Dear members of KSU community,
We kindly invite you to the solemn celebration of awarding bachelor’s and master’s degrees at KSU.
The ceremony will take place on 23 June 2022 (Thursday) 1 p.m. at Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Dariaus ir Girėno str. 21, Vilnius). Please notify us about your participation till 20 June 5 p.m. by email:
We look forward to seeing you!
The Senate of Kazimieras Simonavičius University convened last week. KSU Senate consists of 20 members representing the academic community of the university – professors and students – and other Lithuanian and foreign research and study institutions.
Prof. Dr. Steffen Roth was elected Chairman of the Senate, and Prof. Dr. Ryšardas Burda was elected Vice-Chairman.
During the Senate meeting, a new image and logo of KSU were presented, and discussions were held on the university’s research strategy and university development.
We are pleased with the involvement and contribution of the KSU Senate to the strategic development of the university, community mobilization and networking.
Last week, researchers from Kazimieras Simonavicius University Next Society Institute gathered in Vilnius for a three-day seminar during which the planning of research ideas and projects, a strategic planning session and preparations for the Next Society Forum took place.
Next Society Institute (NSI) was established at KSU in 2021. The NSI advances social systems theory in the tradition of Niklas Luhmann and explores synergies with alternative schools of systems theories in domains such as:
– Theories of society;
– Social theories;
– Theories of social differentiation;
– Theories of new and old media;
– Management and organisation theories;
– Theories of foresight and anticipation.
Image credit: Franzicek Dayan.
14th of April the Head of International Study and Development Office Jurgita Gruodiene has wellcomed guests from The Edu Network team Prem Parkash Svetlana Kunskaja Ausra Jarmantaviciute and showed KSU and met with university Rector doc. dr. Auste Kiskiene.
Have discussed single and double degree programmes we have at KSU for international students.
Especially we are proud to offer Aviation Management study programme – as KSU is the only university offering this study programme in Lithuania, the first University in Baltic States accredited as IATA Authorized Training Center, as well as Bachelor Dual-Degree in Aviation Management with Coventry University, UK.
Date: 21st of April, 2022
Time: 17:00 – 18:00 LT Time
Duration: 1 hour
Price: Free
Format: online
Language: English
Speaker: Jack Romero
Organizer: Kazimieras Simonavičius University
Kazimieras Simonavicius University kindly invite you to Series of Talks on the Aviation Industry “Aviation in The Making”!
The topic “Entrepreneurship in Aviation: Outlook into the Air Transport Industry’s Future Prospects” will be host by Global Entrepreneur in Air Transport Jack Romero on 21st of April, 5 PM via Zoom.
About the speaker:
Jack Romero – Global Entrepreneur in Air Transport, also advisor to entrepreneurship & business start-ups at universities and business Schools in the EU. Mentor and Seed Investor to SMEs as well as an Inspirational Public Speaker and TEDx contributor, KSU’s guest lecturer in Aviation Management study programm
We are happy to announce virtual KSU OPEN DAY, May 5, 2022 at 13:00-15:00 (UTC +3).
It’s a great opportunity to learn about KSU university, Bachelor and Master study programmes, meet International office staff and to know about admission process.
Be now! Questions:
The II International Scientific conference “Problems and Challenges of Contemporary Law in the Context of International Law 2022” will provide an opportunity to critically and creatively address all areas of international law. Applications of innovative methods in solving emerging problems will be presented during the sessions of the event.
The aim of the conference is to promote the public scientific discussion of Lithuanian and world researchers, raising the problems and challenges of modern law in the contexts of international law, commercial, family, criminal and other branches of law.
Participants: Lithuanian and foreign scientists – researchers, lecturers, students, law practitioners, and social partners. The scientific publications of the conference participants will be published in the conference proceedings.
Section topics: International law; Commercial law; Statute law; Criminal law; Family law.
More information:
Prof. dr. Csongor Herke, University of Pecs (Hungary)
Assoc. prof. dr. Mohamed Traore, University of Bamako (Mali) Assoc. prof. dr. Özgür Oğuz, Anadolu University (Turkey)
Phd. Katarzyna Marcinkiewicz-Marszałek, Radom Academy of Economics, Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
Prof. dr. Antonio Silva, Extremadura University (Spain)
Prof. dr. Manuel de Peralta Carrasco Extremadura University (Spain) Prof. dr. Ángel Acedo Penco Extremadura University (Spain)
Prof. dr. Dalia Perkumienė, Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania) Doc. dr. Regina Andriukaitienė, Lithuanian Sport University (Lithuania)
Prof. dr. Biruta Švagždienė, Lithuanian Sport University (Lithuania)
Prof. dr. Oscar Paredes, Privada Boliviana University (Bolivia)
Prof. dr. Ingrida Veikša, Turiba University (Latvia)
Assoc. prof. dr. Wenliang Zhang, Renmin University of China (China)
Assoc. prof. dr. Maria João Escudeiro, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (Portugal)
Assoc. prof. dr. Rasa Pranskūnienė, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Prof. dr. Youssef Makloul, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco
Assoc. prof. Larbi SAFAA, École Supérieure de Technologie d’Essaouira, Université Cadi Ayyad, Morocco.
The KSU community expresses its unconditional and unanimous support for the Ukrainian nation. In the current dire circumstances the KSU announces its readiness to accept 100 students from Ukraine granting them a tuition waiver covering the full price of studies.
The students will be admitted to the KSU study programmes that are currently offered in the English language: Aviation Management and Entrepreneurship and Management (Bachelor studies) and European Union Law (Master studies).
Tuition Waiver Requirements:
- Tuition Waiver is granted solely to the students of Ukrainian higher education institutions, fleeing from the war in Ukraine and wishing to continue their studies in Lithuania;
- The students should be able to study in the English language;
- The applicants have to fill the Application Form *; (*The application form may also be filled out at the KSU, address: Dariaus ir Girėno str. 21, room 203. Upon arrival please contact to book a time.)
- The applicant has to participate in an interview with KSU Admission Committee.
For more information please contact KSU study coordinator Monika Kukšaitė – Kraujalienė (consultations are provided in English or Lithuanian). + 370 618 08894
The academic community of Kazimieras Simonavičius University expresses its solidarity with Lithuanian higher education institutions and is ready to unconditionally support people of Ukraine in this difficult time.
We remain concerned about our students, their families and partners in Ukraine and will make every effort to provide timely legal and psychological assistance and provide 100 scholarships to cover the costs of continuing their studies for those students whose normal lives have been disrupted.
We strongly believe that our solidarity and support will bring hope and strength in the fight for freedom!
Kazimieras Simonavičius University together with 14 international partners successfully implemented the project “Investing in Entrepreneurial Universities in Caucasus and Central Asia” which was financed under Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action 2 – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education).
Project partners:
- Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany (the leading partner)
- Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- Vrije University Brussel, Belgium
- Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Lithuania
- University of Minho, Portugal
- Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
- Ilia State University, Georgia
- Caucasus University, Georgia
- Bank of Georgia University, Georgia
- Kutaisi University, Georgia
- Kyrgyz Economic University, Kyrgyz Republic
- International Ataturk Alatoo University, Kyrgyz Republic
- Issyk-Kul State University, Kyrgyz Republic
- University of Economy and Enterprises, Kyrgyz Republic
- Association of Educational Establishments “Education Network”, Kyrgyz Republic
The main goal of the project was to enhance entrepreneurial culture and creativity within higher education in Georgia and Kyrgyz Republic and to strengthen the role of higher education institutions as an active stakeholder that contributes to the socio-economic development of society by fostering cooperation enterprise-university at both academic and industry level as well as between EU and beneficiary countries. The project achieved this goal by developing a creative and supportive environment at institutional level through the establishment of CreaLABs and a network of them in Georgia and Kyrgyz Republic. These networks are serving as platforms to encourage and foster students’ entrepreneurial ideas and at the same time support the bridge that links enterprises and universities for the benefit of innovation and socio-economic development in beneficiary countries.
During the project the following results were achieved:
- European best practices in the production of innovation and preparation of documents necessary for enhancing entrepreneurship in HEIs through interaction between university-enterprises were disseminated in Georgia and Kyrgyz Republic.
- Creative centres (CreaLABs) were set up and equipped in each GE and KG HEI to support students and researchers ideas that can potentially end up in the market and commercial products through entrepreneurship and open innovation.
- Improved skills and competences of staff working in CreatLABs to support entrepreneurship and bring closer enterprises and universities.
- Designed an intensive training programme on teaching entrepreneurship for professors and students seeking to integrate effective and new methods of teaching entrepreneurship in the respective courses through case-studies and problem-solving methods.
- Implemented pilot activities which were organised by CreaLABs.
- Created a network of professors and practitioners to encourage entrepreneurship and cooperation enterprise-university in beneficiary countries.
The project was implemented on October 2015 – March 2019.