The open lecture of advocate dr. Marcin Białecki from Poland


Dr. Marcin Białecki

On November 7th at 12 noon the open lecture of advocate dr. Marcin Białecki (Poland) “Mediation in civil cases. Recent developments in Polish Civil Procedure from theoretical and practical perspective” will be held at Kazimieras Simonavičius University (15 auditorium). Lecture language – English. We kindly invite you to participate!

Some information about the lecturer:

  • deputy Disciplinary Officer for the Łódź Regional Council of Advocates (Okręgowa Rada Adwokacka) in Łódź;
  • mediator;
  • family mediator for transnational disputes;
  • Ph.D., Legal Sciences in the field of law;
  • Associate Professor at the Chair of Civil Procedure, Faculty of Law and Administration, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw;
  • ex-judge;
  • tutor;
  • speaker at the Academy of European Law in Trier;
  • lecturer at the Łódź Regional Council of Advocates;
  • graduate of the School of German Law (Münster);
  • awarded scholarships at the University of Strasbourg and Justus Liebig University Giessen;
  • served pupillage at the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe in Brussels (CCBE)
  • an award winner in Polish public speaking competitions and finalist in the Human Rights public speaking competition held in Caen, France;
  • the author of publications on civil procedure and mediation.
