Invitation to join the “Research day on Innovation”

Exelia Business School (France) is organizing its annual “Research day on Innovation” which will take part on 23 May, 2024.

The main topic of the event – Disruption and destruction. Creative extensions of core concepts of innovation research. Special Issue associated with this Research Day: Creativity and Innovation Management.

Members of the KSU community are invited to join this conference and give presentations. Deadline for submission of extended abstract: 23 September 2023.

This research day presentation and consideration to the special issue calls for submissions that study issues or cases of disruption and destruction as they pertain to or impact innovation and creativity. Organization committee are looking for strong, compelling theoretical and actionable contributions to enhance our understanding from the perspective of creativity and innovation management.

We are delighted that members of our university contributed to the organization of the event.

Organization committee member Dr. Dr. Steffen Roth is Full Professor of Management at the Excelia Business School, France, and Full Professor of Social Sciences as well as President of the Senate at Kazimieras Simonavicius University, Lithuania.

Co-Guest editors for the Special Issue: Deimante Žilinskienė is the Managing Director of the Business Innovation School at Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Lithuania.

More information about the event and requirements can be found here:
