07.08-18.08.2023, RIGA, LATVIA
(arrival date 6.08.2023, departure date 19.08.2023)
The world is coping with a wide range of challenges such as migration, cyber-attacks, organized crime and other new challenges, including a recent (current) virus-led crisis. In the past years these challenges have also become security issues of importance to many European countries. There is a need for professional, well trained specialists who can realize sound security risk management at various levels and in different kinds of organizations.
This course will help students to explore subject of security risk management, students will develop skills and gain knowledge about planning and implementing security management in different organisations, will learn how to identify and manage security risks.
Target group: Bachelor and Master level students are welcome to apply (last year students are not eligible). Course will be interesting and useful not only for security program students, but also for anyone who is interested in security and risk management subject.
Participants: 5 students from each country – Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Spain, Norway and the Netherlands.
Teachers: from Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Spain, Norway and the Netherlands.
3 ECTS credits will be awarded for the completed course.
Turiba University, Latvia, www.turiba.lv
Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Avans UAS, The Netherlands
Nord University, Norway
Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Kazimieras Simonavičius university, Lithuania
Security professionals’ association, Latvia
Course is free of charge and organisers will cover all basic costs related to the course – travel to Riga, accommodation, catering, limited amount of local public transport costs, study visits, excursions, and several free time activities.
What we will provide for you?
We will buy bus ticket for you, will organise pick-up service from bus station, will provide accommodation in our students hotel (4 bedded rooms), provide catering (breakfast, lunch and dinner during working days), public transport and several study trips and free time activities. Also, study materials will be provided by Course organisers.
IMPORTANT! Basic rules of the course
Any student who participate in the course have to attend at least 80% of all lectures, group work and field trips organised by the University.
In order successfully graduate the course and receive 3 ECTS, you will need to pass the final test.
Please complete and send APPLICATION FORM to international@ksu.lt till 1 June.
Selection will be based on the following criteria:
- motivation to participate in the course;
- academic results;
- recommendation from the Head of your Faculty.

The Center of IP, Media and Innovation Law (University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria) hosts the first DDM4SME Conference on Data Economy Law (DELCON) on June 26, 2023 in Krems (Austria).
The conference is jointly organized by the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership consortium consisting of the University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Georg-August-University Goettingen (Germany) and Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania).
The Organizing Committee would like to invite papers on this topic. Possible subthemes include, but are not limited to:
- Risks and challenges of AI applications in businesses.
- Data related business models.
- Potential changes in legal structures due to ongoing digitization.
For innovative papers the DDM4SME project may grant scholarships for travel and accommodation.
To submit a paper (abstract, up to 500 words) for presentation at DELCON 1, please submit your proposal to ta.ca.inu-uanod@impi by May 22, 2023.
More information about conditions: DDM4SME Conference on Data Economy Law (DELCON 1) – DDM4SME
We are happy to have 22 Erasmus exchange students from Spain, Italy, France, and Turkey in spring semester. Foreign students got to know each other and KSU Erasmus mentors as well, introduced their home countries, got to know the study process at KSU and traditionally visited Trakai.

We are happy to host 29 Erasmus exchange students from Spain, Italy, France, and Turkey in the Spring semester of 2022. As every year, the Orientation Week was organized for students who came to Kazimieras Simonavičius University from abroad, during which the students got acquainted with the University and the study process, lecturers and each other.
This year, activities for international students were organized remotely, but this did not diminish the joy of getting to know the University and present their home countries. We hope that all students will return on site soon and meet their colleagues live!

On 28 January, KSU team participated in the first partner meeting of the international project “Developing and Consolidating ICT Skills in a Digitalised Environment in Higher Education”, during which the project activities, deadlines and responsibilities of the partners were discussed.
During the implementation of the project, 3 new modules will be developed on ICT, business and life skills, an open learning digitalised platform will be created and training for teachers will be organised.
The project is implemented by 3 universities: St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia (Bulgaria), Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania) and University of Žilina (Slovakia).
Project is funded with support from the European Union under the programme Erasmus+.
KSU Rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis and Director of the Business School Deimantė Žilinskienė had a meeting with partners of the project (universities of Poland, Cyprus and Malta) and disscussed about the possibilities of improving students and teachers communication skills, learning competences by using state-of-the-art and digital methods. The meeting was held on the 28th-29th of November, in Katowice, Poland.
This summer from July 16th until 27th Turiba University in Riga will host NORDPLUS intensive course „Security and Active Citizenship”. We invite to apply students of all faculties, especially Security and Law programmes.
In recent years security issues have become important also to Baltic and Nordic countries. World is coping such challenges as migration, conflicts based on different cultural backgrounds, cyber-attacks and other new challenges. This leads to fact that there is need for high quality training for young security specialists.
Student will gain knowledge of assessment of security tactics for guarded sites, basics of tactical planning and implementation methods for threat prevention and their legal regulation; comprehensive knowledge of facts, theory and correlations necessary for carrying out work related tasks, personal growth and development, active citizenship and social integration. There will be topics of Stress Management in Crisis Situations, Globalization and Intercultural communication, Team-building as well as Active citizenship included in the course.
In this Course participants will be bachelor and master level students from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland. Lessons and practical seminars will be led by professors from 4 partner Universities as well as invited professionals.
Language of the Course – English, participation in the Course – free of change. Organisers will cover travel, accommodation, catering, study visits’ and free time activity costs. Students will receive 3 ECTS for the participation in the Course.
Please fill application form and send it to interntional@ksu.lt until 17 June. Only 6 students from KSU will get chance to participate in this course.
Feedback and video about the previous Courses can be found here.
This Course is implemented by Turiba University (Latvia) in a cooperation with Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) and Turku School of Economics (Finland). Project receives financial support from NORDPLUS Higher education program. Project number: NPHE-2019/10177.

We kindly invite KSU students and others to open lectures at Kazimieras Simonavičius University given by international lecturers.
7 May – Lecturer Esin Benhür Aktürk from Istanbul Aydin University (Turkey) will give lecture “Importance of human recourse and public relations”. Lecture will start at 16.05 in room no. 209.
10 May – Lecturer Melis Türkan Parlak from Istanbul Aydin University (Turkey) will give lecture “Protection of human rights in peace and war time. Human rights protection mechanism under international law”. Lecture will start at 10.15 in room no. 204.
14 May – Lecturer Marcin Białecki from The Cardinal Wyszynski University (Poland) will give lecture “The legal framework of child abduction cases with the focus on mediation”. Lecture will start at 12.00 in room no. 204.
15 May – Lecturers Aleksandra Pieloch-Babiarz and Tomasz Sosnowski from University of Lodz (Poland) will give lecture “Business idea development”. Lecture will start at 13.40 in room no. 214.
All students of Aviation Management are invited to participated in the competition for participation in International Aviation School which will be organized in frames of Erasmus+ project “SPREAD YOUR WINGS”.
The main aim of this project is to increase the quality and relevance of knowledge and skills of Aviation Management students in response to the needs of the labour market and the socio-economic environment. There will be created a new course “The Development of Sustainable Aviation” which will include the topics related to a new conceptual model of responsible and conscious aviation that sees its development in line with the interests of the social and natural environment and takes into account existing ecological barriers and expectations of the society.
Project is implemented by three partners:
- University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland (project leader);
- Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Lithuania;
- Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Latvia.
International Aviation School will take place in Latvia, Riga on 23-27 September 2019.
Selected candidates will have to prepare and participate in activities in Latvia, and will be awarded with 6 ECTS credits according to their completion of the assignments during the activities.
All candidates must submit the following documents:
The documents must be provided to the International Relations Office (room no. 201). The submitted materials will not be returned.
Jury will select 3 applications rated as the best among the submitted applications. Only these 3 applicants will participate in International Aviation School together with other 6 students from Poland and Latvia.
Documents must be submitted no later than 25.04.2018.
- The schedule of the International Aviation School will be provided to the participants at least 2 months before the activities.
- Students are expected to attend all classes during International Aviation School.
- Each participant will receive 455 EUR for living and travel costs for activities in Latvia.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact by e-mail international@ksu.lt or phone +370 686 34423.

We kindly invite KSU students and others to open lectures at Kazimieras Simonavičius University given by international lecturers.
11 April – Lecturer Toth J. Zoltan from Karoli Gaspar University (Hungary) will give lectures “Constitutional development and current constitutional system of Hungary” and “Death penalty and human rights: how to find the balance in multi – national societies”. Lectures will start at 10.15 in room no. 210.
16 April – Lecturer Mustafa Algül from Nisantasi University (Turkey) will give lecture “The history of Turkish cinema and its industry”. Lecture will start at 14.20 in room no. 212.
Kazimieras Simonavičius University together with 14 international partners successfully implemented the project “Investing in Entrepreneurial Universities in Caucasus and Central Asia” which was financed under Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action 2 – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education).
Project partners:
- Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany (the leading partner)
- Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- Vrije University Brussel, Belgium
- Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Lithuania
- University of Minho, Portugal
- Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
- Ilia State University, Georgia
- Caucasus University, Georgia
- Bank of Georgia University, Georgia
- Kutaisi University, Georgia
- Kyrgyz Economic University, Kyrgyz Republic
- International Ataturk Alatoo University, Kyrgyz Republic
- Issyk-Kul State University, Kyrgyz Republic
- University of Economy and Enterprises, Kyrgyz Republic
- Association of Educational Establishments “Education Network”, Kyrgyz Republic
The main goal of the project was to enhance entrepreneurial culture and creativity within higher education in Georgia and Kyrgyz Republic and to strengthen the role of higher education institutions as an active stakeholder that contributes to the socio-economic development of society by fostering cooperation enterprise-university at both academic and industry level as well as between EU and beneficiary countries. The project achieved this goal by developing a creative and supportive environment at institutional level through the establishment of CreaLABs and a network of them in Georgia and Kyrgyz Republic. These networks are serving as platforms to encourage and foster students’ entrepreneurial ideas and at the same time support the bridge that links enterprises and universities for the benefit of innovation and socio-economic development in beneficiary countries.
During the project the following results were achieved:
- European best practices in the production of innovation and preparation of documents necessary for enhancing entrepreneurship in HEIs through interaction between university-enterprises were disseminated in Georgia and Kyrgyz Republic.
- Creative centres (CreaLABs) were set up and equipped in each GE and KG HEI to support students and researchers ideas that can potentially end up in the market and commercial products through entrepreneurship and open innovation.
- Improved skills and competences of staff working in CreatLABs to support entrepreneurship and bring closer enterprises and universities.
- Designed an intensive training programme on teaching entrepreneurship for professors and students seeking to integrate effective and new methods of teaching entrepreneurship in the respective courses through case-studies and problem-solving methods.
- Implemented pilot activities which were organised by CreaLABs.
- Created a network of professors and practitioners to encourage entrepreneurship and cooperation enterprise-university in beneficiary countries.
The project was implemented on October 2015 – March 2019.

Next week we kindly invite KSU students and others to open lectures at Kazimieras Simonavičius University given by international lecturers.
2 April – Lecturer Azra Ahmic from International University Travnik (Bosnia & Herzegovina) will give lecture “Sustainability Management”. Lecture will start at 8.30 in room no. 214.
6 April – Lecturer Rafal Ozarowski from University of Business and Administration in Gdynia (Poland) will give lecture “War in Syria as a battlefield of super and regional powers. The ways of seeking the conflict resolution”. Lecture will start at 14.20 in room no. 214.