Development Project of NORDPLUS Higher Education Programme



“Development of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017”

Implementation period: September 2017 until October 1st 2018.

On September 2017 Turiba University (Latvia), Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania) and Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland) started to implement NORDPLUS Higher education programme project „Development of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017”.

Nowadays world security is the highest priority of any country, including Baltic and Nordic countries. At the moment world is coping such serious security related issues as migration, cyber-security, economic security and security in organisations and companies. Those are new challenges also for Baltic and Scandinavian countries. This influence security of the society as well as security of individual organisations. That why there is a strong need for specialist and well trained professionals who can ensure security of society and individual.

With this project partners will initiate stronger cooperation and exchange among specialists and lecturers of all partner Universities, review teaching methods and share best practices in order to transfer them from one partner to another. Additionally project will initiate cooperation in preparation and development of the teaching materials related to international and cross-border security issues.

During the project partners will meet in experience exchange seminars in Latvia and Finland, will develop and publish the book on Security issues. This book will be used as a teaching material for Security programme students’. Book will be also available for any interested student or specialist in e-version. Main project results will be presented on final Conference in Riga, spring 2018.

Project is co-financed by NORDPLUS Higher education programme, project number: NPHE-2017/10115.


Project academic managers in Latvia:

Ms.Ivita Kīsnica, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law in Turiba University
Phone: +371 67607662

Mr.Vilnis Veinbergs, Director of Security programme
