
The ability to identify, assess, and manage security risks has become crucial for any security specialist, manager, company owner, or CEO. But how can these skills be effectively trained within a company or organization? Where can learning materials be found? Seven ERASMUS+ project partners have developed various training materials for security risk management, aligned with ISO 31000, the international standard for risk management. Teachers and students are invited to freely use a range of resources from the SECUREU web platform, including video lessons, security vocabulary, reading materials, and practical exercises!

During the past years security issues have become an important aspect to many European countries. World is coping with a wide range of challenges such as migration, cyber-attacks and other new difficulties, including virus led crisis.

This leads to the fact that there is a need not only for high quality training for young security specialists, but also for the training that will allow them to be better prepared for the crisis, as well as possibly to eliminate many dangers before they happen and turn into a crisis. The teaching of security risk management has become an important component in various educational programs, not just in security.

These were the reasons why seven partners from six countries – Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, and Norway – came together to develop up-to-date digital teaching materials on security risk management. In frame of ERASMUS+ SECUREU project partners aimed to establish a sustainable security specialists’ network, which can cooperate on long term bases. During the project we also developed recommendations for Universities which are preparing security specialists in Europe.

Project partners organised several common activities – survey among the students and teachers, organised round table meetings of experts in all six partner countries. During round table meetings all specialists emphasised that a security specialist must be taught to think broadly and see things in context – it is important to understand organisational strategies, think strategically, provide new specialists with leadership and management skills, and also improve communication and so-called soft skills. Many challenges of the industry already now and in the future are directly related to digitisation, artificial intelligence and technology. It is critical to provide security professionals with knowledge in IT, cyber security and technology fields. Despite the different geographical position of each country, the level of economic development, the various policies in the field of security, the conclusions of the experts of all countries were very similar. In the project web platform you can find more information and read the full report from the round table meetings.

Results of the project

Main target groups of the project are teachers and students of security field, faculties and Universities and training centres providing education and training on security and security field professionals. On the project web platform, you will find different tools and materials on security risk management:

  • Recommendations for Universities which are preparing security specialists in Europe,
  • Digital Vocabulary on security risk management,
  • Video lesson on different security risk management subtopics,
  • Best practice compilation on security risk management and
  • Practical tasks for students and teachers.

Here you will be able to watch video recording from different conferences and events, as well will find reports on survey and round table meetings.

Final conference of the project took place on 7th of November 2024 in Riga, Latvia. Conference video is available on Turiba University Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/Biznesa.augstskola.Turiba

PROJECT WEB PLATFORM: https://security.turiba.lv

Project is financed by ERASMUS+ programme

Project number: 2021-1-LV01-KA220-HED-000023056

Project partners: Turiba University (Latvia), Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania), Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Nord University (Norway), Avans University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands), Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (FUAB) (Spain), Biedrība “Drošības profesionāļu asociācija” (Latvia)