We are thrilled to announce that Kazimieras Simonavicius University launches Digital Aviation Lab for business aviation research and trainings.

Digital Aviation Lab will be a key enabler to accelerate the development of innovative digital solutions and new management strategies. Our lab will serve as a hub for groundbreaking research initiatives, fostering collaboration between faculty, industry experts, and students. We’ll explore emerging technologies, analyze data-driven insights, and uncover new possibilities to shape the future of business aviation.

This new unit also provides services, research-based activities and trainings in such areas as Sustainability, Digital Transformation, Safety and Security Awareness, Quality Management, Human Resources Management, eVTOL and Urban Air Taxis Mobility, Airport and Airline Management, Sales and other for business in aviation.

We believe in the power of collaboration, so the Digital Aviation Lab will actively seek partnerships with industry leaders, organizations, and government agencies. Together we will forge new connections, foster innovation, and contribute to the growth and development of the business aviation sector.

Digital Aviation Lab is a research unit at Kazimieras Simonavicius University and is a part of Business Innovation School which is focusing in Aviation industry.

More information about the Digital Aviation Lab: Digital Aviation LAB – ksu.lt

Kazimieras Simonavicius University and Next Society Institute invites to the discussion Next2Next, which will take place on June 7th at 15:00-16:30 (EEST) in the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, in Statehood Space (2nd floor, room 237).

Everyone is so clearly focused on knowing what exactly is occurring next. That’s the idea with “planning” and making sure, that expectations are fulfilled.

  • Next2Next marks what is NOT seen, as politicians and corporations engage with their imagined futures. It’s the necessary “companionship of ignorance”, that all complex systems must operate within as a basic premise. But it also marks a clear reference to next society.
  • Next2Next marks the counter-intuitive approach, as planning and managing works along the intuitive perception of imagined futures.
  • Next2Next similarly marks Next Society Institute being NEXT to any emerging policy, managerial approach and organizational operation. Next election, next market, next challenge.

In the intensive session on Next2Next stakeholders and experts will discuss and elaborate on how your institutional approach to leadership, management, and policy copes with a brittle environment, when the illusion of control vanishes, predictability erodes, and knowledge becomes uncertain.

Together with the leaders of the Next Society Institute Steffen Roth and  Lars Clausen, Dovilė Gaižauskienė (Senior Policy Analyst at the Government Strategic Analysis Center of Lithuania), Denis Chichmaryov (Country Head for EPAM Lithuania and EPAM Latvia) and Clement Le Bechennec (Global Sales Director at Teltonika Energy) will brainstorm on what tools are needed for leadership and management to withstand and prosper in the next society.

This discussion is a part of Next Society Institute „Tool Factory“ meeting, which will take place on 7-10th of June in Vilnius.

On 24 May, KSU organised workshop “IP Strategy for startups“, which was led by prof. dr. Mindaugas Kiškis – law and management professor, attorney, co-founder of several technology startups, with over two decades of research, legal and consulting services in technology regulation and policy, intellectual property, and entrepreneurship.

During the seminar, it was discussed how to plan and make business decisions in the field of intellectual property, and examples of real startups and small and medium-sized companies were examined. The participants of the workshop had the opportunity to get acquainted with the main factors determining the intellectual property strategy, ways of responding to competitors’ business and legal actions related to intellectual property rights.

During the event, LL.M. study programme “Data Economy Law“ developed by Kazimieras Simonavicius University and partners from University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria), The University of Göttingen (Germany) and Masaryk University (Czech Republic) was presented.

The workshop was a dissemination event of the project “Transdisciplinary Digital Education in Data-Driven Management:  Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Approaches to Support StartUps, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Europe” (DDM4SME).

From Monday 27 March until Friday the 31th Businet Moot Court Competition will be organized by the Businet Law Group in cooperation with Kazimieras Simonavicius University.

A Moot court is an extra curricular activity in which Law students take part in simulated court proceedings, which usually involves drafting briefs (or memorials) and oral argumentation.

12 teams of law students from different countries will take part in this competition. Special guest Irmantas Jarukaitis (Judge at the EU Court of Justice) will talk about the role and the impact of the EU CoJ.

Main competition will be held in Kazimieras Simonavicius University. The semi-finals and the final battle will take place at the Vilnius District Court.

Event date: March 27-31, 2023.

More information about the event: Businet Moot Court 2023

We are happy to announce virtual KSU OPEN DAY 2022 for international students!

When: March 22, 2023 at 13:00-15:00 (GMT +2)

Where: Open Day will be held on-line on Zoom platform.

Register: HERE 

It’s a great opportunity to learn about KSU university, Bachelor and Master study programmes, meet International office staff and to know about admission process.

Questions: admission@ksu.lt

We are happy to have 22 Erasmus exchange students from Spain, Italy, France, and Turkey in spring semester. Foreign students got to know each other and KSU Erasmus mentors as well, introduced their home countries, got to know the study process at KSU and traditionally visited Trakai.

We are happy to announce virtual KSU OPEN DAY 2022 for international students!
When: November 9, 2022 at 13:00-15:00 (GMT+2)
Where: Open Day will be held on-line on Zoom platform.
Register and join: https://cutt.ly/0B1CGYG
It’s a great opportunity to learn about KSU university, Bachelor and Master study programmes, Summer School courses, meet International office staff and to know about admission process.
Questions: admission@ksu.lt

Kazimieras Simonavicius University joined one of the biggest global higher education networks Businet which unites more than 140 institutions in 37 countries in Europe, Australia, Asia, South America. Network provides an environment that encourages the sharing of good practice and encourages co-operation between like-minded individuals and like-minded organisations.

The international conference “Scientific Communication. Observed with Social System Theory” organized by the Next Society Institute of Kazimieras Simonavičius University and the Inter-University Center in Dubrovnik (Croatia) took place on September 13-16, 2022.

During the conference, speakers from around the world presented the latest interdisciplinary theoretical and empirical researches on the past, present and future challenges of scientific communication. Here, the COVID-19 pandemic, the communication of climate change research in social media, as well as the relationship between science and political and economic systems have received a lot of attention.

Jan Inge Jönhill’s (Sweden) contribution “Scietific Knowledge and Political Communication” was announced as the best conference paper and awarded the prize established by the Next Society Institute of Kazimieras Simonavičius University for theoretical excellence and inspiration for new research perspectives.

The next conference dedicated to N. Luhmann’s theory “Environments. Observed with Social System Theory” will be held on September 12-15, 2023. Detailed information will be published on the conference website: https://luhmannconference.com.

Dear members of KSU academic community,

We kindly invite you to the Science and Knowledge Day celebration on the 1st September 2022, 1:00 PM at Kazimieras Simonavicius University. (Darius ir Girėnas str. 21, Vilnius). Let’s start the new academic year together!

Run with KSU!

Members of KSU community are invited to join KSU team and run in RIMI Vilnius marathon* on 11 September! KSU team will consist of KSU students, teachers, administrative staff and Erasmus students who have come to KSU.

 Please register by e-mail international@ksu.lt till 29 August! When registering, specify your contact phone number and the size of t-shirts that the organisers will provide during the marathon. For those who wish to become team captains, please indicate your wish during registration.

 KSU team will consist of only 20 people, so don‘t wait and register now! The participation is free of charge for the members of KSU team. More information about marathon is available here. * KSU team will run 5 km route.

Last week (on June 30), the members of the Board of Kazimieras Simonavičius University gathered for a meeting. During the meeting, the new image of KSU, the results of the 2021-2022 academic year, and the current admission to the bachelor’s, master’s and integrated study programs offered by the University were discussed. The members of the KSU Board also discussed and made proposals regarding the strengthening of the international strategy of the university, the development of the innovative teaching methodology and improvement of the content of study programmes to meet the needs of the market and employers.

We are extremely happy that heads of foreign universities, experienced scientists, representatives of various businesses and the public sector have become involved in the activities of the University and have expressed their trust in our vision.

The Board is an advisory body of the University’s strategic management, the purpose of which is to determine, analyze and monitor the directions of the University’s strategic development, as well as the maintenance and development of strategic international, political, business and cultural relations.

Current members of the Kazimieras Simonavičius University Board:

Assoc. Dr. sc. Mislav Balković

Henrika Bivainienė

Saulius Buivys

Tadas Četkauskas

Kęstutis Drazdauskas

Žydrė Gavelienė

Vismantas Ivoškevičius

Koit Kaskel

Assoc. Dr. Austė Kiškienė

Prof. Dr. Tomas Krilavičius

Assoc. Dr. Marius Lanskoronskis

Orijana Mashalė

Prof. Dr. Inga Minelgaitė (Chairperson)

Dalius Morkvėnas

Arnold Nausėda

Jarūnė Preikšaitė

Eglė Radišauskienė

David Rafanavičius

Giedrė Ramanauskienė

Prof. Dr. Augusto Sales (Vice Chair)

Dovilė Satkauskienė

Gabija Skučaitė

Darius Verbyla

Antanas Zabulis