A member of the European Parliament Antanas Guoga visited KSU

A member of the European Parliament Antanas Guoga visited Kazimieras Simonavičius University yesterday. KSU Rector prof. dr. Arūnas Augustinaitis and KSU Business School Professor dr. Birutė Teodora Visokavičienė discussed the model of universal base income as an alternative of 21st century poverty, inequality and exclusion. Also, economic assumptions, sustainability and philosophy of adaptation of the universal base income model were discussed during the meeting. Activities and plans of KSU Global Economy Center have been presented as well as the researches carried out by KSU in the field of big data, future foresight and linguistic technologies.

Antanas Guoga and KSU representatives discussed about the development and innovative potential of Lithuania’s regions, economic development and social challenges.
