KSU with partners organising Conference “Organisation and Individual Security”

On 19th of April Kazimieras Simonavičius University  together with Turiba University (Latvia), and Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland) are organising Conference “Organisation and Individual Security”.

The Conference is organised in frame of NORDPLUS Higher education project “Development of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017”.

In the frame of the Conference project partners will present various topics related to the Security in Baltic and Scandinavian countries, today’s trends and challenges. Project team will also introduce main outcomes of the project – findings related to the Security study programmes in partner countries and also will present the book on Security which will be published already this September.

Nowadays world security is the highest priority of any country, including Baltic and Nordic countries. At the moment world is coping such serious security related issues as migration, cyber-security, economic security and security in organisations and companies. Those are new challenges also for Baltic and Scandinavian countries. This influence security of the society as well as security of individual organisations. That’s why there is a strong need for specialists and well trained professionals who can ensure security of society and individual.

September 2017 Turiba University started to implement NORDPLUS Higher education program project „Development of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017”. During the project partners evaluate study programmes, develop and also will publish the book on Security issues. This book will be used as a teaching material for Security program students. Book will be also available for any interested student or specialist in e-version starting from September 2018.

Project conference “Organisation and individual Security” will be held within the frame of Turiba University XIX International Scientific Conference. Participation is free of charge. Language of the Conference: English and Latvian (with simultaneous translation).

Please register for the Conference on Turiba University website here.

More information about the project here. Project is co-financed by NORDPLUS Higher education program, project number: NPHE-2017/10115.
