Achieving Progress in Children’s Welfare: Interdisciplinary and Multilevel Governance Perspectives




On December 1st the international workshop “Achieving Progress in Children’s Welfare: Interdisciplinary and Multilevel Governance Perspectives” took place at Vilnius City Municipality. The workshop was organized by Kazimieras Simonavičius University Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Children Rights and Children’s day centre “Navininkai”.

This workshop aimed to address the question of an interdisciplinary approach in children’s rights related policies and their implementation in order to promote the idea and the role of inter-institutional cooperation for children’s welfare at all levels of governance.

More than 100 specialists from various public institutions and NGOs participated in the workshop. The presentations were made by Ombudsperson for Children’s Rights of the Republic of Lithuania Dr. Edita Žiobienė and 12 scholars and practitioners from Lithuania and foreign countries:

  • Prof. Dr. Steven M. Shardlow (United Kingdom)
  • Cheri Lovre (USA)
  • Prof. Dr. Stefanos Spaneas (Cyprus)
  • Prof. Dr. Theano Kallinikaki (Greece)
  • Dr. Sara Serbati (Italy)
  • Dr. Aida Kišūnaitė (Lithuania)
  • Jolanta Tupko-Mazur (Lithuania)
  • Doc. Dr. Tomas (Lithuania)
  • Doc. Dr. Živilė Vilma Jonynienė (Lithuania)
  • Prof. Dr.Giedrė Kvieskienė (Lithuania)
  • Dr. Eglė Celešienė (Lithuania)
  • Doc. Dr. Justinas Sadauskas (Lithuania)




Presenting the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Children Rights which was established on July, Dr. Aida Kišūnaitė said: “It is important for us, scholars of Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Children Rights, to be heard by legislature and executive institutions because we seek to encourage the complex attitude to children’s rights not only between the members of scholar’s community but also to foster forming researched based politics in the field of children’s rights. The main goal of the international workshop is to attract the attention of society and practitioners towards the implementation of interdisciplinary approach in the field of children’s welfare and to encourage the cooperation between the separate sectors such as social, health, education and legal”.
