KSU hosts international project training

This week our university hosts the training “Use of Innovative ICT Tools in Switching to Online Learning” which is a part of international project “E-learning Prospects for Humanities – ELEPHANT”. The participants of the training are acquainted with the possibilities of using ICT and open educational sources in higher education and deepen the knowledge about new technologies and interactive tools as educational tools by promoting virtual forms of cooperation and communication. The training takes place in a hybrid way with a practical test of ICT tools.

The project is implemented in a partnership of 5 universities: University of Silesia (Poland), University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic), University of Salerno (Italy), University of Presov (Slovakia) and Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania). The main objective of the Project is strengthening the cooperation between 5 partner institutions and increasing their internationalisation through working out and disseminating new educational tools and exchange of good practices in distance learning. The Project is funded with the support from the European Commission under the programme Erasmus+.
