International workshop on children’s welfare



1st December, 2016
Vilnius, Lithuania

Despite many European, national and local level attempts to improve the welfare of children in European countries, the problem of the lack comprehensive and children’s rights based approach is still present at policy formation and implementation levels.

This workshop aims to address the question of an interdisciplinary approach in children’s rights related policies and their implementation in order to promote the idea and the role of inter-institutional cooperation for children’s welfare at all levels of governance.

The workshop addresses these questions by focusing on the situation of the rights of four most vulnerable children groups:

  1. Children who grow-up in poverty and social exclusion.
  2. Children who are placed in institutional care.
  3. Children with disabilities.
  4. Migrant and refugee children.

The invited scholars and practitioners are from different European countries and various disciplines: legal science, social work, educational sciences, sociology, and psychology. Theoretical views and practical experiences about the priority issues, achievements, obstacles, best practices in relation to an interdisciplinary cooperation in enhancing children welfare in European countries will be shared.


1st December, Thursday (KSU)
Jono Basanavičiaus Str. 29 A, Vilnius

8.30-9.30 Registration of the participants (socializing)
9.30-9.40 Welcoming and announcements
9.40-10.20 Key notes
Ombudsperson for Children’s Rights of the Republic of Lithuania
Dr. E. Žiobienė
Director of Crisis Management Institute (CMI) in Salem (Oregon, USA)
Ch. Lovre, MS
Session A: Children welfare and social work: international experience and best practices
10.20-10.40 “Protecting the rights of the child: balancing contradictory imperatives”, Prof. Dr. Steven M. Shardlow
10.40-11.00 “Empowering a Community of Adults in Therapeutic Support for Youth”,
Cheri Lovre, MS
11.00-11.20 “Networking schools, social services and the community to safeguard children’s rights and tackle school dropout in Muslim disadvantaged /poor neighborhoods in Thrace-Greece” Prof. Dr . Agapi Kandylaki
11.20-12.00 Discussion & Coffee break
12.00-12.20 “Improving collaboration in social care services for children through the implementation of CAF”, Prof. Dr. Stefanos Spaneas
12.20-12.40 “Children’s rights and social care system in Greece”, Prof. Dr. Sevaste Chatzifotiou
12.40-12.55 Discussion
12.55-13.15 “Resilience and  vulnerability: School inclusion of  refuge, asylum seeking and children in institutional care”, Prof. Dr. Theano Kallinikaki
13.15-13.35 “The Experience of the Programme of Intervention for Prevention of Institutionalization (P.I.P.P.I.) in Italy: method and results”, Dr. Sara Serbati
13.35-14.00 Overall morning session discussion
14.00-15.00 Lunch
Session B: Children welfare through legal perspective
15.00-15.20 “Children’s rights and EU legal regulation: multidisciplinary approach and possibilities“, Dr. Aida Kišūnaitė
15.20-15.40 “Children’s rights and mediation: good practice”, Dr. Jolanta Tupko-Mazur
15.40-15.55 Discussion
Session C: Children welfare through social work and psychology perspectives: Lithuanian experience
15.55-16.15 “Migration in Lithuania: Children left behind”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tomas Butvilas
16.15-16.35 “Children living in social risk families: their welfare in society and institutions”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Živilė Vilma Jonynienė
16.35-16.55 “Supervision in case of social risk families”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Justinas Sadauskas
16.55-17.30 Discussion & Coffee break
17.30-17.50 Plenary discussion of the workshop

Early bird registration:                                                            (until 1st September, 2016)      €50

Late registration:                                                                       (until 1st November, 2016)      €70

Last minute registration:                                                         (until 1st December, 2016)      €80

Registration for students:                                                        (until 1st December, 2016)      €30


The fee includes:

Workshop programme and abstracts, workshop bag, certificate of attendance with 8 ac. /hrs. of participation, 2 coffee/tea breaks, and lunch on the 1st of December, 2016.


For more information please contact:

Dr. Aida Kišūnaitė – e-mail:, tel. (8 5) 213 5172

Dr. Tomas Butvilas  – e-mail:


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