Our new International Aviation lecturer Diogenis Papiomytis has joined to KSU team this semester. He heads the Commercial Aviation research and consulting practice of Frost & Sullivan, a global aviation consultancy. He is responsible for the delivery of industry research reports and strategy consulting projects, with clients coming from Airlines, Airports, Aircraft Manufacturing and Aviation Aftermarket segments. He previously worked in the Corporate Strategy department of c and as a Senior Lecturer in Aviation Studies at Buckinghamshire New University in the UK. Diogenis holds a BA (Hons) in Modern Languages and International Business, a MSc in Air Transport Management from Cranfield University and a MBA from Cass Business School at London City University.

Our lecturer Diogenis Papiomytis in CNBC: https://www.cnbc.com/video/2019/03/13/boeing-issue-has-brand-implications-as-well-analyst-says.html

A member of the European Parliament Antanas Guoga visited Kazimieras Simonavičius University yesterday. KSU Rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis and KSU Business School Professor dr. Birutė Teodora Visokavičienė discussed the model of universal base income as an alternative of 21st century poverty, inequality and exclusion. Also, economic assumptions, sustainability and philosophy of adaptation of the universal base income model were discussed during the meeting. Activities and plans of KSU Global Economy Center have been presented as well as the researches carried out by KSU in the field of big data, future foresight and linguistic technologies.

Antanas Guoga and KSU representatives discussed about the development and innovative potential of Lithuania’s regions, economic development and social challenges.

On 7 – 8 March, Director of KSU Business School Deimantė Žilinskienė participates in the international conference “Entrepreneurship and Development from regional Perspective. Exchange of Academic Experiences among Erasmus+ Program Countries” where gives the report “Leading tendencies of regional development from the perspective of globalisation” and participates in the working group on international scientific cooperation in the fields of entrepreneurship and social innovation.

The conference is organised by KSU partner in Poland, University of Information Technology and Management.

The world’s leading tourism group TUI is looking for future international trainees for International Graduate Leadership Programmes in Aviation and Commercial (read more: http://tuitravelgraduates.com/) that are graduated (or soon will be) from Aviation Management (BA) at Kazimieras Simonavicius University.

During this 20-months trainee program our trainees will be doing:

  • Four assignments in different TUI Group locations mostly in Europe (e.g. Germany, UK, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands)
  • An exciting mix of day-to-day business and project work in different aviation departments (e.g. Air Operations, Ground Operations, Supplier Management & Procurement)
  • One assignment in a commercial discipline (e.g. Strategy, Purchasing, Product Management, Sales & Distribution)
  • One 8-week leadership assignment
  • Tailored personal development with workshops, coaching, mentoring and feedback sessions
  • Exceptional experience in all aspects of our organisation, shaping the future of travel
  • Working with senior managers from our global businesses in projects, conferences and events

They can look forward to:

  • 20 months Graduate Programme including international projects, extensive networks and individual development
  • 38.000 EUR salary per year, additional support with expenses associated with international assignments and travel concessions
  • Active involvement in project selection
  • Real responsibility in your role from day one
  • Excellent career prospects and international opportunities post your Graduate Programme


Programmme starts in March 2019 with application closing date October 14th for commercial and December for Aviation.

Apply online

Kazimieras Simonavičius University awards students with scholarships for the nationals of Belarus Republic, Republic of Georgia, Republic of Ukraine, Republic of Kirgyzstan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan for students who apply for Entrepreneurship and Management and Aviation Management bachelor studies.

Program Total price (per year) With the scholarship (per year)
Entrepreneurship and Management


2850 eur 1425 eur
Aviation Management 4460 eur 2230 eur

Please note that for more information you should fill the application form and we will contact you immediately. The amount of students with the rebates is limited.

Have any questions? Dont hesitate to contact us vie email (apply@ksu.lt) or Facebook.

Обучение в Вильнюсе со скидкой 50%

Университет им. Казимераса Симонавичюса предоставляет возможность студентам из Украины, Беларуси, Киргизии, Казахстана, Грузии, Армении и Арзебайджана получить стипендию на учение с 50-процентной скидкой. Стипендии предоставляются программам бакалавриата по Предпринимательству и менеджменту и Авиационному менеджменту.

Программа Общая стоимость (в год) С учетом скидки (в год)
Предпринимательство и менеджмент 2850 eur 1425 eur
Авиационный менеджмент 4460 eur 2230 eur

Fill the request / Заполните запрос

[contact-form-7 id=”13799″]

More information:


The traditional final ceremony for the graduates of KSU was held on Friday, 29 of June at Kazimieras Simonavičius university. 45 graduates received their diplomas this year. 29 of them graduated with bachelor’s degrees and 16 with  master’s  degrees in Law. We invite you the photo gallery of the event here.

Professor Nika Tikanashvili from Georgian Aviation University will give lecture „Aviation Industry“ at Kazimieras Simonavičius University on 29th of November (Wednesday). Lecture will start at 10.15 a.m. in room no. 212.

The professor will present navigation systems overview, human factors in aviation, digitalisation of transport systems and other issues.

Students of Aviation are especially invited to this lecture, but other students are also very welcome as the lecture is open.

Language of instruction – English.

On the 16th of November, Gediminas Žiemelis, Chairman of the Board of Avia Solutions Group, shared his experience and insights at Kazimieras Simonavičius University. He presented his thoughts as a guest speaker of the second event of the series of talks on aviation industry Aviation in the Making.

Gediminas Žiemelis (Avia Solutions Group nuotr.)

Gediminas Žiemelis (Avia Solutions Group photo)

While presenting his topic Is Open European Airspace Really Open? The Benefits for Countries in Having National CarrierŽiemelis shared his thoughts on the behind the scenes of aviation industry. He was explaining processes, which according to him are not included into official handbooks, official reports prepared by governmental institutions or universities and are performed “under the table“, as he told himself.

The main idea of his presentation was that Open Airspace is an idea, which is merely related to reality. Žiemelis claimed that “In spite of many agreements on Open Space which were signed by US and most of the EU countries at the beginning of this millennium, there still exist some fundamental restrictions of transatlantic competition and investments in aviation.”

Žiemelis also explained how Governments find ways to subsidize national carriers indirectly. “EU has officially recognized 13 airline companies as being given illegal financial aid by the governments. Directly or indirectly subsidizing, governments try to maintain the national carriers, which face strong competition from the biggest European airlines” told Gediminas Žiemelis. According to him restrictions to subsidize national carriers and International Air Transport Association (IATA) requirements should ensure equal opportunities to everybody, but the real situation is different.

Event moment (K. Mašidlauskaitė’s photo)

Gediminas Žiemelis is a world–renowned businessman. He works in the field of Aviation and is the Chairman of the Board at Avia Solutions Group. He also manages several large companies in the aviation, pharmaceutical and real estate industries. In 2016, Mr. Žiemelis was acknowledged for his visionary business management and development skills by the prestigious European Business Award jury comprised of EU leaders in the fields of economics, education, business and politics.

Aviation in the Making is an informal space where aviation leaders, professionals and students meet. The series of talks on aviation industry is organized by Kazimieras Simonavičius University, the only University in the region with Aviation Management study programme and the company Friendly Avia Support.


Participants of the meeting


On 20-21st of October Director of the Business School of Kazimieras Simonavičius University Deimantė Budriūnaitė participated in the second international meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Investing in Entrepreneurship Universities in the Caucasus and Central Asia” (EUCA INVEST) in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.

Participants of the meeting discussed the progress of Kyrgyz Republic and Georgia in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship through the application of good European practices and creation and development of CreaLABs by improving the creativity and entrepreneurship competences and skills of students and high school staff. Participants also discussed the problems arising from the application of good practices, discussed further project perspectives and activities, organizational project issues.

Lithuania represented by Kazimieras Simonavičius University is one of the 6 partner countries of the European Union (together with Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium, Portugal and Scotland), providing methodological assistance to higher education institutions in Kyrgyz Republic and Georgia, aiming at developing creativity labs, promoting students’ entrepreneurship and innovation.


Sri Lanka. Saveen Randula’s photo.


Šri Lanka is a small island located in South Asia. With the area of 65,000km2, Sri Lanka is almost the same size as Lithuania. You can find a magnificent diversity of flora and fauna, of landscape and seascape and varied climate conditions from arid to cold. A diverse and multicultural country, Sri Lanka is a home to a few religions and languages. It is also a great tourist destination in South Asia. “We have eight world heritage sites including 8th Wonder of the World, Sigiriya (Lion Rock). And we make the finest tea in the world as well as we are the second large tea exporter in the World”, says Saveen Randula who came to Lithuania to study Aviation Management at Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU). Conversation with Saveen is about his way to Lithuania, Sri Lanka and his studies at KSU.


Saveen Randula. E. Nakvosaite’s photo

Lithuania and Sri Lanka seem to be very different countries. Is there anything that surprises you while living in Lithuania?

Here I found very peaceful, good environment, friendly and helpful people. The main difference is cultural difference, of course. Sri Lanka has rich culture based on Buddhism. Since I have been a few months in Lithuania, I may need some time to learn about its culture.


You study Aviation Management. How do you like your studies?

I think it is really interesting and enjoyable subject to study, and I do enjoy studying in KSU under an Aviation background and excellent lecturers.

How the idea to study in Europe did came to you?

My grandfather was an aircraft engineer who worked for Royal Air force, and he studied in the UK. He used to tell me how advanced aviation industry is in Europe. Since Europe has a magnificent development of aviation field, I always wanted to come to Europe to study.

Is it popular to go to study abroad in your country?

Yes, it is very popular. More and more people are going to China, Australia, New Zeland and Europe.

Šri Lanka. Saveen Randula nuotr.

Sri Lanka. Saveen Randula’s photo.


Did you came here after the high school?

Yes, I finished high school in Sri Lanka and then went to China to study Chinese. My father works there. I searched for Aviation Management in China but unfortunately, there is no such a study programme in China’s universities. They have only Aviation training but there is no Aviation Management studies.

How did you choose the University?

I search through the internet and I found many universities in Europe, but only KSU provides more subjects.  I applied directly to the University.

What do you do here on your free time? Have you found any interesting activities in Vilnius or other places of Lithuania?

The old architecture of the city and the beautiful views has attracted me so much. As a history explorer and photographer, I would love to read history and take photographs on my free time. I have not visited other cities yet because of my visa problems which I had on the way to Lithuania I did not want to go anywhere. I am afraid of that.

You do not have to worry now. Lithuania is a safe country.

Yes, that was one of the reasons why I came here. I checked other countries like German and USA but my dad did not want me to go to there. I also checked the UK universities but KSU offers more subjects. That is why I chose KSU. The Consul in Sri Lanka has also recommended Lithuania because it is a safe country.

What are your plans for the future (education, career, etc.)?

I am planning to continue my studies on Aviation until Masters Level. I will start my carrier in Aviation filed in Sri Lanka.

Every spring semester Tony Palmer come to Lithuania to teach Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU) Aviation Management students.  He is an aviation expert and has a great experience in the industry. “I like sharing my experience, delegating and seeing people grow”, says Tony.

Tony Palmer

Tony Palmer

Aviation is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. How do you think, what are the reasons of this growth?  

With population growth, increasing disposable income and hence propensity to travel, aviation will continue to grow to fill available infrastructure capacity.  You didn’t ask if there are reasons this growth might be constrained and if you had I would say that environmental performance has to improve or growth may be restricted.

How young people may take an advantage of this situation?  

There are many ways – travel and see the world or work in the industry.  Fares are always going down in real terms – more airlines are striving for lower costs so they can compete so more places become accessible.  With a bigger industry there are many roles in and serving the industry so study Aviation or Tourism for example and find a role.

What are the advantages of working in aviation sector?

This depends on the person – for me the industry has been great fun, provided many great experiences. I’ve travelled well and I’ve learned a lot!

Tell us more about your teaching experience. Why do you like teaching? Do you teach only at KSU?

I trained as an Engineer and then worked in Commercial Planning and Airline Strategy – my management style was as a coach. I was a mentor for new graduate entrants.  I like sharing my experience, delegating and seeing people grow.  As a consultant I delivered commercial training programmes to airlines and I was an interim manager (and coach) when a senior manager was in hospital for a long time. I then started teaching BSc students at my Alma Mata Kingston University, then took on a MSc course in France and now KSU in Vilnius.  I have also been an external examiner at another UK University.

Could you tell us more about the most significant projects you did?

I was flight test engineer on Concorde and 747. I was instrumental in getting the licence for the first non-stop flights from the UK to Japan!  At British Airways I made some major changes in the flying programme, introduced a concept of ‘Schedule Quality’, was lead in several alliance projects and project managed the introduction of the new crew systems.  I was in the start up team for 2 low cost airlines: Hapag-Lloyd Express in Germany and Thompson Fly in the UK.

KendoHow did you interest in kendo? What it means to you?

It is a very interesting martial art from Japan, which I took up when I was in my early 20’s – I was looking for a meaningful activity that had discipline and structure and more than a competitive sport.  I practice an ‘old school’ I.e. one that pre-dates the modern sport kendo.  It’s hard to explain how important Kendo is to me.  The principles are about continuous learning and development and luckily no need to stop when you get past the age that competitive sport becomes difficult to sustain.

Do you see any similarities between kendo and aviation? 

Like other industries Aviation succeeds when everyone involved seeks continuous improvement – in skills, performance, technology and service. In that way it’s the same.  There are always similarities between activities but I wouldn’t go too far with this comparison.

Sometimes people say that aviation is an illness (in a good way, of course!). They say that once it catches you, you fell in love with it for the rest of your life. Do you agree?

There are very few cures and withdrawal symptoms can be severe.  That said there are many lessons that Aviation and other industries can share with each other so it’s not necessarily a lifetime career.  Life long attraction certainly!

On February 22-23 the international workshop „Towards Data Economy Excellence Centre and Big Data Lab“ took place at Kazimieras Simonavičius University. Prof. Dr. Jari Kaivo-Oja (Finland) moderated the workshop.

Experts from various countries talked about the Data Economy and Big Data:

  • Dr. Jari Kaivo-Oja (University of Turku, Research Director of Finland Future Research Centre),
  • Dr. Dr. Steffen Roth (La Rochelle Business School),
  • Levan Bzhalava (Business School of Caucasus University, Tbilisi, Georgia),
  • Dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis (Kazimieras Simonavičius University),
  • Lasse Härkönen (Founder, CEO, Future Winners Oy, Finland),
  • Darius Verbyla (Director of Business School of Kazimieras Simonavičius University).

Representatives from business and public sector have also participated in the international workshop.

The workshop was aimed to:
– review the latest Data Economy and Big Data techniques, research and utilization trends;
– shape the Data Economy Excellence Centre and international virtual Big Data Lab establishing and operating principles;
– discuss about the joint projects and commercial cooperation opportunities and forms.

KSU Rector Prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis welcomed all gathered and presented the shift from Information Management to Big Data concept. Professor emphasized that Big Data is a quite new concept and it is constantly changing.

Prof. Dr. Jari Kaivo-Oja noted that „The big data revolution it is going to change the way we live, work and think in business and society“.

IT Strategist and Big Data Expert Adomas Svirskas looked at Open Data as a raw resource like crude oil and noted that organizations try to monetize data as a saleable asset. Data Economy fosters innovation, creates jobs and is useful not only to business, but also to public sector.

Adomas Svirskas noted that the aim of Data Economy Excellence Centre is to facilitate and foster advances in Data Economy field. It could operate as a synergy centre and forum to foster dialogue amongst the players of Digital/Data Value Chain.

Potential activities of Centre may include the following:

  • Modern Data Science curriculum and study programme for undergraduate and graduate students
  • Training centre and tailored programmes for corporate and public sector professionals, attracting leading professionals, innovators and practitioners of this field
  • Applied research and innovation through participation in national and international projects, collaboration with industry and the Government
  • Showcases, pilots and living labs to experiment and demonstrate value of Data Economy solutions
  • Business incubator for datatech start-ups