equip students with skills that are directly applicable in the job market, which is crucial in today’s competitive environment.”

The alliance between BGS and KSU represents a forward-thinking approach to aviation education, emphasizing the importance of blending theoretical knowledge with practical experience to forge a well-rounded and job-ready workforce in the aviation industry.

Dive into the future of law at the Summer School on Data Economy Law 2024. This is your chance to explore the latest in data-driven business law through a cutting-edge program developed by a consortium of leading universities, including: University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria), Georg-August University Göttingen (Germany), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania), and Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Ukraine).

What’s in Store?

  • Expert Lectures: Insights from scholars and practitioners in Data Law, Cybersecurity, Business Law, and more.
  • Hands-on Learning: Engage with case studies and discussions in a dynamic environment.
  • Hybrid Format: Start with a two-week online course, followed by an in-person week in Reichenau/Rax, Austria.
  • Earn Credits: Complete the course and earn a certificate worth 3 ECTS.

Why Join?

Elevate your legal expertise, network with international professionals, and step into the evolving world of data economy law. This summer school is your gateway to mastering the legal challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

When and Where?

12-31 August 2024

Online and Reichenau/Rax Austria

Kazimieras Simonavicius University has 5 places for its students to participate in this Summer School. If you are a Law or Business-related student and you are interested in taking part in this unique event, complete and send your application to international@ksu.lt till 30 April.

The application form you’ll find here.

Selected students will get an Erasmus scholarship of 828 EUR for trip and accommodation for onsite activities in Austria.

For more information, go to official website: DeL Summer School 2024 – University for Continuing Education Krems