Prof. Dr. Steffen Roth’s article listed in Top Cited Article 2022-2023

The article Digital Transformation of Management and Organization Theories: A Research Programme by KSU-affiliated researcher Prof. Dr. Steffen Roth has been recognized as a Wiley Top Cited Article for 2022-2023 in the journal Systems Research and Behavioral Science.

His recognized article uses foundational ideas from George Spencer Brown and Niklas Luhmann to develop a comprehensive framework for understanding digital transformation within management and organizational theories. It critically examines traditional guiding distinctions in these fields, using practical examples to highlight prevalent inaccuracies. The article concludes with a forward-looking commentary on the evolution from mere electrification to true digital transformation in management and organization theories.

This accolade is part of a consistent pattern of research excellence at KSU. Prof. Dr. Roth significantly contributes to the university within different roles, such as the Chairman of the Senate and the Founding Director of the Next Society Institute. He is one of the KSU’s most prominent researchers, publishing extensively in the fields of sociology and management.

According to the Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) indicators-based evaluation by the Research Council of Lithuania, KSU’s research publications are regularly ranked within the top 10 percent of the world’s most highly cited scientific articles based on Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) indicators.
