Job Offer From TUI to Aviation Management Graduates

The world’s leading tourism group TUI is looking for future international trainees for International Graduate Leadership Programmes in Aviation and Commercial (read more: that are graduated (or soon will be) from Aviation Management (BA) at Kazimieras Simonavicius University.

During this 20-months trainee program our trainees will be doing:

  • Four assignments in different TUI Group locations mostly in Europe (e.g. Germany, UK, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands)
  • An exciting mix of day-to-day business and project work in different aviation departments (e.g. Air Operations, Ground Operations, Supplier Management & Procurement)
  • One assignment in a commercial discipline (e.g. Strategy, Purchasing, Product Management, Sales & Distribution)
  • One 8-week leadership assignment
  • Tailored personal development with workshops, coaching, mentoring and feedback sessions
  • Exceptional experience in all aspects of our organisation, shaping the future of travel
  • Working with senior managers from our global businesses in projects, conferences and events

They can look forward to:

  • 20 months Graduate Programme including international projects, extensive networks and individual development
  • 38.000 EUR salary per year, additional support with expenses associated with international assignments and travel concessions
  • Active involvement in project selection
  • Real responsibility in your role from day one
  • Excellent career prospects and international opportunities post your Graduate Programme


Programmme starts in March 2019 with application closing date October 14th for commercial and December for Aviation.

Apply online
