
Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU) invites everyone to participate in the KSU ceremony, which will take place on June 29, 12PM at Kazimieras Simonavičius university. Diplomas will be bestowed to the students who successfully finished KSU undergraduate and graduate programs.

All students of Aviation Management are invited to participated in the competition for participation in International Aviation School which will be organized in frames of Erasmus+ project “SPREAD YOUR WINGS”.

The main aim of this project is to increase the quality and relevance of knowledge and skills of Aviation Management students in response to the needs of the labour market and the socio-economic environment. There will be created a new course “The Development of Sustainable Aviation” which will include the topics related to a new conceptual model of responsible and conscious aviation that sees its development in line with the interests of the social and natural environment and takes into account existing ecological barriers and expectations of the society.

Project is implemented by three partners:

  • University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland (project leader);
  • Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Lithuania;
  • Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Latvia. 

International Aviation School will take place in:

  • Poland, Rzeszow (1-5 October 2018)
  • Lithuania, Vilnius (19-23 November 2018)

Selected candidates will have to participate in both parts of the School.


All candidates must submit the following documents:

The documents must be provided to the International Relations Office (room no. 201). The submitted materials will not be returned.

Jury will select 3 applications rated as the best among the submitted applications. Only these 3 applicants will participate in International Aviation School together with other 6 students from Poland and Latvia. 


Documents must be submitted no later than 31.05.2018.


  • The schedule of the International Aviation School will be provided to the participants at least 2 months before the activities.
  • Students are expected to attend all classes during International Aviation School.
  • Each participant will receive 550 EUR for living and travel costs for activities in Poland.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact by e-mail international@ksu.lt or phone +370 686 34423.

This summer from 30 July until 10 August Turiba University in Riga, Latvia will host NORDPLUS intensive course „Organisation and Individual Security”. Kazimieras Simonavičius University invites to apply students of all faculties, especially Law programme.

In recent years security issues have become important also to Baltic and Nordic countries. World is coping with such challenges as migration, conflicts based on different cultural backgrounds, cyber-attacks and other new challenges. This leads to fact that there is need for high quality training for young security specialists.

Students will gain knowledge of assessment of security tactics for guarded sites, basics of tactical planning and implementation methods for threat prevention and their legal regulation; comprehensive knowledge of facts, theory and correlations necessary for carrying out work related tasks, personal growth and development, public participation and social integration. There will be topics of Stress Management in Crisis Situations, Globalization and Intercultural communication, Team-building, Cyber-security and Data protection as well as Copyrights included in the course.

In this Course participants will be bachelor and master level students from Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. Lessons and practical seminars will be led by professors from 3 partner Universities as well as invited professionals.

Organisers will cover travel costs to Riga, accommodation, catering, local transports, excursions and study visits.

Language of the Course – English, participation in the Course – free of change. Applications are accepted only from full time bachelor and master level students. Students will receive 3 ECTS for the participation in the Course.

Please fill and application form  and send it to interntional@ksu.lt until 29 June. Only 10 students from KSU will get chance to participate in this course.

Video of the last year Course is available here.

This Course is implemented by Turiba University (Latvia) in a cooperation with Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania) and Turku School of Economics (Finland). Project receives financial support from NORDPLUS Higher education program.

Žilvinas Lapinskas

Kazimieras Simonavičius University in partnership with Friendly Avia Support organizes a lectures series on specialized topics in the field of Aviation. #AviationintheMaking is an informal space where aviation leaders, professionals and students meet.

On 16th of May 6 pm. we invite you to the lecture by CEO of FL Technics Žilvinas Lapinskas and his presentation: Lean: Strategy to Turn Around the Aviation MRO Business. This is the last session of the meeting series this year.

With the team of 1200 people working in hangars in Lithuania, Indonesia and within the network of 14 line stations worldwide, FL Technics has finished last year with net profit of € 5,7 Million.

FL Technics is a global provider of aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services. Company specializes in base & line maintenance, spare parts & component support, engine, APU & LG management, full aircraft engineering, technical training.

The picture was a bit different four years ago when current CEO Zilvinas Lapinskas joined the company. In 2015 the major client at that time announced that it would cease all operations and left FL Technics with € 8 Million of unpaid bills. The company finished that year with the loss of € 11 Million.

The key to success was at that difficult time and still is now the continuous implementation of LEAN management system. In theory, LEAN is a systematic method to identifying and eliminating waste, through continuous improvement by flowing the product or service at the pull of the customer, in pursuit of perfection. It is also about principles: about building a culture of continuous improvement, about respect and involvement of all people and most important – it is about growing leaders.

In order to work more effective, FL Technics trained the mechanics, launched the FL Technics BAY system (a certain type of project management system, where dedicated team is working on one aircraft) and thus attracted 1st-tier European airlines as clients. Lufthansa group, Corendon, Luxair are maintained in FL Technics hangars. In two hangars in Lithuania FL Technics had served more than 100 aircraft from 27 airlines from 17 countries in 2017.

The lecture is free with registration on eventbrite: https://aviainthemaking6.eventbrite.com/

We kindly invite KSU students and others to open lectures at Kazimieras Simonavičius university by international lecturers.

Lecturer Aniela Staszewska from University of Finance and Management (Poland) will give lecture „The Changing Role of Money“ at Kazimieras Simonavičius University on 8 May (Tuesday). Lecture will start at 8.30 a.m. in room no. 214. The lecturer will present the history of money, form and function of money, the problems with mainstream monetary systems, alternatives to money and other issues.

Lecturer Dr. Marcin Beliacki from Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (Poland) will give lecture „Mediation in cases of Child Abduction“ at university on 11 May (Friday). Lecture will start at 12.00 a.m. in room no. 205. The professor will present the legal framework of child abduction cases with the focus on mediation, Hague Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction, family mediation in an international context and other issues.

Law students are especially invited to this lecture, but other students are also very welcome as the lecture is open.

Associate Professor Dr. Seda Aktaş from Nisantasy University (Turkey) will give lecture „Filmmaking“ at university on 11 May (Friday). Lecture will start at 8.30 a.m. in room no. 214.
The professor will present issues of changing economic, social and cultural practices of society in terms of new technologies and digitalization, changes in production, consumption, exhibition processes of films, the changes in films in terms of context and form, new audience patterns, collective intelligence and online communities, the engagement of online communities into filmmaking processes and other issues.

Students of Creative and Cultural Industries are especially invited to this lecture, but other students are also very welcome as the lecture is open.

An innovative course titled „Development of Sustainable Aviation” will be developed in a partnership of three organizations (from Poland, Lithuania and Latvia). The course will include topics related to a new conceptual model of responsible and conscious aviation that sees its development in line with the interests of the social and natural environment and takes into account existing ecological barriers and expectations of the society.

The main objective of the „Spread your wings” project is to increase the quality and relevance of knowledge and skills of bachelor and master degree Aviation Management and related disciplines students’ in response to the needs of the labour market and the socio-economic environment.

The project is financed by Erasmus+ programme. Project No. 2017-1-PL01-KA203-038782.

On 19th of April Kazimieras Simonavičius University  together with Turiba University (Latvia), and Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland) are organising Conference “Organisation and Individual Security”.

The Conference is organised in frame of NORDPLUS Higher education project “Development of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017”.

In the frame of the Conference project partners will present various topics related to the Security in Baltic and Scandinavian countries, today’s trends and challenges. Project team will also introduce main outcomes of the project – findings related to the Security study programmes in partner countries and also will present the book on Security which will be published already this September.

Nowadays world security is the highest priority of any country, including Baltic and Nordic countries. At the moment world is coping such serious security related issues as migration, cyber-security, economic security and security in organisations and companies. Those are new challenges also for Baltic and Scandinavian countries. This influence security of the society as well as security of individual organisations. That’s why there is a strong need for specialists and well trained professionals who can ensure security of society and individual.

September 2017 Turiba University started to implement NORDPLUS Higher education program project „Development of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017”. During the project partners evaluate study programmes, develop and also will publish the book on Security issues. This book will be used as a teaching material for Security program students. Book will be also available for any interested student or specialist in e-version starting from September 2018.

Project conference “Organisation and individual Security” will be held within the frame of Turiba University XIX International Scientific Conference. Participation is free of charge. Language of the Conference: English and Latvian (with simultaneous translation).

Please register for the Conference on Turiba University website here.

More information about the project here. Project is co-financed by NORDPLUS Higher education program, project number: NPHE-2017/10115.

Vytautas Kaikaris

Aviation is one of the toughest industries with a deadly combination – low margins and high risk. However, there is a romantic side to it and aviators are known for their passion, says Vytautas Kaikaris, CEO of Small Planet Group who will speak in the #5 edition of the #AviationintheMaking meeting series on 12th of April, 6 pm.

Kazimieras Simonavičius university in partnership with Friendly Avia Support organizes a lectures series on specialized topics in the field of Aviation. is an informal space where aviation leaders, professionals and students meet.

Vytautas Kaikaris has been in aviation industry for 10 years, starting as CEO of “flyLAL Lithuanian Airlines” he is now CEO of “Small Planet Group”. In his presentation he will speak about the good and bad aspects of aviation industry from the perspective of Small Planet. As Vytautas Kaikaris states, this presentation will explore the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of aviation.

The current situation within the world of aviation is very optimistic, although there are a number of contradictions. The big players are buying out the small ones, challenges within aviation security are on the constant increase, and new areas of operation and regulation come into play as drones and commercial space flight become a reality. Much strategic thinking about the future of air transport needs to be accomplished as it predetermines the economy within the entire region. International Air Transport Association predicts that air travel will double within the next 20 years and freight air transport is already one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy within the European Union. What do aviation leaders think of such predictions?

The series of talks on aviation industry is organized by Kazimieras Simonavičius University, the only University in the region with Aviation Management study programme and the company Friendly Avia Support.

The lecture is free with registration.

Registration link here: https://aviainthemaking5.eventbrite.com

More about the event here.

More on the series Aviation In The Making here.

Professor Zbigniew Więckowski from Cardinal Wyszynski University (Poland) will give lecture „Legal Aspects of Biologic Medicinal Products“ at Kazimieras Simonavičius University on 20 March (Tuesday). Lecture will start at 8.30 a.m. in room no. 214.

The professor will present legal aspects of biologic medicinal products in general, intellectual property issues in the area of biologics, distribution of biologics (European law), problems of substitution, public tenders vs. biologics and other issues.

Students of Law are especially invited to this lecture, but other students are also very welcome as the lecture is open.

Language of instruction – English.

Karolis Čepukas

Kazimieras Simonavičius university in partnership with Friendly Avia Support organizes a lectures series on specialized topics in the field of Aviation. #AviationintheMaking is an informal space where aviation leaders, professionals and students meet.

On 15th of March 6 pm. We invite you to the lecture by director of „Kaunas Aircraft Maintenance Services“ Karolis Čepukas. He will speak about the demands of aircraft maintenance and what are here opurtunities for Lithuania.

The current situation within the world of aviation is very optimistic, although there are a number of contradictions. The big players are buying out the small ones, challenges within aviation security are on the constant increase, and new areas of operation and regulation come into play as drones and commercial space flight become a reality. Much strategic thinking about the future of air transport needs to be accomplished as it predetermines the economy within the entire region. International Air Transport Association predicts that air travel will double within the next 20 years and freight air transport is already one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy within the European Union. What do aviation leaders think of such predictions?

The series of talks on aviation industry is organized by Kazimieras Simonavičius University, the only University in the region with Aviation Management study programme and the company Friendly Avia Support.

The lecture is free with registration.

Registration link here: https://aviainthemaking4.eventbrite.com

More about the event here.

More on the series Aviation In The Making here.

Jonas Butautis

Kazimieras Simonavičius university in partnership with Friendly Avia Support organizes a lectures series on specialized topics in the field of Aviation. Aviation in the Making is an informal space where aviation leaders, professionals and students meet.

The current situation within the world of aviation is very optimistic, although there are a number of contradictions. The big players are buying out the small ones, challenges within aviation security are on the constant increase, and new areas of operation and regulation come into play as drones and commercial space flight become a reality. Much strategic thinking about the future of air transport needs to be accomplished as it predetermines the economy within the entire region. International Air Transport Association predicts that air travel will double within the next 20 years and freight air transport is already one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy within the European Union. What do aviation leaders think of such predictions?

We invite you to the lecture by SEO of Magnetic MRO Jonas Butautis who will speak on the topic: the game changing global trends in aircraft technical support industry. What are the key macro trends that will shape aircraft aftermarket industry over the next 5-10 years? How can Baltic businesses position themselves in this evolving marketplace? What does it mean for the current students and future industry employees?

The lecture will take place at KSU on 27th of February 6 pm.

The series of talks on aviation industry is organized by Kazimieras Simonavičius University, the only University in the region with Aviation Management study programme and the company Friendly Avia Support.

The lecture is free with registration.

Registration link: https://aviainthemaking3.eventbrite.com

More about the event here.

More on the series Aviation In The Makinghttps://ksu.lt/aviainthemaking/

The traditional final ceremony for the graduates of KSU was held on Thursday, 1st of February at Vilnius city Hall. 83 graduates received their diplomas this year. 77 of them graduated with bachelor’s degrees and 6 with  master’s  degrees. And what made this event more special because Bacherlor‘s diplomas were served to the first graduates of Aviation management.

We invite you the photo gallery of the event.
(photos by Saveen Radula)

KSU diplomų teikimo šventė