Digital Aviation Lab is a research unit at Kazimieras Simonavicius University and is a part of Business Innovation School which is focusing in Aviation industry. 

The biggest factor that has changed the way of doing business all over the world in the last century is undoubtedly digitalization. Digitalization makes things faster, more practical and more efficient. Today, digitalization takes place in every business without exception, albeit with different dimensions. Digitalization is more intensely seen in areas as Innovation, Hybrid Working, Artificial Intelligence and communication technologies. 

The aviation sector is also an environment where technology is used extensively, and technological developments are primarily applied. The aviation industry was one of the pioneers of digitalization as the field that made the biggest investments in terms of efficiency and security. 

The global aviation sector is becoming increasingly complex, so it’s essential to apply new ways of thinking to develop innovative digital solutions. In this context, KSU’s Digital Aviation Lab is keen to examine and research new technologies and new management strategies used in the aviation industry and to find application areas for new technologies and ideas. In accordance with this purpose industry, academic and public sector collaboration is vital important in order to identify and mitigate risk, reveal new opportunities, and solve real world problems. Digital Aviation Lab will be a key enabler to accelerate the development of innovative digital solutions and new management strategies. Digital Aviation Lab provides a hub for innovation, collaboration, and partnership for future generations. 

Digital Aviation Lab also provides services, research-based activities and trainings such as Sustainability, Digital Transformation, Safety and Security Awareness, Quality Management, Human Resources Management, evTOL and Urban Air Taxis Mobility and other for business in aviation.

Head of Business Innovation School

phd candidate, lect. Deimantė Žilinskienė

Deimantė Žilinskienė has more than 8 years’ experience in leading projects in the areas of higher education monitoring and research, BA and MA level study programmes design and management, aviation management, human resources management, entrepreneurship and education governance at national institutions and private organisations (the Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre, Mykolas Romeris University, the Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Kazimieras Simonavičius University). She teaches social science methodology related subjects, also she participates in scientifical projects such as EUCA Invest (Investing in Entrepreneurial Universities in Caucasus and Central Asia), SI-DRIVE (Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change), Gamification, Aviation Management and ICT projects, actively participating in Erasmus+ teaching mobility programme. Deimantė Žilinskienė is a Head at KSU’s Business Innovations School from 2017 and is an expert in Lithuanian Standards Board (ISO) and is a National Expert at Global ISO /TC 260/WG 11 Learning and Development Group with ISO standards in Learning and Development fields. From 2022 she studies in doctoral studies in the field of Management. From 2023 she was elected as Secretary General and Managing Director of Lithuania’s National Aviation Association (LAVIA). Deimantė is a co-author of 3 scientific books and has up to 12 scientific international artticles in management, aviation industry and higher education areas. 

Coordinator of Digital Aviation Lab

assoc. prof. dr. Salim Kurnaz

Salim Kurnaz has more than 22 years of experience in aviation. He worked as a maintenance technician, quality control technician and maintenance instructor in the Turkish Armed Forces between 1997-2020. He worked at Joint Force Command (JFCBS) Brunssum/ Netherlands between 20010-2013. He received his Bachelor of Public Management degree from Anadolu University in 2005; first master’s degree in International Relations from Oklahoma University Oklahoma/USA in 2013 and second master’s degree in Business Management from Malatya Inönü University in 2018. He received his doctorate degree in 2019 from Malatya Inönü University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Department of Management Sciences. He continues his studies in the fields of aviation management, contemporary management systems, strategic management, and behavioral sciences. He is also an associate professor in Aviation Management study programme at Kazimieras Simonavicius University, from 2022 he he is a post-doctoral researcher at the University. Salim is an author and editor of international scientific books in aviation. 

Other Researchers:

Assoc.Prof. Didem Rodoplu Sahin

Assoc.Prof. Savaş Selahattin Ateş

Assist.Prof. Cenk Erkin

Young Researchers / Students:

Veronika Peffkova, KSU’s Aviation Management student

Vladimir Budesco, KSU’s Aviation Management student

Magd Ghantus, KSU’s Aviation Management student

For more information and collaboration let’s contact:

Head of Business Innovation School

phd candidate, lect. Deimantė Žilinskienė


Coordinator of Digital Aviation Lab

assoc. prof. dr. Salim Kurnaz