DDM4SME Conference on Data Economy Law comming soon

The Center of IP, Media and Innovation Law (University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria) hosts the first DDM4SME Conference on Data Economy Law (DELCON) on June 26, 2023 in Krems (Austria). The conference is jointly organized by the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership consortium consisting of the University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Georg-August-University Goettingen (Germany) and Kazimieras Simonavicius University (Lithuania)

In the modern data economy, data-driven management (DDM) and data-oriented business models require a broad spectrum of competences and skills: an intertwined technical understanding, management know-how and profound legal knowledge. Against this background, the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership “DDM4SME” was initiated in 2020. The goal of the partnership is a research-based development and implementation of a new multinational, transdisciplinary LL.M. Program on Data Economy Law. The Program shall enhance learners’ employability and increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups. The project is nearing completion and the LL.M. Program will start in October 2023.

DELCON 1 is not only meant to be the concluding conference for the project DDM4SME, but also the start of a new conference series – accompanying an innovative study program. It will provide a platform for presentations and discussions covering current issues in the field of data and innovation law.  Presentations at the conference will be centered around: Data, Artificial Intelligence & Beyond: Legal Challenges And Potentials For Startups And Smes In The Data Businesses

Programme: Conference Program DeLCON

Free of Charge

Limited Number of Places Available

Coffee, Snacks and Lunch Included

Registration: ta.ca.inu-uanod@impi
