Welcome to open lectures on human rights, mediation, human recourses and public relations

We kindly invite KSU students and others to open lectures at Kazimieras Simonavičius University given by international lecturers.

7 May – Lecturer Esin Benhür Aktürk from Istanbul Aydin University (Turkey) will give lecture “Importance of human recourse and public relations”. Lecture will start at 16.05 in room no. 209.

10 May – Lecturer Melis Türkan Parlak from Istanbul Aydin University (Turkey) will give lecture “Protection of human rights in peace and war time. Human rights protection mechanism under international law”. Lecture will start at 10.15 in room no. 204.

14 May – Lecturer Marcin Białecki from The Cardinal Wyszynski University (Poland) will give lecture “The legal framework of child abduction cases with the focus on mediation”. Lecture will start at 12.00 in room no. 204.

15 May – Lecturers Aleksandra Pieloch-Babiarz and Tomasz Sosnowski from University of Lodz (Poland) will give lecture “Business idea development”. Lecture will start at 13.40 in room no. 214.
