Foreign experts will evaluate the activities of Kazimieras Simonavicius University

From October 17th to 19th, a group of international experts appointed by the Center for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) will visit Kazimieras Simonavicius University to evaluate the University’s activities.

Members of the external evaluation group have already had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the self-assessment summary document prepared by the KSU self-assessment preparation group and will now meet with the KSU community for further evaluation. During the three-day visit, experts will meet with the University’s Rector, members of the Council and Senate, heads of academic departments, administrative staff, lecturers, researchers, students, student representatives, alumni, social partners, and other individuals associated with the University’s activities. During the visit, the expert group will also inspect and assess KSU’s infrastructure and meet with individuals responsible for the material base.

You can find the detailed schedule of the external evaluation visit for KSU’s activities: KSU agenda.
