Open Lecture on Mediation in Civil Cases


Dr. Marcin Białecki

May 18th 5.40 p.m. Dr. Marcin Białecki from Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (Warsow, Poland) will held a lecture at Kazimieras Simonavičius university.

The topic of the lecture is “Mediation in civil cases concerning The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of Child Abduction. Recent developments in Polish Civil Procedure from theoretical and practical perspective”.

The aim of this mobility is to provide an analysis of the institution of mediation as an alternative means of resolving disputes under Polish civil procedure. The hypothesis Dr. Marcin Białecki has adopted not only focuses on particular provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure and other legislation concerning mediation, but concentrates first and foremost on the function of the solutions put in place and their usefulness, applying basic research methods, namely, legal dogmatism and comparative analysis.
